Many thoughts cause me to feel that we should have our meetings somewhere else besides room 4. What I really like about 345 is that it has a window for people to look out at, when people are feeling pretty dazed out about their lives. It also feels good to look at the blue sky sometimes. There are about 50 seats in this room as well, which is more than ample and can attract people into thinking that we are a huge club. Finally, Bits and Chips has a club long time ago, where they have had meetings somewhere else besides room 4. The Lord has blessed me with a good club to lead, even though it has been ugly at the start. Jesus has died on the cross to save his believers from dying in a miserable world and ending up in eternal damnation. The Bible describes hell as a lake of fire. This is supposed to be encouraging in that the believers now have a perfect mediator to connect with God. For God so loved the world, He gave his only son Jesus to die for our sins.
The best characters in the Bible are like Moses, King David, and several good figures. These people have served God really well, and God is unchanging and stable. God is perfect, whereas people age and change and rot because of their sins. The Holy Spirit is there to reach all of us willing to get to have a closer relationship with the Lord.
It's time to pray before each meeting and to grant requests from members. It is important to give unconvicted hearts a chance to reach a fellowship that used to be secular.
Some ideas that I want to work on is creating a chatroom from nearly scratch and adding voice functions on it because it would be cool to learn about it. It is also going to be useful in helping people. We can have online sessions and sometimes gather for playing cards for like an hour. It doesn't have to be perfectly the way I see it. It is all about what God has it for us to do in allowance.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Social Drunkard
The reason why I made the title a highlight is because a friend of mine was on the booze. He talked to me and told me arrogantly about how he could get anyone to join the CSS club. CSS stands for computer science society, and he said CSS society. I thought it was pretty wierd to think, Computer Science Society Society when you are drunk. We ended up playing horse at the basketball court. He made some tough shots, but I ended up slaughtering him because I did not want to lose a shot to a drunk guy. I had previously warmed up earlier in the day buy making five free throws in a row. It took me nearly an hour to make all of those shots.
This guy was taking some CS classes by the time that I was writing this. He claimed that every CS senior should be an executive officer in this club. It sounded silly because I know these people don't really want to do it because they were pretty lame people. These people were the graduating seniors of 2005 and not too many were cool about being part of a club they thought was dead. Not even a single hint of the struggles made a dime for them. I felt I deserved to banter them like that.
Getting back to these seniors, I thought about my friend Tim, who enjoys smoking and drinking occasionally. I met an officer of the school, and he told me he had a few licks corresponding to whatever amount of alcohol. I thought it was okay, but for Tim he acted very whoozy, and I meant it to sound funny. He ended up missing some easy shots and made it look so bizarre without any grace. He challenged me, and I decided to play along because I didn't really want to see him get upset. I said I would grant his requests because I agreed with some of the matters he had said.
I felt you can't really replace all the guys who had come to you in the first place because they were throned above all the others as the best. I thought to myself that he won't remember much of this incident because he drunk a little too much. I hoped to myself that he drank some water to ease the head cramps when he gets them. I believed at the time that he was a happy drunk. A football got smashed into his head, and he still felt happy at the person who threw it. It was very mean of course because they threw it twice.
I knew about a girl watching us play some basketball, and I didn't know if Tim and her had any relationship. I was glad to swiss a lot of the shots when I played Tim. I was sort of under the pressure of making some shots, so that the match would end quick. I believed at the time of the end of this writing that I would wake up with a few cramps on my knees and thighs for using them so much during basketball.
This guy was taking some CS classes by the time that I was writing this. He claimed that every CS senior should be an executive officer in this club. It sounded silly because I know these people don't really want to do it because they were pretty lame people. These people were the graduating seniors of 2005 and not too many were cool about being part of a club they thought was dead. Not even a single hint of the struggles made a dime for them. I felt I deserved to banter them like that.
Getting back to these seniors, I thought about my friend Tim, who enjoys smoking and drinking occasionally. I met an officer of the school, and he told me he had a few licks corresponding to whatever amount of alcohol. I thought it was okay, but for Tim he acted very whoozy, and I meant it to sound funny. He ended up missing some easy shots and made it look so bizarre without any grace. He challenged me, and I decided to play along because I didn't really want to see him get upset. I said I would grant his requests because I agreed with some of the matters he had said.
I felt you can't really replace all the guys who had come to you in the first place because they were throned above all the others as the best. I thought to myself that he won't remember much of this incident because he drunk a little too much. I hoped to myself that he drank some water to ease the head cramps when he gets them. I believed at the time that he was a happy drunk. A football got smashed into his head, and he still felt happy at the person who threw it. It was very mean of course because they threw it twice.
I knew about a girl watching us play some basketball, and I didn't know if Tim and her had any relationship. I was glad to swiss a lot of the shots when I played Tim. I was sort of under the pressure of making some shots, so that the match would end quick. I believed at the time of the end of this writing that I would wake up with a few cramps on my knees and thighs for using them so much during basketball.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Wierd Thought
I know everyone has their own talents, and preferably knows what to do with their lives. Take for instance, Top Genius, my friend and the Vice President of this club who I want to take over this club after I'm gone. He enjoys browsing the internet for software and updates related to computers in general. When one uses Linux, it requires a lot of dedication to figuring out what computer concepts are. There's another fellow by the name of Evil Mac Genius, who is the club advisor and a really good CS teacher. He prefers keeping it simple and enjoying the cool designs Appleware comes up with. If you factor me in, I'm really a life that seems to go beserk sometimes because things go off and on around here. After being totally clueless to how the people function for a very long time, I am phasing back in, and it has been long for me to accept Christ into my life again, again, and again.
I feel slightly saddened for messing up all the time. I have never really been good at first time trials. The value I have learned is patience, off of my life's mistakes. It's like playing basketball and just shooting over and over until your shots go in, finally! I never really had a talent for reading and studying, but I have kept on going at it without giving up. Sometimes, the feeling became so dramatic I could not continue any longer. There came a period in all my twenty unit friends, where we all felt empty in pursuing after an academic mission. I do not know to what degree, but for me, I became absolutely sickened for awhile in having to stay awake all the time, falling asleep in classes, and not getting the grades I felt I deserved. It is a period of mischievousness when one develops a sarcastic attitude. It sure can be funny to observants, but to me I felt anger at a lot of people.
It does not matter what I thought these people did because everyone has their pet peeves. By learning about the truth, which is so difficult if you can't talk to the person directly, I became more confident about fishing for more members in this club. It is obvious no one is perfect. I thought to myself, I used to be a person who could do everything on his own. In fact, I have but not to a degree that pleases people. I know that without the truth of all things, people will feel that others are vicious to them. For example, people don't show up to a meeting and a conceived thought goes around in how everyone is making fun of a club. This is not a healthy image to feel.
One of the most difficult things that an independent leader can't do is ask for answers. It is so hard for them to open themselves up to controversial matters because they already have the sight set on a conceived simple model. Not many can rise to the occasion for breaking the ice. Being an ice breaker can also have its rewards because you find new things, but sometimes it is for the worst. A friend of mine used to always travel to the full usage of his brain to get advantages for himself. It would be a habit and very difficult to pass up. I in fact have felt the pain all the time of people making any excuse for not showing up to the meetings I have tried to host on my own. It truly isn't easy being the chairman of a club that doesn't have lackluster.
There's an answer to an inside question for why I keep trying to progress with the development of this club. There are new things to try out and new principles to learn about making a successful business. It becomes a passion to figure out how much one should not care about the opposition. Instead of trying to just force people to come, it's a good time to figure out what qualified people need in their lives. I have not been able to figure out why people might think of me as a jerk, or why I have been sinking below the average. I have unusally been cautious about approaching women, but maybe staying away from a few might be in fact a bad thing, both ways! A good school is wonderful to attend to. You have diversity, challenging instructors, smart and beautiful women, great developing friendships, and many trials to figure out what you absolutely stand for in life. What's your take in life especially besides an occasional pizza with beer? What about things to do with your friends?
I feel slightly saddened for messing up all the time. I have never really been good at first time trials. The value I have learned is patience, off of my life's mistakes. It's like playing basketball and just shooting over and over until your shots go in, finally! I never really had a talent for reading and studying, but I have kept on going at it without giving up. Sometimes, the feeling became so dramatic I could not continue any longer. There came a period in all my twenty unit friends, where we all felt empty in pursuing after an academic mission. I do not know to what degree, but for me, I became absolutely sickened for awhile in having to stay awake all the time, falling asleep in classes, and not getting the grades I felt I deserved. It is a period of mischievousness when one develops a sarcastic attitude. It sure can be funny to observants, but to me I felt anger at a lot of people.
It does not matter what I thought these people did because everyone has their pet peeves. By learning about the truth, which is so difficult if you can't talk to the person directly, I became more confident about fishing for more members in this club. It is obvious no one is perfect. I thought to myself, I used to be a person who could do everything on his own. In fact, I have but not to a degree that pleases people. I know that without the truth of all things, people will feel that others are vicious to them. For example, people don't show up to a meeting and a conceived thought goes around in how everyone is making fun of a club. This is not a healthy image to feel.
One of the most difficult things that an independent leader can't do is ask for answers. It is so hard for them to open themselves up to controversial matters because they already have the sight set on a conceived simple model. Not many can rise to the occasion for breaking the ice. Being an ice breaker can also have its rewards because you find new things, but sometimes it is for the worst. A friend of mine used to always travel to the full usage of his brain to get advantages for himself. It would be a habit and very difficult to pass up. I in fact have felt the pain all the time of people making any excuse for not showing up to the meetings I have tried to host on my own. It truly isn't easy being the chairman of a club that doesn't have lackluster.
There's an answer to an inside question for why I keep trying to progress with the development of this club. There are new things to try out and new principles to learn about making a successful business. It becomes a passion to figure out how much one should not care about the opposition. Instead of trying to just force people to come, it's a good time to figure out what qualified people need in their lives. I have not been able to figure out why people might think of me as a jerk, or why I have been sinking below the average. I have unusally been cautious about approaching women, but maybe staying away from a few might be in fact a bad thing, both ways! A good school is wonderful to attend to. You have diversity, challenging instructors, smart and beautiful women, great developing friendships, and many trials to figure out what you absolutely stand for in life. What's your take in life especially besides an occasional pizza with beer? What about things to do with your friends?
Friday, July 15, 2005
Car Accident Posts
I have been lately unhealthy with my socializing ability because I won't break out of my shell at clubs. Just joking. I've been unusually tempted at becoming vulnerable of being unhappy and envious to people who share a good life already. What I'm aiming at is, the parked car I hit is owned by a young married couple. They have children and assume a nice home because their kids play sports. I don't know what account I had of when I whacked their fender by moving in forward! I did this at the parking lot. I felt devastated and thought I did a really horrible thing because it's like hitting someone's prized possession, a baby of some sort, a suburban. Those are somehow cars I've grown to understand as something positive to a man's love of cars.
Okay, I've been very sensitive to this issue. I can't seem to make up my mind in how to go about this. Furthermore, this is really funny is that they haven't pursued after my money in about a year now. I have prayed about this incident once, and I don't know if that had a good effect. I can't simply come barging into their hospitality because I would be tempted to lust after something I don't have and that's a married wife. I have to stay out of this lookout. The husband seems to be a really nice man, but the wife is a very independent-like woman who is very expressive of herself. I don't want to feel extremely bad after coming out of this house. I prefer a more professional setting now because I've grown up into a singled man. I don't like the idea of the man's wife being the moderator to this whole incident.
I like to think of myself with my new image as confident and pursuant of the chosen woman for me to marry. I am starting to feel a lot of passion of wanting to feel good by having an intimate relationship with the aftermath of a healthy marriage. I don't think I will single in a lot of beautiful girls for now. I have yet to absolve my nasty past of looking at porn and start being able to move into a more positive direction for myself. The regrets are wholy unsubtle and so I want to rely on God as much as Paul the Apostle did. Make that, more than the Apostle because my faith corresponds with this burning passion. I am getting at not living a life of regrets from doing evil acts, but instead sowing in good acts to reap better rewards in life.
Okay, I've been very sensitive to this issue. I can't seem to make up my mind in how to go about this. Furthermore, this is really funny is that they haven't pursued after my money in about a year now. I have prayed about this incident once, and I don't know if that had a good effect. I can't simply come barging into their hospitality because I would be tempted to lust after something I don't have and that's a married wife. I have to stay out of this lookout. The husband seems to be a really nice man, but the wife is a very independent-like woman who is very expressive of herself. I don't want to feel extremely bad after coming out of this house. I prefer a more professional setting now because I've grown up into a singled man. I don't like the idea of the man's wife being the moderator to this whole incident.
I like to think of myself with my new image as confident and pursuant of the chosen woman for me to marry. I am starting to feel a lot of passion of wanting to feel good by having an intimate relationship with the aftermath of a healthy marriage. I don't think I will single in a lot of beautiful girls for now. I have yet to absolve my nasty past of looking at porn and start being able to move into a more positive direction for myself. The regrets are wholy unsubtle and so I want to rely on God as much as Paul the Apostle did. Make that, more than the Apostle because my faith corresponds with this burning passion. I am getting at not living a life of regrets from doing evil acts, but instead sowing in good acts to reap better rewards in life.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Personal Update
I would love to become a better student because it is what God is intending me to become. I tried to play poker again, and this time the signal didn't keep up enough to let me play on the internet. I think this was a sign of God's work because the network is so healthy. I was so stressed out because this shows with a sarcastic attitude, I reluctantly developed. I had always wanted to make this stop. While I did homework, I cursed outloud to myself and around nobody. I said mean things to myself that I knew were not true. I needed to stop, and so I prayed about it.
When I read the Bible today, I found many wise-cracked ideas on it. I used to hear how people don't like to be told how to live. I usually didn't like it either. The verse I picked up said to live long and prosper and to develop away from evil doings. We judged and have been judged, so we could definately feel good being called nice things from doing purely good and lovely acts. I read Eccelesiastes, chapter 11, I think at!
When I read the Bible today, I found many wise-cracked ideas on it. I used to hear how people don't like to be told how to live. I usually didn't like it either. The verse I picked up said to live long and prosper and to develop away from evil doings. We judged and have been judged, so we could definately feel good being called nice things from doing purely good and lovely acts. I read Eccelesiastes, chapter 11, I think at!
Thursday, July 07, 2005
The show must go on
I made several mistakes yesturday, and I cannot hold a quiet audience accountable for my regrets. The first thing I did was play Texas Hold Em' for about six hours straight. Actually, make that eight hours. I was having so much fun making fake money and figuring out what people's hands were without seeing them. I should not have done this because I am a student and have a priority. My priority is to serve Christ and I cannot cheat this opportunity by doing something else I shouldn't be doing.
A second mistake I made was not making deposit of $800, which I have in my wallet. I owe a family $700 because I slammed into their fender on a parking lot. I can't believe I did this stupid act! I was so tired that day and did not know what I was doing simply because I couldn't read or visualize anything complex that day.
I forgot to update my pictures and disappointed one of you, which is me. Me! Me! Me! I disappointed me! When I have time, I will place photos on this blog site. I am going to pay the family $700 next week. I am also going to stop playing Texas Hold Em' for now, even though I am very good at it. I could just play a little bit when my priorities are like super slow. That's the only time I will do it.
Writing is a natural thing for me now because I can type whatever I feel like. I could grab some more ideas by majoring as a writier, but I don't really have the time for doing that because I don't really want to. The thing that does not make me want to become a writer is that I need to please an audience I am so unsure of. If I could know this, then I would have been a writer. I could start by socializing more and joining a group that is pretty out of this world. I prefer being a job holder at a church. Despite all the beliefs people have against me, I want to be a Computer Scientist. I feel it is God's calling. Somehow, I am developing a lot stronger from being a computer science major because I am finding a greater detail of my learning disorders and life disorders.
A second mistake I made was not making deposit of $800, which I have in my wallet. I owe a family $700 because I slammed into their fender on a parking lot. I can't believe I did this stupid act! I was so tired that day and did not know what I was doing simply because I couldn't read or visualize anything complex that day.
I forgot to update my pictures and disappointed one of you, which is me. Me! Me! Me! I disappointed me! When I have time, I will place photos on this blog site. I am going to pay the family $700 next week. I am also going to stop playing Texas Hold Em' for now, even though I am very good at it. I could just play a little bit when my priorities are like super slow. That's the only time I will do it.
Writing is a natural thing for me now because I can type whatever I feel like. I could grab some more ideas by majoring as a writier, but I don't really have the time for doing that because I don't really want to. The thing that does not make me want to become a writer is that I need to please an audience I am so unsure of. If I could know this, then I would have been a writer. I could start by socializing more and joining a group that is pretty out of this world. I prefer being a job holder at a church. Despite all the beliefs people have against me, I want to be a Computer Scientist. I feel it is God's calling. Somehow, I am developing a lot stronger from being a computer science major because I am finding a greater detail of my learning disorders and life disorders.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Who Whee
The splitting headache has caused me to name today's title. I am sitting here at the computer lab right now, and it's pretty warm today. Noone is in here except for a girl and me.
This photo shows me entering a haven because all these computers are vacant. This is an unusual situation because it gets packed in here during all other quarters, especially at this time of the day.
I recently took a photo of Salloum who was taking a stroll down the vacant University quad.
Salloum had sunglasses on. He is teaching CS 365 and CS 480 right now. The best teacher for those classes. If you look closer, he is giving me a thumbs up and having a good chuckle.
Yesturday, I took a photo of a familiar friend we can all relate to somehow.
It's pretty sad I forgot this guy's name. Let me take a guess, is it Alex. That's it, Alex.
The photos take awhile and so I will work on making them work a little later today. I am busy with school today.
This photo shows me entering a haven because all these computers are vacant. This is an unusual situation because it gets packed in here during all other quarters, especially at this time of the day.
I recently took a photo of Salloum who was taking a stroll down the vacant University quad.
Salloum had sunglasses on. He is teaching CS 365 and CS 480 right now. The best teacher for those classes. If you look closer, he is giving me a thumbs up and having a good chuckle.
Yesturday, I took a photo of a familiar friend we can all relate to somehow.
It's pretty sad I forgot this guy's name. Let me take a guess, is it Alex. That's it, Alex.
The photos take awhile and so I will work on making them work a little later today. I am busy with school today.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
It's true I could be using myspace now, but I already have left an impression on myself to keep using this site. I will be posting at least once per week and at the most seven per week. If you have accessed this site with the computer you are using, you should click on the refresh button. I can now see that if I go over some things over my head the first time, then the second time things will go a lot smoother for me. I am planning on attending church a lot more now.
Golden Springs Calvary Chapel is offering Kung fu classes on Monday and Tuesday at 7 pm. No, I am not Chinese but I did get a black belt in Tae Kwon Do when I was fifteen. I hardly recall becoming competitive because I was so out of shape. I can see uploading images will take a lot of time with this server. I did pick up a book on being a webmaster and so that might help me in designing a very suitable website for everyone. I will have to work on my classes now even though I am bored of them already.

Golden Springs Calvary Chapel is offering Kung fu classes on Monday and Tuesday at 7 pm. No, I am not Chinese but I did get a black belt in Tae Kwon Do when I was fifteen. I hardly recall becoming competitive because I was so out of shape. I can see uploading images will take a lot of time with this server. I did pick up a book on being a webmaster and so that might help me in designing a very suitable website for everyone. I will have to work on my classes now even though I am bored of them already.

This photo was taken at the famous winery in LA County. It is only one! I took a snapshot of family and grandma (mom's side).
Monday, July 04, 2005
July 4th is over
For those who don't know yet, this is going to be the third week of school. People don't know yet that I got into a fight with a professor, HK Liu over some grading policy. He administratively dropped me because I won the argument. Oh well, I can't take him for the summer so I have been sticking around so far. I should make it out after the fall. I now have a 7.1 Megapixel digital camera from Nikon. The 7900 Coolpix is loaded with 16 scene modes and has some night vision. It features what they call D-lighting. I'm using a 512 MB SanDisk card, which is a pretty good brand and a rechargable battery with an EL prefix. I have two of those batteries. I'm going to post a picture here, this is a picture of me which my dad took a shot of at home: Hopefully this came out and it did!

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About Me
- 4AverageLife
- I'm just sharing my thoughts and don't expect much out of it with everybody. It's really fun for me to just write about anything that's on my mind. I know some people will know who I am in person because I've had my real name up so long.