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Saturday, December 30, 2006
My Retirement From Video Games
Diligent soldier swiftly blasted off to the skies.
Arms and legs badly bruised and burnt off.
Partially decapitated, stiff-back and neck at my retirement party.
Arms tied in a knot like I was in a straight-jacket.
My pronunciations are nothing but babble.
"Buh buh, viv gamma whorl," I've had a phenomonal blast.
I jetted up in excitment and finished off the enemy.
Bye bye video game world.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Not Bad
Inner sighs of lifeless loves.
Boredom that hits with a killing streak.
Locked in a personal cage, all from one's choices.
Head which uses air should remain still.
Body that adjusts to survival, to standards.
Unique individuals, gifted senses, the envied.
Vacation in all the four seasons, trouble-making!
Web of ebb to a dweeb like me-ca-bob.
Kidding around, basically joking about my aimlessness.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Unordered Reasons #1
Believe me, I hate other's people comedy and I'm like so egotistical about my funniness but sometimes can't help it. People don't really laugh when I think it's funny, don't know why. Maybe I'm just a left-handed, farfetched imbecile who believes in joking with good manners. People like literally take me seriously and at some ends, they totally disregard my comments. There's also this case where if I say stuff, people laugh at me when I'm not in a jokeful mood. It doesn't hurt now, and I held it in for so long. I get a lot of chances to be straight-forward, mainly on the telly. I guess that kind of interaction is meant for practical stuff, but on the outside surface with everybody, it's just plain cool to be yourself.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Corny life
Dumb as it sounds, a gamer on the run.
Piano music that pains every living soul.
Horrific banging noises to life's most delicate pieces.
Just one game per day, not five-hundred cigarettes in a day.
To be the very best at time-management.
Results that are worth knowing,
Hackers that ruin deceptively good-looking software.
No payment by regulars but dumb merchants.
City of this great place for strikers.
Movement of medicinal dosages with stupid games.
Computers, technologies, what's the use?
Only to bring more misery in this God-forsaken world.
Its number-crunching brings in more harder problems to solve.
Ignorance that was once valued, but not anymore because of machines.
Hail to the machine king!
Liver swapping, heart doners, machine givers!
Side-effects and protections of complaints.
River-dancing til noontime, hazing the new Sundance kid.
Reaping rewards of nothing but bittersweet treats.
My sobbing lives on forever.
Places of refuge-that old friend's treehouse.
Ding, ding, ding.
My doorbell just rang.
Click, click, click on the mouse.
Drive yourself away, change your pace.
Freedom at last from my laments.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
How does it feel like to be a gamer?
Now moving on to the lighter side about gaming, it's just plain cool to be proud that you are an addict and can say you're not a druggie. Coming home from a stressful school day and your brain is just about tired, instead of falling asleep you have to meet up for example, with your online bud (I did say I'm not too friendly with the internet) and complete a time-consuming quest until supper. It relieves a lot of that bad grogginess within yourself and is worth getting scolded by my mom. My mom is a killer on the lose when I mind my gaming business and don't give her the attention she needs. It's not everyday that a poor, average guy can feel he's worth something by completing a tough role-playing mission. To conclude, gamers are very passionate about it and consistent intelligent people who will grow up to rule this world. They find entertainment elsewhere from being a couch potato or a music-share hunter. Gamers are clearly focused about their mission and will lead them to view themselves in a CEO's shoes.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Dating Tips and anti-porno life
I just hate porn these days, let's be honest. The world thinks that the internet revolves around porn, a multi-billion dollar industry. I'm going to be blunt and this isn't meant for offending some, pornography gives people the idea to go masturbate freely! Masturbation satisfies alot of people temporarily and then the excitement leaves. It gives some nutjobs the desire to destroy a perfectly innocent girl's dreams, hopes, will to live, childhood, education, healthy family and relationships, friendships, assertiveness, ideas, and to top it off; add to her current struggles. It's just plain mean to watch someone's sex tape that's gone out of hand. I admit that I've been a passive jerk all my life, all because of my stupid decisions!
To see myself dead in the water and resuscitating over small matters, I don't think we all have time to engage in masturbation. Trust me, in time your perfect wife can fix your premature state. Can't get tired of a working marriage, but will get tired of imperfect porn stars. The smarter choice is obvious, sacrifice the worse for the better. Just as a chess player would sacrifice his pawn for a knight anyday. It's just more pure to not to rush to masturbate and to enjoy the ultimate experience with an attractive woman. Porn will neuter you, and take away the sense of sharing everything with your closest friend in a marriage. For some advice to adult film addicts, try to make room for a trip to an accurate Bible-teaching ministry.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Siblings to Drunkness to Bad Parenting
Family in blood, no friends just acquaintances at heart.
Respect lies in one direction, from younger to older.
Poison that spits out of the mouth, fighting and grieving.
Just need to ask with a cool personality, then just about anything.
Watching and awaiting, songs of pure love that conquers all fears.
Out of mainstream, who can sometimes blame their bad norms.
Honesty lies with judgement at heart, nicer is the stronger.
Lack of communication skills with both parties, boringness in one.
Attempts to be conniving, manipulative, and acceptable.
Dying youth, drinking to fill an empty void of self-worthlessness.
Uninteresting and procrastinating, no social gifts under these circumstances.
Uncaring about times of exuberant ignorance, filled with sorrow riches.
Drowning in the pool of drunkeness, peace is unmade with outer appearance.
Bundled up in innate smelliness, ridiculous passions that are uncontrollable.
Edification and ridiculous jokes revealing themselves, hearts hidden in their sleaves.
Fighting is done against the norm sometimes, regardless of who it deals with.
Weakness in justifications, violence in speech to shut down moral standards.
Raising vocal fists to be assertive and an unnecessary battle begins.
Degenerative, unelaborative, and stupid side away from social respect.
Unrevealing these things, allowing the other party to continue in this mess.
Jokingly and wittingly breaking their defenses, the attacker loses with a heart's notice.
Morality under circumstances of agape is the golden rule of our creator, let's have fun with it.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Auditor's Theme
Willingness to lose and happiness to make it.
Unsettled risks, too many self-worries.
Desire to center elsewhere.
Neutral about self, faith-complete.
Structural imaginations, self-righteousness.
Hurtful pasts, unchangable heart.
Mistakes about life, developmental routines.
Uninterested golden rules, fulfilling them with smiles.
Strength in pride to remain stable, stubborn at heart.
Ideal riches, capitalistic barriers.
Talented passions, jealousies and strife.
Meaningful friendships, greatest simple treasures.
Errant and distressing, communication undesirable.
Research and environment very limited feeling.
Unhumble begets becoming poorer in spirit.
Incredible hurts and unstrengthening visions.
Stress triggers no memories.
Pain associates with the bad.
Relaxion never completes under distressful times.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Disciple of Scorn
Depression and sorrow, no explanation.
Struggles and torture, temptations.
Dying feelings of personal wit,
Hasty actions without considerations.
Loss of economic value for life.
More than a walking vegetable.
Flying higher and above closest friends.
Family strife, complaints, and dumminess.
Emotive after emotive with themes of enlightment.
Artful and disdainful, no structure.
Challenges lie ahead with imputent manners.
Her paths are ungraceful and scornful just as her tongue.
Untactful, undeceitful, and fully aware of her selfishness.
Finding no salvation, burnt out about undying lusts.
Coined phrases, demystified ways and means to strive for,
Youthful barriers keep her from mature completion.
No better than what will lie ahead, always limited.
An unprofessional, unlife-like, extreme poverty, and death to self.
Only one direction and fulfilment to preach, inspire, and edify.
Random poem
Fighting and hustling, programming my mind.
Controversy, switching around doing my thing.
Not listening to people, ignorant fool!
Be on the right side, motivated.
Unleash the animal from within, kill it kill it.
Just chill and drop back to the abyss.
Drinking and boozing partying, uplifting chemistry.
Costumes and all fun but who cares.
Let go of the inhibitions.
Strong morals and unsettled desires.
Too much past pain, too much destruction.
No desire to express, dying within the flesh.
Being poor and young.
Foolishness and nothingness.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
"3's a crowd" Memoir
90% is review and 10% is intuition, where intuition is instantaneous and you spend most of time reviewing.
Questions that embark you on a curious journey are the driving force of education.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Poetic Junk
Marking people in my dreams, faking reality by escaping it through healthy means.
Video games are lots of fun, but there seems to be no way out.
Temperments take me to a new level of ease.
Finding justice over my personal anguish has brought me lower.
Having fears of increasing circumstances, of doing so much.
Not a perfect creature by all means and well people are just plain better than me.
I know what drives me is my desire to express myself.
Being alone with no help really burdens me.
Uncomfortable talks are perferably not to be reckoned with.
Messy rooms and irreversible entropy, the universe will someday change with a boom.
Movies that depict the idealism, which people want in life and so many choices.
Interesting people who seem to never change for the better, knowing self-criticism.
Friends who express a major and stable emotion, which is very predictable.
Enjoyable details and yet through desire of short healthy fun, I revert to easy fun.
Challenges make me personally uneasy with talented people.
How talent is visible in others through interacting with them in an observant manner.
To live peacably whatsoever feel no envy and pride of respectively others and self.
My tongue initiates a bunch of acts, some that are more regrettable.
It is like expressing one's desires fill the individual with dedication.
Paradoxically, it is foolish to chatter these desires with strangers.
To tell them to a stranger would cause you to be envied, or even worse to envy them.
The things that matter are what I would like to experience the most.
Communication means nervousness, tension, anxiety attacks, and unimaginable work- worry.
Relationships are like formed through personal experiences and a developed model of attending to people.
Brain crunching, being physically active, and increasing reading are not much with little background.
Gee, it really hurts to blame it on those closest to you.
Expressing a repressed dissatisfaction by making positive associations with the norm.
Defending the personal view of a norm to the highest sense possible.
Too normal of a everything to find a support group.
Family background, personal attitude, compatibility with others, and experience equate to conclusion.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Letter to Katie
You commented on my Steve Irwin video post a month ago at my blog. I'm really flattered a stranger popped in to leave any comment. Reading through your comment, I thought Steve Irwin was your hubby. In effect, I felt very touched to read a passionate paragraph about how he was a great animal care-taker.
To put it straight about your second post, worrying too much can lead you to mistrusting God. However, there is a good kind of worry for your loved ones. By placing our worries through prayers to God, I can assure you more intimacy as a result.
I've been a Christian from second grade and that makes it about sixteen years now, as a born-again believer. I know from experience what it's like to face all scopes of worries, especially feeling left out and intimidated by evil doers. I used to be very vulnerable to people's influence and wanted to always protect my image. I've had a hard time witnessing to others around people who were blasphemening. To sum it all up, I just decided to go through with it as I did in accepting Christ at the age of six.
Everything changed by following after a really simple calling. I beseech you to just answer His call, when you notice yours. There is nothing to fear in God's perfect love for you!
Friday, October 20, 2006
1 John 4:18-19.
God's love is so evident in His sacrifice of Christ on the calvary. It's our turn to do God a favor, by placing our heart's trust in the one who reigns on the throne in heaven! 1 John 1:9 states if we admit and turn away from our sins, God will forgive through the blood of Christ. This is the most noble act anyone can do, and it is to forgive a criminal for doing a heinous act. We are all deserving of capital punishment, according to His Law.
In conclusion, a remarkable pastor says to go along with it and you'll see the amazing works God is doing with your life.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
We are so self-reliant upon ourselves these days. Perhaps, people don't want to ask so often as they should. There are several reasonings behind all this thinking. One side of the issue brings out another opposition or perhaps takes a neutral standpoint. Times get rough often and to be able to suck it up is easy when you have an excuse. Wrestling with millions of conflicts and having wierd modes of emotions does not constitute the most stable student. Through sheer will and determination, finding ways to solve a bothering problem brings a lighter scope of days. Things are pretend, I'm not the most smart individual but have a pretty handsome figure in top of that quite a feisty personality. I believe I have amicability from learning how not to be spoiled in good times and pessimistic in bad times. I must be a blessing to some in their lives, and I don't know how I've come to command this respect from others. I'm just a dummy who tries really hard to make it through with a successful run. Proudness isn't the end result, nor is gaining something with knowledge. It's just a meaningless thing that makes me feel good, but I'm proud that I do it for obeying God.
With all this random filth I've composed of, I find logging some things will help me become more less in talent and greater at exposing personal experiences with grace. I could very well be a jack-of-all-trades with very low aptitude in all of them, compared to someone who excels at learning one of them. With the amount of time I spend, I am finding I need to spend more time which is a big heartache to my ego. I'm sure I will someday find shortcuts to make it through.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Living At Large
Life coming at a cost most of the time.
Lack of appreciation to important people should be minimized.
Struggles to make an end's meet.
Studying hard or a time to do anything.
To reach satisfaction in life, to let go of dumb things.
Finding a lot of things, one's judgement needs to be keen.
Persuasion from the worst is better than laziness.
Desirable plans to reach and personal bads to avoid.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
Lover Boy
Eunuch he was for so long.
Humble in appearance and handsome as well.
An intellectual being he has become.
Mature from the start and attentive to his love.
Great struggles he heaped like coal.
Trophies of glory after tribulation.
Clay to the master of the universe.
Servant to agape, the strongest form of love.
Fun stuff to try to comprehend.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Way Of Satisfaction
Control from within is gearing to satisfaction.
Finding the natural satisfactions lies in belief.
Idealism with reason brings doubters to their knees.
Sensibility and lack of selfishness is a great state of being.
Formulated paths that lead nowhere.
The brain wishes to relax, but it keeps pumping.
Strength from within and the stubbornness.
Joys and the pain of completion.
Finding heart to follow through, which is incomprehendible.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Millions of Thoughts
Adjusting along the way, brought me times to recall.
Being in this day-dreamy state, little progress was made.
Now, it is your turn to surpass me.
To make a better end's meet and become a collegue.
Competing brought worse results, understanding was prudent.
Variables that can't be fathomed from the body involving involuntariness.
Pains of execution that formed underneath my mind.
Lack of attentiveness going away, good emotions becoming great.
It's hard to stay constantly motivated.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Picking Up
The mind is just so swallowed up on things.
Not having too many worries, just need to keep it simple.
The randomness jittered inside of me.
Humor that can get totally persistent and annoying.
Understanding takes prowess and time.
Fitting stuff into one's agenda is so tough.
Prayers are so useful to the Lord.
Finding streams and waves of mercy.
Moments to shine will someday arise.
Lacking in doing things is preposterous.
Sarcasms that never end sometimes.
Ongoing chit-chat that can lead nowhere.
Attractiveness has its purpose.
Once again non-stop aggression to the end.
Ruling Dimension
Vivid dreams that set goals.
Positive, personal songs that revive your soul.
Following the heart out of being deceived.
Crossing the river, more or less a road to life.
Being on top of things, having comfortness.
Undiscerning of all evils and having good heart's intentions.
Feeling abused, rejected, and scared in troublesome times.
The fist of the world can't reach out to the alienated.
Many call themselves good in hypothetical situations.
The love, hatred, and jealousy that embark mischief.
The unworrying soul and unattentive conscientious emotions.
The need to be swept under care or personal desire.
Normal is too appealing for our senses.
Indeed the true way has been hidden by the devil.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Reaching the Mark
Sense of panic when course is slightly altered.
The hope and personal prayers come out.
Worries are eventually driven away.
God's grace in this nation is everywhere.
The government works for the people.
They try to ignore smallest degrees of infractions.
Order is maintained by working through things.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Life Takes A Toll
Time for studying hard to make end's meet.
Putting a lot of stubborn effort.
Not reaching my goal anytime soon.
Moments to bare and not to waste.
Lack of attentiveness but working hard.
Productive in a sense and gaining back consciousness.
Really tough in general and not intelligent as I thought.
Finding effort to get everything done.
Naturalness is what I really need.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Poetic Reality
The avoidance of those crashing waves brought peace.
Always submerging underneath may feel like a hassle.
The natural toss and turns to avoid a calamity.
The world has looked brighter than in these days.
Chaotic pressures and severe winds while lacking resources.
Bodily fluids leading to path of ignorance unsure and not aware.
Many blessings forming at bay, selfishness very outspoken.
Life's tangible creating literary devices to fascinate proteges.
From dying light and insignificant pursuits, the ultimate is still known.
Hope of living that never ends, human spirit circulating imitations of love.
Encouragement to keep going, despite generational lapses.
Caring for other's misery and attending to fixing them.
Pitying not, but realizing a comeback is what everyone could use.
A selfish kid in us must never come out nor be deceived for what's right.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
To One's Health
The wishfulness of having normal phenotypes.
The naturalness obtainable from just working out.
It feels a little burdensome.
The mind isn't always so active.
Through time, the motivation builds and the body adjusts.
Common sense should never overrule actual facts.
Some answers to life's questions are to pursue after.
The Lord entrusts us to take care of our bodies.
To have confidence and trust, maintaining optimism.
Our time on this world may be short,
But knowledge given from above makes life more meaningful.
The truth will find its way and through time management,
faith, love, and hope will prevail.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Eulogy To Dying Ignorance
The path of destruction I went,
Always finding grief and unhappiness.
The flesh within me needed direction.
Shutting down, I didn't complain through it all.
My greatest threat is finding its exit through me.
The ideal faith is purging my evil ways.
Redemption fills us with joy.
Born into a status quo means a tough influence.
Hoping for it all, we can restrain ourselves for friendships.
Goodness and grace is a pursuance, the narrow path.
Status has been a father and stability, a mother.
Materialism is a shameful value, but we look for needs.
Our hearts must exit from its wounds and find peace.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Expect it
The liver digests its vile substances to keep me going.
Consistency is a basis of success.
Visibly detectable in all the world's participants.
For better for ourselves, why not?
The Lord knows everything but shuns evil.
Oversleeping will overtake you, my position stands.
Resting is not equivalent to laziness.
Each step of incremented minutes follows wit.
Everything stays in order with just these moral efforts.
Reap what you sow but plant well.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Working So Far
So I feel a little sheepish.
A supportive friend would object, saying
nothing is wrong.
Many successes from spending time on little things.
These things build up and pique the soul's interest.
Very important to lend ears to purely good things.
Our hearts should set out for bringing goodness out of us all.
The emotions are subjective now, not at all my old reality.
Driven by what I know from surpassing trials.
God's laws apply in this physical world, though not seen by you and I.
A figment of imagination is what worldliness can say.
Challenge Christianity with all your might and then you will see the glory of God.
Just don't blaspheme the way, truth, and life.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
but God's light shines to all who are His.
It just takes trusting, as you will see all shall be made well.
My dad believes in balance and harmony.
Opposite and reaction is a physical law of Newton.
One must see that he has vulnerabilities,
weaknesses that are not Godly.
I choose celibacy, a fool's heart is nothing.
I place my trust in the Lord, not as a monk.
With hard work, flirtatious moments, and blending in
to bid in my calling's work.
There is nothing close to personal purgery than having a good marriage.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Basic Probability Proof


We are dealing with two events.
Probability means total expected(desired) outcomes over total outcomes.
only expected outcomes -----------> pA(1st) pB(2nd)
total outcomes --------------------->qA(1st) qB(2nd)
Count them up!

(Enlarge diagram by clicking it)
Figure 1 reflects the well-taught Counting Principle, which just means to multiply for deducting totals.
All possible pA and pB events = pA [1st pairing] + pA [2nd pairing] + ... pA [last pairing] =
( pB [total pairings] )( pA) = pA * pB
Total outcomes = qA * qB
This proves P(A and B) = (pA *pB) / (qA * qB).
Quick Discussion:
Common misconception is to add two independent events, but you can't because they are separate.
Ex. Let P(A) = 9/10 and P(B) = 3/10. Adding gives you 6/5. The numerator cannot go over the denominator.
Total probability never exceeds one!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Fomerly, what's the use!
The fatigue from within in rushing things.
The procrastination that doesn't stop.
The pains associated with being shortly serious.
The lack of wisdom and unwillingness to see things.
The short state-of-mind that needed to be selective.
The passions arising from wanting to work under fun.
The aggressiveness from not achieving satisfaction.
The repetitive mistakes from being in state-of-denial.
The powerful mind which took over under extreme conditions.
Expressions are for obtaining positive caliber.
Let's not falter from behind and start over by accepting God's forgiveness
through the love of Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Mind Dump
A new term that my mind has comprehended.
The thought or notion of staying centrally focused.
The joys and ease of ebbless mirth.
The afficability of using of duality.
The wonderfulness of writing to contentment.
Communicative channels are such not a waste.
The passions and fears that flow within love.
The interpretations have yet to be manipulated.
For my own sake, expressing idealism in a softened tone.
To strive to express my heart and never get there, so
an idea of intelligence will motivate me to continue.
Monday, August 28, 2006
I think that my writing style is not going to be viewed by anyone. I believe it's best for no one to really care about the things I write about. This is just for my own benefit. I'm just saving up space with having to keep a journal. It's the technology that allows me to store this. I think that whatever I end up writing about will not be viewed or understood, so it's just going to cause people big headaches or eye strains. It's a lot of inside humor for me and so if you are reading this, then I would appreciate you not continuing to read this site and let me go on with my business of practicing writing. I'm using a very flawed design, which doesn't look very safe for publishing whatever I feel like writing. I think this thing is best for publishing any photos I have, but I haven't even posted any of those photos yet. I guess for me, I'm very different from the world because I don't follow them. My dad feels that I have an inability to learn off of people. I disagree because if I put a lot of concentration into it, then I will be able to. My stupid life is basically composed of nothing to write about. It's just a million thoughts coming to my fingertips at the blink of an eye. I think poetry might be a better thing for me to try. It's very allusive and yet clandestine. It could be deceptive but yet there's an acceptance for duality. I guess that's what I'm going to do for now on. So pretty much I'm not going to be maintaining a journal anymore. It's just going to be whatever the heck I feel like writing. This way, it will be a sort of code that only I will be able to decipher. No one else on this planet will be able to construe what I am writing about. I guess this is the best way to publish my daily life and not feel like a fool later.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Change of plans
My mom was dissing me about how I'm writing in this journal. I don't really care if people look at this journal. In a way, I just need to be careful with the things I write. I guess what I'm doing is just randomly typing stuff up, and I don't really know if someone is going to be able to dig up trash from this site. There's really nothing to write about except just anything that goes on in my mind. I guess with the insecurities that my mom has and making all these worldly comments. There's a lot of desires to be working after, and I think that I'm just mentally typing stuff away. Yeesh, my mom is like up and just saying stuff like how I can't focus and things like that. I think there's this issue of privacy that's involved. In a way this really isn't my diary. It's just writing whatever I feel like from the ongoing present.
I've been developing a lot better from really engaging myself with studying the Bible. It's a wonderful phenomenon that I can't quite explain with scientific gestures. A lot of it has to deal with faith in how one lives. Surely, there are values to how you live life. I think it's normal to compare oneself to others and then to really choose to scorn things, if you want to. I personally see it as keeping an open heart, but yet devising clever devices when one needs to. I really want to gain a larger vocabulary base.
This is really fun reading my own writing and pretending like I'm someone else who is reading this. Mainly typing text on the computer and then having to transfer all that data over from a new computer to another is just too much of a hassle for me. I don't even want to insert any CD, and so my stubborness gets in the way and is winning the battle for me for this round.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
My Contradiction In Its Entirety Part I
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
I believe so greatly that God has given each and one of His believers a gift to be accountable for. It may be common or unique depending on our individual experiences with the Holy Spirit. When I meet up with some worldly believers, I observe how some let out tears. I'm not too sure what it is, but it may be a moment of revealing their true self. It's important to allow the Holy Spirit to minister to us, but whether we are filled with him or not we need to get daily bread. Like going hungry physically, we could end up going spiritually hungry which may lead us to sin.
I've been asked how much I read the Bible daily. I clearly neglect it on my off days. Being knowledgable about the Bible is good because it gives us God's perspective! As Proverbs will show us, the wisest of us is more foolish than God's own foolishness. Most obviously it just makes a point that our wisdom will never reach the knowledge of God. Knowledge of God begins with God, himself! I contend that God's foolishness refers to Christ taking up His cross and the Son of God being a slave to the God the Father's commands. These days, thanks to the mysteriousness of God's touch, we have the computer at our hands to search for scriptures! It really eases the task of having to memorize scripture, but at the very least still try to read the whole Bible. For me to not read the Bible, I fear that it is basing off of my own efforts. There is a clear distinction of how there are believers with the greatest amount of faith to those with the least amount of faith. Through the word, by the grace of God, whatever amount of faith we have in Christ is our entrance into the gates of heaven! A common misconception that many believers still question is how if we can be saved through faith, why can we still sin and be forgiven. It's unfortunate there are ones out there among us who won't hesitate to criticize their own brother's mishaps. Also, it's unfortunate there are those who take the true word of God lightly! This is where supplication comes in handy, it's a fancy Christian word for praying to God to bless them. Like myself and others, we have been baptized by the Holy Spirit through the very words of the Bible. Get this straight, it doesn't have to be my experiences with the Holy Spirit matching with the reader's experience. The reader may not even sense any movement of God's blessing in his life.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Dehydration headache
I'm getting this headache because I think the M&M's I ate on this warm afternoon is causing my head to ache. Maybe I didn't wash my hands and something got into my system. I did have a sandwich. I think it's mainly from the gatorade, which I'm still tasting underneath my stomach. I wish I could not have a headache, whenever I read or do something. I think it's just asking for too much.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006
I'm starting to realize the possibility of people reading my blogs. I never really cared in the beginning because I introduced a lot of funny things. I'm starting to become a more serious person again, which is supposed to balance out my life.
My mom still thinks I'm a kid and constantly badgers me with these annoying questions about "How's school?" "Where's your homework?" "Why can't you find a girlfriend?" I'm old but not really old compared to everyone in this whole-wide world.
My heart is starting to develop into a light-headed writer. I've eventually gained some insight in how to interpret people's meanings. It gets a little hard sometimes subjectively for me because I've never really honed it with my mental laser beams. Here's a random KCCC picture which I hope people will like.

Friday, May 12, 2006
Passing memories
I find it a lot easier to focus on one picture besides, posting them all up at once. The last time I did that, was a week ago. I became very sarcastic looking at all those photos. It's not very difficult for me to post all those pictures. I did it under an hour, I think I just didn't feel that sensation as I used to.
The photo is basically a person who looks like me and Chris Park. I'm going to have to admit, he is taller than me by an inch! No worries, I know I stunted my growth for reals. I even convinced my skeptical analytical brother Fred. I'll let you know by saying I have my dad's side genes who is about Fred's height. I have a size 10 foot and hands that are comparably the same with other taller friends. I ate a lot of junk and stayed up as late as I can, contrary to when parents say "Don't eat too much ice cream!" "Go to bed, you are a growing child!" So tradition has it, not taking too much carbs and getting enough rest will make you grow from childhood.
I'm not so worried about height anymore because I prayed to God to make me taller! I am confident because I feel taller spiritually already. That's all I really need, the inner confidence and the fellowshipping with God under consistency. Doing those tall-man exercises which I've researched on will give me fellowship with God. I will feel taller the rest of my life regardless of my ending physical result.

Thursday, May 11, 2006
Today's topic
During Vision Conference at KCCC, I took a photo of three brothers from Cal Poly. At the second to the last day from V.C. I went up on stage and shouted "There is nothing impossible with God!" I still believe in that today. I've had struggles in making my faith grow because of my inner pride. I believe I have made some intellectual strides to come to stronger faith. These days, all brothers are having a hard time with what seems to me, living a KCCC-like life. What I feel is lack of fellowship and encouragement.
I'm not such a great person at communicating because I'm not a very people's person type. I feel like grieving today because I have some inner feelings of dissatisfaction. I can't truly find where my dissatisfaction is yet. I think it is from feeling discouraged about not providing or receiving love. After all, I do have some problems. I have thought I was living the high life without any. Making these strives of trying to have a healthy routine will take a lot of prayer. I'm not so good with prayer, but I think the best way for me to develop would be to do more quiet times.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Today's plans
I'm really busy from just cleaning up my apartment. I took so long to organize all that mess. My lack of judgements probably come from lack of experience. One of the things I feel we need to do is to ask Christ, if we can do something. In whatever detail it may be with respect to our lives.
I am more confident these days by placing my trust in this verse, "We have this confidence in approaching God. If we pray for anything according to His will, he hears us. If he hears us (whatever we asked for), then we know that we have what we asked for." 1 John 5:14-15. Note the keywords, "According to God's will." God is not Santa Claus, as a verse somewhere says "If I have cherished sin in my heart, God does not hear us in prayer." I'll find this verse next time.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
About Me
- 4AverageLife
- I'm just sharing my thoughts and don't expect much out of it with everybody. It's really fun for me to just write about anything that's on my mind. I know some people will know who I am in person because I've had my real name up so long.