Monday, February 19, 2007

Wakes of Genius

Personal anthem to the progress-ables.
Touch of light to sharpening iron.
Drops of purity to stainless steel.
Antagonists from the lake of fire,
Enraging with lustful power and hatred.

O wake thyself, come back to the meek light.
Tests of courage and honorable badges of acceptance.
Ignore the indiscernible, find thine spiritual shield.
To what Is, open up the gates of insurmountable hearts.
Fly higher than any enemy with the wings of God!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Naughty Days

Temperamental situations unfolding itself,
Wallowing whiskers and a frown on a bunny's face.
Slivery tongues that are savvy to the entertain-able.
Wages made a little too short on a full day's end.
Cloche me this, cloche me that; it's livelihood.
Sensible breaches to the logistical head with beautiful sight.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

What's your typing speed?

My typing speed is not so hot. Some think 66-70 words per minute is pretty high. I'm not so sure about that. I do make a lot of mistakes though. My typing speed is sufficient enough for me to hit the backspace key a lot. I have done quite of blogging now. This is like my 315th post in about two years. I'm trying to reach 360 mark. Looks like I'll be hitting it sometime soon, if I remain consistent enough.

How can one practice for a typing test? It's really good to warm up your fingers with crazy phrases. It really helps to get your mind working for that big promotion. If you go on your favorite search engine and type in typing test, you'll get plenty of links to go take a free typing test. Nowadays, a smart computer user just needs to type in what he is looking for on a search engine, and surely enough it pops up.

I really like services like Amazon and Froogle (Google's experimental engine). I also enjoy lots of other e-business things such as Ebay and, which really help ease how much you spend your money.

Alright, I just went off tangent with today's topic but what the heck, it's so much fun to type whatever the heck I feel like typing. Have a nice day!

About Me

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I'm just sharing my thoughts and don't expect much out of it with everybody. It's really fun for me to just write about anything that's on my mind. I know some people will know who I am in person because I've had my real name up so long.