Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Manifesto Fridge

The first thing that goes on my mind, when I open the Manifesto Fridge is "Wrahhhhhh! I need to manifest." People at my work are pretty crazy about manifesting. They are like mutating into some superheros. An old guy at my work is battling diabetes. It was really interesting to see him carry around this trash cap, and really fling it at his boss.

Wow, Samoans are really dominant, like I heard that the evil Samoan Brothers tag-team was born to a nomadic tribe battling evil demons. They were really buffed up with all that devil meat. The reason for bringing Samoans up is because there's someone here whose like the next Wonder Woman! She really has it her way, like her voice can travel a thousand miles to shock the receiving party. You should really see her work it, especially during the morning time.

Hey, I'm a superhero too. I just fly away, all I really have to do is just close my eyes. I have these ultra-sensor X-rays in my eyes that can remove every bit of clothing with attractive ladies. Note, this only happens occasionally when I close my eyes. It's amazing what studying anatomy does for you. I sometimes open my eyes feeling like a numbskull for ever having seen some images that are not really there.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Party Time

Well, this post is supposed to be a secret. It's a secret location. All the cool people are going to be there, and I get to go. I'll be around only the best people in the world you could possibly get to know. We'll be all in cool clothes and dance around to the best music.

This place is also known to be one of the most exotic beach locations. My body is working into shape, so I'll be on a surf boad with some shapely muscles. Gosh, I'm so good looking! I can make everyone feel good about themselves. I have this gift to elevate moods twenty-four hours, a day.

What's even cooler is that I don't have to be buzzed to enjoy a nice outing with the ladies. They are just about the most beautiful girls in the planet! If I need to, I have a great place to crash at too. The fuzzy warm bed, and the silky pajama will be laid out for me.

It's going to a fun night of fellowshipping with long lost friends. We are going to play hard until we all drop dead for the night. I'm going to be the master at Salsa dancing, I'll be grooving the floors. I'll be twisting two partners to a judge and have a good chance of receiving high marks at a contest!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Work Oblivion

Work oblivion has come all over me. My inbox is filled with e-mails throughout the week, if I don't clean it, I'll get hundreds, daily. I could actually make deleting my manager's e-mails a career.

I'm a freight forwarder at work. I frustrated a shipper, which is highly rare. They are usually the ones screaming at me for not getting their faxes.

I'm calling up all these shippers, and some of them tell me stuff that's nonsense. I don't know what it really is that makes me feel uncomfortable.

I guess I'm not very assertive enough yet, because I'm still new to the job. It's been only two months. There are so many details that I need to be able to handle. Losing focus only means a subtle error about to happen.

When I'm on the phone, I feel like my voice is like a crow's. I speak so soft that the shipper might actually nag me to stop talking. He then goes off tangent to make me stop, until I hang up!

I feel like such a duface at my job. I'm the only one dressed up during casual day. I say to everyone, "Oh, I'm just doing this for fun." I have like nothing but good clothes to wear to work. My other clothes are too crumby to show up in public.

I glare at the computer screen all the day long to yellow, red, and blue texts! My mind is like rewiring itself to see all black and white. My work just feels plain preposterous.

I'm packing on some weight at my desk, too. I have a sick patch hidden under my desk. I can't close my eyes and get some shut eye.

I have to be a one of a kind to survive in this field. It's so much work, everyday all I can think about is work. It can get so mundane like playing Tetris all day. Visualize the tetris pieces falling in stacks, and you never die. It's chaos! Literarily, I have to desolve like an infinite amount of lines.

Lunch time rolls, I'm so lonely. I'm like so happy to leave for a little bit, but then again sad. I run out of time so fast because my restaurant I'm eating at is so far. It's like a thirty-minute wait to get set up for lunch. Okay, half way there. Before I finish, it's time to get back.

Work starts again, all the agony starts piling. All those feelings in talking to mean shippers makes me want to go diarrhea. It's worse, I can't go to the bathroom. So much work needs to be done, the deadline is approaching.

As the day ends, I feel like an unrippened fruit. I don't feel satisfied enough. I need to start all over again to do work again.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The secret to life itself is to remain poor in spirit. Matthews 5:3 states "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is in the kingdom of God." Jesus walked this earth nearly two millenniums ago claiming to be the sole comforter of social outcasts. He performed miracles, dined with sinners, and aroused animosity with religious, influential leaders. He provoked the hearts of men to remove their pride, lust, and deceitfulness to show we all are sinners. In churches today, there are those who claim to be Christians and are entirely dead to Christ.

It comes to my realizations that when Christians stand up for their faith, it's because of the Holy Spirit that emboldens them.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

What develops society by way of people's perceived thoughts, belief systems, and beliefs?

Humanity's history of ideas have served to be a system that can be faulty in making generalizations, thanks to tyrants. For example, it is highly arrogant of a ruler to think he has the ability to tap into the minds of others. In my opinion, people have tried to act prideful to veil their true meaningless status. Illusions and distractions can serve as delightful devices to disregard the passing of life, itself. In today's mainstream, people are accepting striptease amounts of wicked pleasures. Rationality only ironically appears to give these perpetrators protection from disapproving parties. Life is often modeled down into a sandbox, where a child plays with sand and than becomes an adult who can socially manipulate others in his playing field. Often times, hopes can never really establish itself, as people struggle to survive. Life's roles are basically summarized by frail hopes and fleshly desires.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

This is so convenient, and yet so embarrassing.
There are several sacrifices, I am making.
I can really let go of my privacy by writing on this internet.
It can be stupidity, but I have just another wireless medium.

I'm realizing the amount of time I spend on with everything.
The value of proper instruction can really expedite process.
To be taught with whatever that's required is going to pass.
Creating my reaping with friends has surely been a delight.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I'm starting to come back alive, and realizing my potential. In the dead scenery of life that I've abandoned for half-a-decade, I feel as though I've lost all the typical desires we are seeking. I felt really tense inside all those years for an unresolved difficulty. It's just from being lost in my flesh and resorting to lesser evil sins. I never really did have full comfort with myself; it's as if I really felt I needed to be on top of my priorities. I really hit a few states where I became a slave to my lifestyle. I was forcing myself to stay up all night to study, right after playing long hours of fun video games. I can't seem to vision myself anymore, as the type who can do what I used to.

I see a totally new perspective in my life; just because I saw myself as short and fat in high school doesn't mean much in the big picture of this world. I came to really appreciate my above normal body parts, compared with my taller friends. Last year, I toned down a whole lot and reached a very skinny weight. If I had been the weight I am now, then I would not have passed an athletic fitness test. I totally wish that I had fulfilled one thing in all those passing years. I really needed to get enough hours of sleep, which I really never managed to do so consistently. My flesh was so constantly excited for downloading porn and playing video games. I was only putting a whole lot of effort to read the Bible, exercise, study, and hang out with friends. I never had this emotional bonds to these things; I was so afraid from having lost a few best friends and prized possessions.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

No title, so tired.
A two liner will do for this post.
(Good night to you, and hope you sleep many days until you never get up.)

About Me

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I'm just sharing my thoughts and don't expect much out of it with everybody. It's really fun for me to just write about anything that's on my mind. I know some people will know who I am in person because I've had my real name up so long.