The meaning of this title is rather cheesy because it was designed to be an emotive. Everything in this book is designed for the purpose of getting people to feel something, whether it is guilt or happiness or laughter. Anger is something I never understood in others. I so understand in myself though, but not really in others. I believe life requires making some guesses and going about adjusting from making these assumptions. Without assumptions, we will never be able to change our bad beliefs. By assuming and then receiving a contradiction, we are practicing logic. People don't like to be judged because they don't want others thinking about the bad things they are doing in their life. It's like they want to cover up what makes them feel like a lost cause. These people are like really sensitive to many issues dealing with people and want to be sentimental and vicarious to those who need help more than them. It's like they feel people can make a difference in life by working hard. They feel that they are making a difference in other people's lives, but something inside them is driving them to anger, frustration, and motivation with lust. These people are just plain wierd in a sense and are like the bad boys and bad girls you do not want to make good friends with sometimes. They are the ones who you have to live with in a love and hate relationship, unfortunately if we could love them all the time, it would be so wonderful.
Getting back to the basics is a concept I would love to refuse but can't. I would prefer feeling good all the time and confident about life but my emotions are sometimes unstable from getting worn out with hard work. I try the best I can though to be hip, but the influences that go into my head have caused me to shape into a person I don't want to be. I need to fight with principles in life, if I am going to survive with a strong head. Everyone likes rationality in life because without it, the world won't ever make sense. The ones who want to lose themselves in a messy world are the ones who are destined to fall. A good question I have to know with the answer is if people can feel something while rationalizing. Some hide their emotions as best as possible and show it only when they want to express anger. Some people are fickle and unpredictable to a sense of never understanding them. Many people have done cost and analysis with people to make a good rational decision of judgement. Without calculating the good things in life, one will never truly know what they are looking for. Lust drives people to want more and only desire as the scriptures explain. This desire itself is their true essence of being and if it does not follow the Godly principles of the Bible, then it is faulty. Faulty lust consumes people's lives and drains rational development. What is faulty lust is any desire that is considerably wrong in general. It is very difficult for people sometimes to know this limit. They have made a philosophical statement in their heads, which is very simple and twisted it to make it suit their needs.
They probably know it is wrong if the desires they feel were infringed upon them. What I mean is, criminals don't like other criminals. They keep lusting and this form consumes their entire bodies. It engulfs them and leads them straight to marching into the grave. Lust is a scary scenario for those who analyze it and understand it.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Monday, December 05, 2005
My Reasons for Mood Swings
This is an interesting topic for me because I get to talk about my human nature and psyche as a leader. I sometimes do become in a deeply troubling state. What I mean is, I get pretty angry sometimes for the silliest reasons. I expect people to do what they say sometimes, and if I don't get the result I was visualizing then I get pretty intensively mad. I think it is the most normal pet peeve for everyone, unless they don't really care to trust another individual. Trusting people is a very bad thing to do in general. I should never have done this to a whole great deal and only to an acceptable level of trust. It is so because by placing my undivided heart on a few individuals, who I really needed in my life. These people are Margarita and Mike. They really said they would be trying some things, and I really felt happy when they told me but when they told me they were busy, I then became a little troubled. I was a little uncertain about how to react. By becoming angry for awhile towards the end and at the times of finals, I started doing things by conceptualizing the blameworthy things of human nature. What I mean is, I found things that I felt were angering and distubring in people. I didn't like people lying and teasing people because of lies. This thought occurred from people not showing up to the meetings. I became frustrated and the only thing that really drove me to anger was the thought of people doing things to hurt the development of CSS. I found meetings to be a very crucial effect in everything dealing with CSS. A club is basically a gathering of people. Without people showing up, I sometimes became a little sad inside and nervous. I was also sometimes a little angry. I had times of wanting to give up and to a point I did give up. I kept trying though no matter what. No matter how much I was sinning by staying unfocused with everything in life, school, and God. I kept praying for forgiveness from God because I really believe in Jesus Christ. I believed that by simply believing in Jesus Christ and accepting him as sovereign in my life, I would become transformed into a better person. I have deep regrets of some of the things I did with this club, but overall, I feel happy for the things that I never expected to happen.
I developed a small team of willing people. That was enough to get something started and motivated me to try super hard. I had great advice from people, who I never expected to help out. I think it is this sense of doing something fun and having some kicks that got these people together at this meeting. I became happy again. I also became worried for people who I knew wanted to care for this club and do something about it. I became upset at myself for not being a hundred percent on task with everything because I always saw important issues flying before my nose. I just couldn't do it because I wasn't sure about the status quo of people showing up to a meeting. If only there were enough people and friends supporting me in general, then I would be able to make this club into a more wonderful state of being for everyone else.
The motivation was not always there for me to try very hard. Sometimes I had feelings of wanting to burn down buildings because I couldn't do anything about it. I wanted to be a great leader in this club. I wanted to represent everyone in Computer Science. I would get discouraged left and right from everyone. They would think of me as like this short kid with good ideas and that since I was not American enough, I wouldn't be able to do anything. I then lost confidence in myself. I lost happiness and had lack of control and felt like I was going nowhere. All of this, because people didn't show up to the meetings I expected people to show up at. The greatest people I admire are those who made an effort to show up. without those people, I would never have been able to lead for a greater direction in this club.
I developed a small team of willing people. That was enough to get something started and motivated me to try super hard. I had great advice from people, who I never expected to help out. I think it is this sense of doing something fun and having some kicks that got these people together at this meeting. I became happy again. I also became worried for people who I knew wanted to care for this club and do something about it. I became upset at myself for not being a hundred percent on task with everything because I always saw important issues flying before my nose. I just couldn't do it because I wasn't sure about the status quo of people showing up to a meeting. If only there were enough people and friends supporting me in general, then I would be able to make this club into a more wonderful state of being for everyone else.
The motivation was not always there for me to try very hard. Sometimes I had feelings of wanting to burn down buildings because I couldn't do anything about it. I wanted to be a great leader in this club. I wanted to represent everyone in Computer Science. I would get discouraged left and right from everyone. They would think of me as like this short kid with good ideas and that since I was not American enough, I wouldn't be able to do anything. I then lost confidence in myself. I lost happiness and had lack of control and felt like I was going nowhere. All of this, because people didn't show up to the meetings I expected people to show up at. The greatest people I admire are those who made an effort to show up. without those people, I would never have been able to lead for a greater direction in this club.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Bantering Opinions
The CS majors who never tried to show up for a club meeting are dumb people. They probably even don't want to learn to spell hard words left to right. They study really hard and hate their major at the same time. These people are pretty wierd in general because they don't know how to spend their time even more wisely. They would prefer finding the easy way out at all times. It's like they have a desire to do something and only that desire is what they have. That desire is only what carries them, and they still fail at the end. These people do not deserve to be in a wonderful club. They do not have to come join us, either. These CS majors claim they are busy, like all uninteresting sisters say to their brothers. If people have one hour to spare, then why do they never show up. It's because they don't want to show up. It's because they feel that the club is dumb and going nowhere. These people who never show up have a different life that they don't want to share because they feel it will be for the worst. They feel they will become like the biggest rejects by showing up for CSS meetings. Something causes them to forget about everything because their mind is set upon some fleshly desires, which prevent them from remembering. These CS majors do not deserve to come and interact with the cool members, and they will never find the number one spot in their lives. These so-called busy people probably spend most of their times sleeping in and not wanting to do anything else.
These people are so lazy they would prefer not programming anything fun in a course, if time and the instructor allowed them to. The worst CS majors are those who don't want to get along with all the other CS majors. They prefer staying away from their major as much as possible because they don't know what they are doing and are scared of the future that will haunt upon them. They feel that CSS is like the most cheesiest club to have ever formed. They don't think it will succeed and help them out in their careers. They think it should never have formed, and they feel that the worst is about to come because once the right people leave, they will not know what to do. Life becomes so hard for them sometimes because they have to study for other general education courses. They feel missing out on some activities CSS has planned will make their life a lot better by giving them time to do something else for catching up with their studies. They think this is a better outcome for both the leaders and themselves. They feel they will never have to practice talking to people in a class. They think if they keep their mouths shut for good then nothing will make them show up. They don't think CSS has talented people because they want something or someone to follow. They need a leader in their lives, and they prefer not being that leader because time does not permit them to.
These CS majors want a good advisor with their lives and need to have a good connection with everyone in their lives dealing with CS. They can't find this because they don't want to make an effort to show up for a CSS meeting.
These people are so lazy they would prefer not programming anything fun in a course, if time and the instructor allowed them to. The worst CS majors are those who don't want to get along with all the other CS majors. They prefer staying away from their major as much as possible because they don't know what they are doing and are scared of the future that will haunt upon them. They feel that CSS is like the most cheesiest club to have ever formed. They don't think it will succeed and help them out in their careers. They think it should never have formed, and they feel that the worst is about to come because once the right people leave, they will not know what to do. Life becomes so hard for them sometimes because they have to study for other general education courses. They feel missing out on some activities CSS has planned will make their life a lot better by giving them time to do something else for catching up with their studies. They think this is a better outcome for both the leaders and themselves. They feel they will never have to practice talking to people in a class. They think if they keep their mouths shut for good then nothing will make them show up. They don't think CSS has talented people because they want something or someone to follow. They need a leader in their lives, and they prefer not being that leader because time does not permit them to.
These CS majors want a good advisor with their lives and need to have a good connection with everyone in their lives dealing with CS. They can't find this because they don't want to make an effort to show up for a CSS meeting.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Club essentials
This topic will get a little boring for the moment because noone really cares about us right now. I hated doing powerpoints because I hate Microsoft for now. I don't like using someone else's software, especially if you can create your own. It's like it is really hard to become enlightened with new techniques and concepts if an organization hogs their code. This isn't really right for an interested student. The club started for programmers. I changed the direction of this club by making more breathing room for different individuals to try us out. What I mean is, I have been trying to get the Science Council to participate with us. They didn't help out all year long, which made me pretty mad. I quit going to their stupid meetings. The only way I am going to be able to do a lot better this year is be more confident and pick out social events. I find it a little funny how we never initiated stuff for girls to have some fun in. What I mean is, we never attracted enough women to our meetings. Being unmarried, we will need to have a little fun engaging with a potential soul mate on the premises of socializing alone. It's normal to be attracted to one another, but it's evil to become very intimate with one another before marriage. The Biblical saying goes, when you have a lot of passion with a man or woman [speaking to both genders] you should get married and quit worrying about the right age of getting married. If not, bad lies can occur and so my prayers are with those who struggle greatly.
We are going to do a quite of lot of engaging socially with girls. The majority of us are guys in this club so the CS women will benefit as well. Hopefully no slime balls will ever come to this meeting that happens. Let's just forget about the stressful issues of programming and just organize stuff to have fun in going to. I don't really care for thinking about making this club an academic one. Leave that recognition to a resume at an Honor's Club. We are no honor's club, period. We won't ever be able to make this transition because we attract everyone at all ages and all grades. Nobody has to remember CSS as a computer science club anymore. It is just CSS and people can make all the funny euphemistic acronyms they want. I care a whole lot, of course for all the bad insults people will make about us. It won't stop and so we can only hope for the best and pray for those things to stop.
Peeking into society, a lot of people are genetically evil. They are like walking robots falling down while following people as a lemming. What I mean is, people lead themselves to their own destruction with drugs and alcohol. It's very dumb and stupid and expletives. It's about a great time to pray for these things to end. The world is not going to fall apart today, but tomorrow one will never know when a person creates peace in the Middle East. These leaders in the Middle East are pretty scary. Yassar Arafat died and people were like wanting to be buried with him. I don't want that to happen to me. I want to be a representative of Christ and fair reason. Of course, leadership is important to a club, but bad leadership is what members always avoid, such as me. Out of the twenty members, on the average seven thought I was a bad leader. I suppose I didn't do too bad because I did grab the attention of the majority.
What I was originally looking for was someone who could overpower us into making a difference. I wanted someone to tell me what to do and to give me support on doing something. I needed to follow someone who had a great sense of direction. I did not find this until late in the school year, where everything gradually fell apart and glued back together. It is sort of an oxymoron because it is subjective based. The thing went up and down every year because I didn't know what to expect and how to go about it. What I mean is, the club sometimes froze and started moving again with all these years there was this club. The Bits & Chips is pretty much an old version of CSS. We aren't that knowledgable with the old parts anymore because the world changed very rapidly. Back then, it was all about getting good grades and having peope come in to tell stories. This time has changed because Cal Poly accepts people with low standards now. A lot of life is at stake here because a lot of people are struggling to make an end's meet.
We started out with a zero amount of experience because the main objective of seeing growth in a club never happened. People hate low grade stuff in general both spiritually and physically. I don't know if the CSS club is a gathering for a lot of momma boys. There has been quite a sentiment for me in running this club unsuccessfully. It does not matter what the results were because the experience we all should have gained is priceless.
We are going to do a quite of lot of engaging socially with girls. The majority of us are guys in this club so the CS women will benefit as well. Hopefully no slime balls will ever come to this meeting that happens. Let's just forget about the stressful issues of programming and just organize stuff to have fun in going to. I don't really care for thinking about making this club an academic one. Leave that recognition to a resume at an Honor's Club. We are no honor's club, period. We won't ever be able to make this transition because we attract everyone at all ages and all grades. Nobody has to remember CSS as a computer science club anymore. It is just CSS and people can make all the funny euphemistic acronyms they want. I care a whole lot, of course for all the bad insults people will make about us. It won't stop and so we can only hope for the best and pray for those things to stop.
Peeking into society, a lot of people are genetically evil. They are like walking robots falling down while following people as a lemming. What I mean is, people lead themselves to their own destruction with drugs and alcohol. It's very dumb and stupid and expletives. It's about a great time to pray for these things to end. The world is not going to fall apart today, but tomorrow one will never know when a person creates peace in the Middle East. These leaders in the Middle East are pretty scary. Yassar Arafat died and people were like wanting to be buried with him. I don't want that to happen to me. I want to be a representative of Christ and fair reason. Of course, leadership is important to a club, but bad leadership is what members always avoid, such as me. Out of the twenty members, on the average seven thought I was a bad leader. I suppose I didn't do too bad because I did grab the attention of the majority.
What I was originally looking for was someone who could overpower us into making a difference. I wanted someone to tell me what to do and to give me support on doing something. I needed to follow someone who had a great sense of direction. I did not find this until late in the school year, where everything gradually fell apart and glued back together. It is sort of an oxymoron because it is subjective based. The thing went up and down every year because I didn't know what to expect and how to go about it. What I mean is, the club sometimes froze and started moving again with all these years there was this club. The Bits & Chips is pretty much an old version of CSS. We aren't that knowledgable with the old parts anymore because the world changed very rapidly. Back then, it was all about getting good grades and having peope come in to tell stories. This time has changed because Cal Poly accepts people with low standards now. A lot of life is at stake here because a lot of people are struggling to make an end's meet.
We started out with a zero amount of experience because the main objective of seeing growth in a club never happened. People hate low grade stuff in general both spiritually and physically. I don't know if the CSS club is a gathering for a lot of momma boys. There has been quite a sentiment for me in running this club unsuccessfully. It does not matter what the results were because the experience we all should have gained is priceless.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Power of Redemption
The Lord, Jesus forgives all of us if we confess and repent. Becoming forgiven is a great thing once we believe that Jesus Christ is our savior for mankind's sins. Believing in Christ also means placing our trust in him and repenting from doing our past evils. By accepting Christ in our lives, we are able to lead a freer life away from the insatiable lusts that put us into ruins. By putting faith in God, we are called to be obedient to his will according to the Bible. Life becomes much more meaningful and we are able to provide for others with our gifts and talents. Serving God does not necessarily mean becoming a pastor, for there are many forms of servitude according to some Bible verse.
In some chapter of Colossians, the Apostle Paul teaches us to give everything onto the Lord. We should study hard because it is a good deed as students, and it should be mainly done because of our love for the Lord. We should never lack in our efforts in our school studies because the Lord has called for us to honor him by getting A's with hard work. Just as a pastor says, we should only put our focus on school when it is our time in it. The Lord is merciful and loves us. Just as Pastor Greg Laurie has said, we can disobey God and be forgiven later. Do we fall away from God because we love him?
We can forget about the past, once we are cleansed from our own wretched sins. The Lord reigns in our hearts and has full control over this universe. He is sovereign over man.
In some chapter of Colossians, the Apostle Paul teaches us to give everything onto the Lord. We should study hard because it is a good deed as students, and it should be mainly done because of our love for the Lord. We should never lack in our efforts in our school studies because the Lord has called for us to honor him by getting A's with hard work. Just as a pastor says, we should only put our focus on school when it is our time in it. The Lord is merciful and loves us. Just as Pastor Greg Laurie has said, we can disobey God and be forgiven later. Do we fall away from God because we love him?
We can forget about the past, once we are cleansed from our own wretched sins. The Lord reigns in our hearts and has full control over this universe. He is sovereign over man.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Catching Up With Life
I started phasing out when my college years began. I recall not getting much done and doing assignments half-minded. My thoughts were more focused on my emotions because I had a hard time with going to school. I had some negative thoughts of wanting to beat myself. I am feeling more confident about not wanting to do that now. By making an effort, learning to read better, and getting roughly eight hours of sleep a night, I have been making progress.
I still get some bad influences with others around me. Although I don't want to curse or watch bad TV shows, it becomes very tempting when I feel like stressing out. The stress has been around me trying to avoid myself. With all the problems in this world I feel inwardly, I let it go by directing those negative influences to a lazy image of myself. I have been prone to agreeing to doing a lot of things by journeying out of my home town to go to group gatherings I prefer not discussing. I only recall reaching out for two groups, which are a small UCLA quasi-cult and La Rouche campaigners. I did not become an active member in both of these because I thought some of their principles were a little fishy. What these two groups have in common is that they place a lot of trust in one man. I personally do not want that to happen to me, if I ever become a CEO.
Some things in life is not worth requoting and so I have never really read other people's writings. I am very opened to trying though with people I know. I have done a lot of unhealthy things to myself by not trying to take care of myself mentally. I went through a mental beating of twenty units for five quarters straight. It was all about raising my ego, which is pathetic. I attempted to be productive in life for all the wrong reasons. What I believe I was blessed by God for is that I became unsure of everything I was doing. Anything I tried, I would seek for encouragement from a person. I think that means I was seeking for a mentor. I have been unable to think of one here at Cal Poly Pomona, unfortunately. I am very saddened by the disappointments I have had to face. Things do not always go according to plan because our expectations can be very different from what we had in mind.
I believe some of the greatest people are those who didn't have the sharpest minds. Reflecting on this, hard work is what I attribute to being smart. My grandparents are the greatest example in my life, who lived the longest and worked the hardest with providing love for a big family. My mom has done a lot for me too, by teaching me with her scoldings. One can't learn everything in life to be successful, but it doesn't mean he or she should just give up on finding ultimately peace with God. The weakest people can grow up to be stronger than a person they have been chasing after. Believe it or not, I'm chasing after the most dilligent CS students.
I still get some bad influences with others around me. Although I don't want to curse or watch bad TV shows, it becomes very tempting when I feel like stressing out. The stress has been around me trying to avoid myself. With all the problems in this world I feel inwardly, I let it go by directing those negative influences to a lazy image of myself. I have been prone to agreeing to doing a lot of things by journeying out of my home town to go to group gatherings I prefer not discussing. I only recall reaching out for two groups, which are a small UCLA quasi-cult and La Rouche campaigners. I did not become an active member in both of these because I thought some of their principles were a little fishy. What these two groups have in common is that they place a lot of trust in one man. I personally do not want that to happen to me, if I ever become a CEO.
Some things in life is not worth requoting and so I have never really read other people's writings. I am very opened to trying though with people I know. I have done a lot of unhealthy things to myself by not trying to take care of myself mentally. I went through a mental beating of twenty units for five quarters straight. It was all about raising my ego, which is pathetic. I attempted to be productive in life for all the wrong reasons. What I believe I was blessed by God for is that I became unsure of everything I was doing. Anything I tried, I would seek for encouragement from a person. I think that means I was seeking for a mentor. I have been unable to think of one here at Cal Poly Pomona, unfortunately. I am very saddened by the disappointments I have had to face. Things do not always go according to plan because our expectations can be very different from what we had in mind.
I believe some of the greatest people are those who didn't have the sharpest minds. Reflecting on this, hard work is what I attribute to being smart. My grandparents are the greatest example in my life, who lived the longest and worked the hardest with providing love for a big family. My mom has done a lot for me too, by teaching me with her scoldings. One can't learn everything in life to be successful, but it doesn't mean he or she should just give up on finding ultimately peace with God. The weakest people can grow up to be stronger than a person they have been chasing after. Believe it or not, I'm chasing after the most dilligent CS students.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
I'm guessing everyone goes through minor problems with life, such as getting up for work and trying to get to bed. Having to deal with stress drags because it really doesn't complement a productive lifestyle. It is more like from being overwhelmed by something. The greatest example in my life with a person who tries to cope with stress unsuccessfully is my sister. She seems to be very wierd to the most minor detail in anything I do. One day, she becomes stressed out about my effortful driving and other days, she feels I insulted her friends by saying nothing related to them. She has had a few life-altering situations, but not to a great degree as others share. I really love my sister, but she hates being hugged. I face a few obstacles as well and that is finishing tough tasks, while following up with a good pace. What I mean by this is, I hate always procrastinating. I intend to fix my habits by praying to God and hoping for the best. I would love to teach other struggling CS students, but I can't do this if I am struggling myself. Sometimes, the project specifications given by a professor can become a little vague. It could be from having a weak background in reading or lack of sleep. Overcoming problems require reasonable explanations. I am not the greatest person in this world and struggle everyday with my worst sins. I lust for breaking away with God and have the freedom of not adhering to His plan. The worst thing I have ever done in life is looking at pornography at a very young age, which became a habit for me. I remember I was responsible for sharing the pornographic material with my other friends. I have a lot of guilt and grief for doing this and distracting myself from being right with the Lord. I could not have overcame this sin by my own efforts. I needed the Holy Spirit to guide me away from this. The things I looked at were never authentic and real in life, and this absolutely almost brought me down. From struggling with my sins, I also was not able to manage a club. I was under a lot of stress and had anxiety attacks. I was afraid of my worst enemy, which is myself. I used to have feelings of wanting to destroy myself, but overcame these things by understanding the situation. These thoughts developed from high school. I never fully recovered until I gained confidence. Finding a renewed belief in Christ caused me ultimate joy. I am now at the issue of whether I should be married or not. Marriage to me is something people do to express mainly love for each other; hopefully, it is not fake love. I do not have a problem with the idea of getting married because I intend to keep the house clean, take out the trash which I love doing when I'm mad, communicate things, and help some chores if any little Mr. Earl Yoo or Mrs. Earl Yoo ones pop up. I have not fully decided about getting married yet. My mom keeps telling me the reason is because I have not fallen in love with the right woman. I have no clue what the future is about, and this could be a bad thing if I am not careful. What I mean is, I don't want to get into another car accident or stressful situation. One thing leads to another, and all I can really do is pray and hope for the best. Understanding situations are sometimes not an easy thing to do, especially if you are not prepared for it. It's life, I suppose. Doing the right stuff is easy to talk about, but actually doing the work becomes tough. That is why people should stay away from the wrong motive and wrong source of power. People's sins have also affected a country's economy. The European culture has some bad taste by encouraging alcoholic beverages and cigarettes to be bought by a younger crowd. This effect will create a crowd with limited brain power because the values are most centered with having desires fed. If the desire than becomes lust, it starts to hook and becomes like the highlight of someone's life. In general terms, lust can inspire a lack of productivity. I oppose lust but still get tempted by it. My belief in God is not about finding an achievement but more about justifying my faith in the Bible.
Monday, October 24, 2005
It's Act 1 all over again. My writing style is unattended by noone. Not including me and no Word document is going to break my natural spirit of writing. I am using Notepad, which is the most simple text document and of course, monotonous piece of equipment for writing an autobiography. I do not really care anymore about what people claim bad stuff about me for. I got into a fight with HK Liu, a professor who will make your life miserable just for saying something you felt like saying. I said I was going to beat him in court. He became a mad monster, so mad that he became speechless and a cat got stuck in his mouth as well. I am saying harsh things about him because I believe he is the mole of the CS Department. He can't handle a lot of nonsensical and boring words from an angry student. I became angry because I felt a sense of unfairness. Don't get me wrong because it has been a natural phenomenon for graduate students who looked to him for advice. He gives careless advice and doesn't seem to care a whole lot about people say. I think he felt like I was going to kill him or threaten his tenured status. Some wierd thing like that. I became sensitive to the issue of hurting HK's feelings. He does not exhibit the traits I thought about anymore. He likes to be rattled on with common sense. I eventually managed to write some bad e-mails favoring my side to the maximum amount. It in fact is the best e-mails I have ever written for myself. I can't say how much I love to read or hear about Jesus Christ. The Bible is best source of inspiration for everyone. True, it's an opinion- I don't have much backing yet. I must be idiotic in some way to not to chase after my inspiration, according to my feelings. I don't understand every mystery in this life. I am not even afraid if this autobiography doesn't become a hit.
I have written a lot over the past, which allowed me to foster into an anything writer. I can pretty much naturally feel the words coming out of my brain and mouth. It is more like a state of being for me. It really feels good to be confident about something and then going after something you never really intended to do, which benefits your ownself. Prayer has allowed me to think about others and to hope for the best out of them. I even prayed for HK Liu, despite him being the biggest arch enemy to ever have lived. He yelled at me, of all people HK Liu actually yells. HK Liu is like this blah blah Mr. Scrooge who loves to keep knowledge to himself. He like just sits there like a confused book worm in his office and tries to relearn material he never even felt like reading.
Compromising situations in life have made me to be left in a largely disorderly fashion. I still have to go back and read up on the stuff I wrote because I have to admit that I am not perfect. I need to make sure I am making some whimsical sense; otherwise, I am going to lose a crowd of at least one person, which is me. I am pretty much the audience that attends to this text; otherwise, some people actually find this work to be rather interesting. Maybe I should submit this piece to psychologists and even psychology majors, so that they will have not a lot of fun and enjoy making fun of me to the maximum level.
Being a student is perhaps one of the greatest experiences a person can go through. Learning about neat things is a blessing. Being a person at the age of 22, I can obviously talk a lot about what has gone through my brain and body. A lot of taunting memories still stick with me. As an example, I would have nightmares of vampires attacking me because I used to be very frightened by the image.
I then became exposed to reading and learning at a newer level. As my friend Joel puts it, I'm sort of rolling along. I achieved this feat after taking a graduate course and trying very hard in it. At the time of this writing, I would have been a CS undergrad student. The graduate course I took is network security, which is pretty much about encrypting and decrypting messages. I learned about more math concepts and programmed a lot more than what I am used to. I felt like a hacker for a while. I created a program that validates credit cards and applies a RSA algorithm, which is the strongest security architecture today.
I have written a lot over the past, which allowed me to foster into an anything writer. I can pretty much naturally feel the words coming out of my brain and mouth. It is more like a state of being for me. It really feels good to be confident about something and then going after something you never really intended to do, which benefits your ownself. Prayer has allowed me to think about others and to hope for the best out of them. I even prayed for HK Liu, despite him being the biggest arch enemy to ever have lived. He yelled at me, of all people HK Liu actually yells. HK Liu is like this blah blah Mr. Scrooge who loves to keep knowledge to himself. He like just sits there like a confused book worm in his office and tries to relearn material he never even felt like reading.
Compromising situations in life have made me to be left in a largely disorderly fashion. I still have to go back and read up on the stuff I wrote because I have to admit that I am not perfect. I need to make sure I am making some whimsical sense; otherwise, I am going to lose a crowd of at least one person, which is me. I am pretty much the audience that attends to this text; otherwise, some people actually find this work to be rather interesting. Maybe I should submit this piece to psychologists and even psychology majors, so that they will have not a lot of fun and enjoy making fun of me to the maximum level.
Being a student is perhaps one of the greatest experiences a person can go through. Learning about neat things is a blessing. Being a person at the age of 22, I can obviously talk a lot about what has gone through my brain and body. A lot of taunting memories still stick with me. As an example, I would have nightmares of vampires attacking me because I used to be very frightened by the image.
I then became exposed to reading and learning at a newer level. As my friend Joel puts it, I'm sort of rolling along. I achieved this feat after taking a graduate course and trying very hard in it. At the time of this writing, I would have been a CS undergrad student. The graduate course I took is network security, which is pretty much about encrypting and decrypting messages. I learned about more math concepts and programmed a lot more than what I am used to. I felt like a hacker for a while. I created a program that validates credit cards and applies a RSA algorithm, which is the strongest security architecture today.
My Free Writings and Table Of Contents
I. Life
II. Problems
III. Catching up with life
IV. Club essentials
V. Bantering opinions
VI. My reasons for mood swings
VII. Necessary details
VIII. Purpose for reading this
IX. Intentions
X. Projects
XI. Computer Magazines
XII. L.A. Times CS Coverage
XIII. Getting taught by Rich
XIV. Dismantling HK Liu's logic
XV. Staying mad at roommate
XVI. Mad at Srinivas
XVII. Mad at myself
XVIII. Mad at people who didn't show up
XIX. Becoming smarter
XX. Why reading my writing is hard
XXI. Summer Quarter
XXII. Fall Quarter
XXIII. Spring Quarter
XXIV. Importance for dedication
XXV. How you can help
XXVI. My purpose of writing
XXVII. An example of my wonderful poem
XXVIII. Who isn't doing what
XXIX. Intolerable issues I have
XXX. Apologies for being intolerant
XXXI. Catchy phrases
XXXII. Why I academically sucked
XXXIII. Why first impressions are useful
XXXIV. Why the concept of God and Jesus Christ is important
XXXV. Buying a computer
XXXVI. Finding information about computer parts
XXXVII. Dissing Microsoft
XXXVIII. Installing a new operating system
XXXIX. Enjoying a new operating system
XXXX. CSS Politics
XXXXI. Why I write
XXXXII. Why I play the piano
XXXXIII. Why I play magic
XXXXIV. Why I play Texas Hold Em'
XXXXV. Why I stink at Chess
XXXXVI. Why I should do a revision
XXXXVII. Why I became sarcastic
XXXXVIII. Close friends from CSS
XXXXIX. Why you could't get involved
XXXXX. What CS majors used to think about me
XXXXXI. My longing for a smart and nice wife
XXXXXII. My past deadly sins
XXXXXIII. Why I used to hold back
XXXXXIV. Fun with basketball
XXXXXV. Understanding the fun factor in sports
XXXXXVI. Having fun with writing
XXXXXVII. The necessity of reading
XXXXXVIII. The annoyances of watching TV
XXXXXIX. The power of time
XXXXXX. My theory of being interested
XXXXXXI. My falling apart speeches
XXXXXXII. The lack of easy going simple-minded talks with girls
XXXXXXIII. The wierdness of taking Women's Studies 441
XXXXXXIV. The wonderfulness of taking a hacker's course
XXXXXXV. The wierdness of my past flyers
XXXXXXVI. People's ability to trash knowledge and attend meetings
XXXXXXVII. My lack of faith in some people
XXXXXXVIII. My lack of hope in some people
XXXXXXIX. Why bantering some people is funny to me
XXXXXXX. How I became closer with my sister
XXXXXXXI. My theory of randomness
XXXXXXXII. The joys of laughing
XXXXXXXIII. My right way of killing time
XXXXXXXIV. The negatives of wearing out
XXXXXXXV. The usefulness of being angry
XXXXXXXVI. How I really try not to show off
XXXXXXXVII. Trying to be funny is like showing off to my former roommate
XXXXXXXVIII. What I do to motivate people
XXXXXXXIX. Why my image is important to me
XXXXXXXX. What I plan to become from being CSS president
XXXXXXXXI. What I do to make myself look good with writing
XXXXXXXXII. The essence of showing hard work
XXXXXXXXIII. The concept of finding an ends
XXXXXXXXIV. The problem of never being able to finish
XXXXXXXXV. My scope of things
XXXXXXXXVI. The things I wish to accomplish
XXXXXXXXVII. What this work made me be successful at
XXXXXXXXVIII. The acknowledgable jealousies and my pity for them
XXXXXXXXIX. What I think makes me become most successful in life
XXXXXXXXX. My wonderful past
XXXXXXXXXI. The autobiography factors that juice writers up
XXXXXXXXXII. What I was thinking about judging people
XXXXXXXXXIII. Why I can't finish
XXXXXXXXXIV. The seemingly never ending life in relation to Induction Principle
XXXXXXXXXV. The background of my philosophy
XXXXXXXXXVI. The background of my writing
XXXXXXXXXVII. The background of my programming
XXXXXXXXXVIII. Where I lacked the most at
XXXXXXXXXIX. What I did to pick up on things I wanted to do
XXXXXXXXXX. Why life becomes so meaningless sometimes
XXXXXXXXXXI. What I have to do to fix my writing skills
XXXXXXXXXXII. The interesting phenomenas in my personal life
XXXXXXXXXXIII. Why I really don't like movies anymore
XXXXXXXXXXIV. The post-feelings of being addicted
XXXXXXXXXXV. How I should finish this book
XXXXXXXXXXVI. The more necessary topics I can think of
XXXXXXXXXXVII. The probability of brainstorming out of nothing
XXXXXXXXXXVIII. The usefulness of writing poetry
XXXXXXXXXXIX. My background of being creative
XXXXXXXXXXX. The usefulness of having a great laugh
XXXXXXXXXXXI. The greatness in being good at something
CXI. The abnormalities of writing too much
CXII. The interesting things that come from just thinking about what you want to do
CXIII. The things I will never understand with people
CXIV. My scopes that define my academic strengths
CXV. My toughest times
CXVI. The funniness in how people go from being happy to regretful
CXVII. Why I never wanted to end my life
CXVIII. What I think makes people jealous
CXIX. Why I am siding with the conceived good things in life
CXX. Why CSS is a good thing to me
CXXI. Why I wrote a lot
CXXII. Why I think so much and abuse it sometimes
CXXIII. The most embarrassing moments in my life
CXXIV. Why I used to feel people called me a jerk
CXXV. The undeniable necessities in life
CXXVI. The close to perfection from becoming automatic in anything
CXXVII. The undiscoverable element to finishing anything
CXXVIII. The paradoxes of being satisfied vs. finishing
CXXIX. What makes people tick?
CXXX. What makes people motivated enough to finish something?
CXXXI. The undiscoverable boundaries from not asking life's mysteries
CXXXII. The power of hope
CXXXIII. The grief of loss
CXXXIV. The hardness of not being able to know other's difficulties
CXXXV. The true harsh world of trying to care for everyone
CXXXVI. My reasoning behind caring
CXXXVII. Closing to a paradox
CXXXVIII. Life worth fighting for
II. Problems
III. Catching up with life
IV. Club essentials
V. Bantering opinions
VI. My reasons for mood swings
VII. Necessary details
VIII. Purpose for reading this
IX. Intentions
X. Projects
XI. Computer Magazines
XII. L.A. Times CS Coverage
XIII. Getting taught by Rich
XIV. Dismantling HK Liu's logic
XV. Staying mad at roommate
XVI. Mad at Srinivas
XVII. Mad at myself
XVIII. Mad at people who didn't show up
XIX. Becoming smarter
XX. Why reading my writing is hard
XXI. Summer Quarter
XXII. Fall Quarter
XXIII. Spring Quarter
XXIV. Importance for dedication
XXV. How you can help
XXVI. My purpose of writing
XXVII. An example of my wonderful poem
XXVIII. Who isn't doing what
XXIX. Intolerable issues I have
XXX. Apologies for being intolerant
XXXI. Catchy phrases
XXXII. Why I academically sucked
XXXIII. Why first impressions are useful
XXXIV. Why the concept of God and Jesus Christ is important
XXXV. Buying a computer
XXXVI. Finding information about computer parts
XXXVII. Dissing Microsoft
XXXVIII. Installing a new operating system
XXXIX. Enjoying a new operating system
XXXX. CSS Politics
XXXXI. Why I write
XXXXII. Why I play the piano
XXXXIII. Why I play magic
XXXXIV. Why I play Texas Hold Em'
XXXXV. Why I stink at Chess
XXXXVI. Why I should do a revision
XXXXVII. Why I became sarcastic
XXXXVIII. Close friends from CSS
XXXXIX. Why you could't get involved
XXXXX. What CS majors used to think about me
XXXXXI. My longing for a smart and nice wife
XXXXXII. My past deadly sins
XXXXXIII. Why I used to hold back
XXXXXIV. Fun with basketball
XXXXXV. Understanding the fun factor in sports
XXXXXVI. Having fun with writing
XXXXXVII. The necessity of reading
XXXXXVIII. The annoyances of watching TV
XXXXXIX. The power of time
XXXXXX. My theory of being interested
XXXXXXI. My falling apart speeches
XXXXXXII. The lack of easy going simple-minded talks with girls
XXXXXXIII. The wierdness of taking Women's Studies 441
XXXXXXIV. The wonderfulness of taking a hacker's course
XXXXXXV. The wierdness of my past flyers
XXXXXXVI. People's ability to trash knowledge and attend meetings
XXXXXXVII. My lack of faith in some people
XXXXXXVIII. My lack of hope in some people
XXXXXXIX. Why bantering some people is funny to me
XXXXXXX. How I became closer with my sister
XXXXXXXI. My theory of randomness
XXXXXXXII. The joys of laughing
XXXXXXXIII. My right way of killing time
XXXXXXXIV. The negatives of wearing out
XXXXXXXV. The usefulness of being angry
XXXXXXXVI. How I really try not to show off
XXXXXXXVII. Trying to be funny is like showing off to my former roommate
XXXXXXXVIII. What I do to motivate people
XXXXXXXIX. Why my image is important to me
XXXXXXXX. What I plan to become from being CSS president
XXXXXXXXI. What I do to make myself look good with writing
XXXXXXXXII. The essence of showing hard work
XXXXXXXXIII. The concept of finding an ends
XXXXXXXXIV. The problem of never being able to finish
XXXXXXXXV. My scope of things
XXXXXXXXVI. The things I wish to accomplish
XXXXXXXXVII. What this work made me be successful at
XXXXXXXXVIII. The acknowledgable jealousies and my pity for them
XXXXXXXXIX. What I think makes me become most successful in life
XXXXXXXXX. My wonderful past
XXXXXXXXXI. The autobiography factors that juice writers up
XXXXXXXXXII. What I was thinking about judging people
XXXXXXXXXIII. Why I can't finish
XXXXXXXXXIV. The seemingly never ending life in relation to Induction Principle
XXXXXXXXXV. The background of my philosophy
XXXXXXXXXVI. The background of my writing
XXXXXXXXXVII. The background of my programming
XXXXXXXXXVIII. Where I lacked the most at
XXXXXXXXXIX. What I did to pick up on things I wanted to do
XXXXXXXXXX. Why life becomes so meaningless sometimes
XXXXXXXXXXI. What I have to do to fix my writing skills
XXXXXXXXXXII. The interesting phenomenas in my personal life
XXXXXXXXXXIII. Why I really don't like movies anymore
XXXXXXXXXXIV. The post-feelings of being addicted
XXXXXXXXXXV. How I should finish this book
XXXXXXXXXXVI. The more necessary topics I can think of
XXXXXXXXXXVII. The probability of brainstorming out of nothing
XXXXXXXXXXVIII. The usefulness of writing poetry
XXXXXXXXXXIX. My background of being creative
XXXXXXXXXXX. The usefulness of having a great laugh
XXXXXXXXXXXI. The greatness in being good at something
CXI. The abnormalities of writing too much
CXII. The interesting things that come from just thinking about what you want to do
CXIII. The things I will never understand with people
CXIV. My scopes that define my academic strengths
CXV. My toughest times
CXVI. The funniness in how people go from being happy to regretful
CXVII. Why I never wanted to end my life
CXVIII. What I think makes people jealous
CXIX. Why I am siding with the conceived good things in life
CXX. Why CSS is a good thing to me
CXXI. Why I wrote a lot
CXXII. Why I think so much and abuse it sometimes
CXXIII. The most embarrassing moments in my life
CXXIV. Why I used to feel people called me a jerk
CXXV. The undeniable necessities in life
CXXVI. The close to perfection from becoming automatic in anything
CXXVII. The undiscoverable element to finishing anything
CXXVIII. The paradoxes of being satisfied vs. finishing
CXXIX. What makes people tick?
CXXX. What makes people motivated enough to finish something?
CXXXI. The undiscoverable boundaries from not asking life's mysteries
CXXXII. The power of hope
CXXXIII. The grief of loss
CXXXIV. The hardness of not being able to know other's difficulties
CXXXV. The true harsh world of trying to care for everyone
CXXXVI. My reasoning behind caring
CXXXVII. Closing to a paradox
CXXXVIII. Life worth fighting for
Monday, October 17, 2005
Car Accident Proposal
I truly feel that I have to pay up the victim's car that I have bumped into. The funny thing is that the guy told me that he was thinking about filing a police report. The whole thing has taken over a year now, and I don't really feel right for having tried to ignore it. I basically became intimidated by the victim's wife who has yelled at me and then acted nice. This is what really has scared me, and I think I just thought I could have left it out of my system. I never really have checked my messages, and I have been hoping that they would have written me a letter of some sort but I guess that is wrong to do that.
I pretty much want to pay up the minimal amount, and I believe that I'm actually in luck this time because I have found the auto body shop advocated by a city chamber of commerce. They are offering VIP cards at the moment for West Covina Body Shop. The victim I have spoke with has said that he does not feel comfortable with the job they have done, and it's only one instance. Mathematically speaking, as long as it gets the job done, and you don't go back to make a huge complaint everything has to be alright. I need to ask if the guy has made any complaints to this place, just to see if there's a logical leak of how he feels they haven't gotten the job done.
It seems a little selfish on their part, and I think for my side I'm dealing with a win-win situation. I totally sympathize with him because I know how it's like to have someone own a suburban. I would be personally distraught myself. I think I'm not going to pay up with the middle-of-the-road feature this time because it doesn't make any plain legal and logical sense. I have admitted that I made a fault, and I'm not going to look for another company with a smaller price. I don't care if they yell at me or call me bad names now. I am just being plain smart about this whole issue, and I'm not going to feel dumb for the rest of life for having made a stupid mistake of coughing up more than I should.
The only aspect that I may have to propose is to go through an arbitration settlement. I think this is where they may see that I will have the edge because I'm willing to at least pay the minimum amount. An arbitrator may see that I have a good case as well, knowing that this business will do a great job, and they won't even need to show their face at this meeting.
I'm not quite too sure why I have waited so long to come to my senses. I think it's been the work of God to make everything possible for me. I have tried to call up a brother in Christ again, who I have separated from because I have been looking for his help, but he has not picked up the phone. It's pretty much one of those days. I think I will try a lot harder to get to know the Lord a lot better. I think I should join a church and do some more Bible studies so I can fellowship a lot more.
I pretty much want to pay up the minimal amount, and I believe that I'm actually in luck this time because I have found the auto body shop advocated by a city chamber of commerce. They are offering VIP cards at the moment for West Covina Body Shop. The victim I have spoke with has said that he does not feel comfortable with the job they have done, and it's only one instance. Mathematically speaking, as long as it gets the job done, and you don't go back to make a huge complaint everything has to be alright. I need to ask if the guy has made any complaints to this place, just to see if there's a logical leak of how he feels they haven't gotten the job done.
It seems a little selfish on their part, and I think for my side I'm dealing with a win-win situation. I totally sympathize with him because I know how it's like to have someone own a suburban. I would be personally distraught myself. I think I'm not going to pay up with the middle-of-the-road feature this time because it doesn't make any plain legal and logical sense. I have admitted that I made a fault, and I'm not going to look for another company with a smaller price. I don't care if they yell at me or call me bad names now. I am just being plain smart about this whole issue, and I'm not going to feel dumb for the rest of life for having made a stupid mistake of coughing up more than I should.
The only aspect that I may have to propose is to go through an arbitration settlement. I think this is where they may see that I will have the edge because I'm willing to at least pay the minimum amount. An arbitrator may see that I have a good case as well, knowing that this business will do a great job, and they won't even need to show their face at this meeting.
I'm not quite too sure why I have waited so long to come to my senses. I think it's been the work of God to make everything possible for me. I have tried to call up a brother in Christ again, who I have separated from because I have been looking for his help, but he has not picked up the phone. It's pretty much one of those days. I think I will try a lot harder to get to know the Lord a lot better. I think I should join a church and do some more Bible studies so I can fellowship a lot more.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Club Website has amazing potential
I never thought I would see this day to come because I have never dreamed of the site I would create. It's an art of course because you take all these gritty little details into account to make a visual for others to enjoy or be aided for using. It's been a lot of fun to develop a website and to take a look at making some perl scripts work. I think it's been the hard work that's made me keep going. When I see a flaw, I will take mental note and try to fix it later.
It's a sense of enjoyment and having fun but it's not good to focus on this the whole time for me. The website is found at I think I've spent a lot of hours on it, like it's my secondary job. I'm not mainly targeting on people to show up because I don't want to feel the pain that I once had as a president. I'm more on having unity and fixing up my problems into a bigger improvement.
Over the past years, I've enjoyed doing the wrong things and alienating myself from people. Recently, I've joined KCCC where a lot of Korean Christians get together and we have done a Sports Day already. A big highlight is that I helped out the club by playing pair-soccer. It's a game where you have to hold a girl by the hand, and of course I am a guy. It's been fun hanging around with Korean brothers and sisters in Christ. I feel a lot more normal because there are a lot of them around California.
I've digressed partly about my life of walking with the Lord Jesus Christ. I think it's funny to pronounce Jesus with hey zeus. That's why I'm referring to Jesus Christ as Christ or Lord or even Gee Sus sometimes. Alright, I don't think it really matters after all how I mention His name as long as it's correct to the consensus.
This site is underground pretty much because literarily no one is really going to check out this site. I think Google has a way of letting so much better sites shine before me. I'm just trying to keep my mind straight. As of right now, I'm enjoying some good times. I'm glad for having spiritual things that I've never really asked for. It brings me tears of joy to figure that God is not caving down on me and forcing me to do things that I'm not quite ready for yet. I mean it as in going out and preaching His word. I still have yet to learn to understand this Bible, and I think it will be a great start by joing a good ministry like Calvary Chapel Golden Springs, Diamond Bar CA.
Writing and checking up on definitions of words has been a key factor, along with my writing. I think these three aspects have made it more easier on my life of studying harder. It's like I'm studying a lot but not really feeling the pain and enjoying it more. I believe that I'm not smart because I don't always get everything done correctly. It feels good at the moment to finish things, even with the smallest tasks and then you forget them. That's pretty funny. I need to get back to finishing up my project. I'm going to attend church and bring my laptop with me, hopefully no one will stare at me all funny in the bus or try to stalk me. Since I'm a guy and have some history of Tae Kwon Do, I think I can get by with bad people momentarily before I get finished! How I think is that, if a bad man is going to hurt me then I will give him one blow that will hurt him before I go down.
It's a sense of enjoyment and having fun but it's not good to focus on this the whole time for me. The website is found at I think I've spent a lot of hours on it, like it's my secondary job. I'm not mainly targeting on people to show up because I don't want to feel the pain that I once had as a president. I'm more on having unity and fixing up my problems into a bigger improvement.
Over the past years, I've enjoyed doing the wrong things and alienating myself from people. Recently, I've joined KCCC where a lot of Korean Christians get together and we have done a Sports Day already. A big highlight is that I helped out the club by playing pair-soccer. It's a game where you have to hold a girl by the hand, and of course I am a guy. It's been fun hanging around with Korean brothers and sisters in Christ. I feel a lot more normal because there are a lot of them around California.
I've digressed partly about my life of walking with the Lord Jesus Christ. I think it's funny to pronounce Jesus with hey zeus. That's why I'm referring to Jesus Christ as Christ or Lord or even Gee Sus sometimes. Alright, I don't think it really matters after all how I mention His name as long as it's correct to the consensus.
This site is underground pretty much because literarily no one is really going to check out this site. I think Google has a way of letting so much better sites shine before me. I'm just trying to keep my mind straight. As of right now, I'm enjoying some good times. I'm glad for having spiritual things that I've never really asked for. It brings me tears of joy to figure that God is not caving down on me and forcing me to do things that I'm not quite ready for yet. I mean it as in going out and preaching His word. I still have yet to learn to understand this Bible, and I think it will be a great start by joing a good ministry like Calvary Chapel Golden Springs, Diamond Bar CA.
Writing and checking up on definitions of words has been a key factor, along with my writing. I think these three aspects have made it more easier on my life of studying harder. It's like I'm studying a lot but not really feeling the pain and enjoying it more. I believe that I'm not smart because I don't always get everything done correctly. It feels good at the moment to finish things, even with the smallest tasks and then you forget them. That's pretty funny. I need to get back to finishing up my project. I'm going to attend church and bring my laptop with me, hopefully no one will stare at me all funny in the bus or try to stalk me. Since I'm a guy and have some history of Tae Kwon Do, I think I can get by with bad people momentarily before I get finished! How I think is that, if a bad man is going to hurt me then I will give him one blow that will hurt him before I go down.
Explanation for CS Jobs
People have decided to not to take the Computer Science major for some reason. I've been asked about the current job market dealing with programmers losing jobs. Here's my explanation:
Companies want to cut down on costs as good as possible because their main economic reason is to make profits. By hiring employees overseas, they can expect their dues to be smaller. It is largely because countries outside the US tend to have a lower standard of living. For example, a lot of Chinese middle-class workers have income at the rate of working-class Americans, if not mistaken by a PBS film. India has become a nefarious country to mention by computer scientists because it's been ridiculed by students (I can laugh it off, now). These international employees are happy with the payments they receive so it is a win-win situation for both parties. The programming is pretty much a job that should be done with no pay because it is mainly for the enjoyment that one should do it. I don't think computer science is that important of a field or even near it because I see pastors have a lot greater task. I just do it because I do.
Companies want to cut down on costs as good as possible because their main economic reason is to make profits. By hiring employees overseas, they can expect their dues to be smaller. It is largely because countries outside the US tend to have a lower standard of living. For example, a lot of Chinese middle-class workers have income at the rate of working-class Americans, if not mistaken by a PBS film. India has become a nefarious country to mention by computer scientists because it's been ridiculed by students (I can laugh it off, now). These international employees are happy with the payments they receive so it is a win-win situation for both parties. The programming is pretty much a job that should be done with no pay because it is mainly for the enjoyment that one should do it. I don't think computer science is that important of a field or even near it because I see pastors have a lot greater task. I just do it because I do.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
8-puzzle Programming Project

Today, I am going to start some work on a project for my school. It deals with programming an 8-puzzle. This is a game where there are 8 numbers, and you have to line it up to make the correct order. It's doesn't seem that difficult because I have all the notes I need to help me accomplish this task. I'm going to try to summarize and review my notes for this post. I feel that I can do a lot better, if I can write it out first and in a way, this is my way of communicating to the world in a small way.
It applies to me that the best way to be able to solve any riddle is to be able to look at all the possible solutions. The computer is designed to do this very efficiently, if it's done right. There are two types of searches that the teacher wants us to use. The first is breadth-first search and the other is depth-first search. These types of searches are best explained with an animation, as I have mentioned on my club forum. The forum is on The animations are found by searching with 'DFS' and 'BFS' queries on google. You'll find a school site that outlines these searches very well. The third thing I have had to review is the manhattan distance. The manhattan distance is basically defined with two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) as x1-x2+y1-y2. That's pretty much it, and what it does is measure two points in right angles. It can be found in math world, by searching for it on google as well. The manhattan distance and the number of wrong places are going to be used as separate heuristic functions.
Thirdly, the AI class with Dr. P has emphasized graph search algorithm. There are two sets in this algorithm. The first is OPEN and the other is CLOSED. Initally O (open) has a starting node s and CLOSED is empty. The objective of this algorithm is to find the finish node f. For example, think of a graph G as a one-directional tree with the definition G=(V,E). V is its nodes and E is its edges. I'll try to make a stupid diagram of it here:
a -- b
c d F
For this diagram, S is the starting point. In a BFS algorithm, it travels by going to all the levels of its children, recursively. So the answer is Sabcde. The DFS occurs by reaching the farthest node as possible that's to the left in our assumption. So the answer is Sacdeb.
Now it's back to the GSA (graph search). Let's refresh with remember O for open set and C for closed set. O = {S} and C={} (empty). The steps are defined here:
1. If O is empty return FAIL otherwise choose a node n from O.
2. Remove n from O, create the set S of all its children and add n to closed.
4. For each m is an element of S, if m is not on O or C, then add n to set O.
Okay, this seems a little complicated. I'm going to apply an example of the stupid graph I outlined. S is the starting node on it. Following step 2, we remove S from O and create a set = {a,b} and place S on set C (closed). We know that a,b has still not been searched so we put both on O, according to step 3. O = {a,b}.
We remove a and create the set = {c,d,e} and place a on C. C={a,S}. Following step 3, O={c,d,F,b}. We can't forget about b. Each of these nodes now get examined until we get to finishing node F, which means we're done.
To do a BFS algorithm using graph search, simply make the new nodes from step 2 in back of O (open). So with O={a,b}. We make O={b,c,d,F} and C={a}. This gets us to the children of each node with earlier priority. That's an easy proof to understand. To do a DFS we do just the opposite by making the new nodes in front of O. Using O={a,b} again, O={c,d,F,b}. This gets us to the furthest node starting with the left of each child as early as possible. Again this is easy to see.
--------------------------The meat -----------------------------------
This is a funny section that I decided to create to talk about the project implementation.
An 8-puzzle looks like this, I'll a-i represent any number of the range, 1-8 but each number cannot be used twice. There is also one empty space so the numbers can shift.
a b c
h i d
g f e
As you can see, this reminds you of Tic-Tac-Toe. The exhaustive method is to now write out all the possible combinations, this means 9! = 362,880. I don't know about you but I got a life to take care of and serving the Lord Christ to actually to do this meaningless thing. Fortunately, someone from class has made it possible by proposing that we use the empty space to duke this problem out. This means that we don't get to see the result right away before the answer comes out. This is how a lot of programming problems are like!
The empty space allows to create children for a BFS (breath) or DFS( depth) algorithm by interchanging numbers back and forth. I am going to symbolize the directions with the letters UDLR which represent each of the four directions using the first letter respectively. Using the diagram I have used that represents 8-puzzle, I'm going to define how the numbers should be interchanged for each letter. Let me draw this out again.
a b c
h i d
g f e
a= DR
b= LDR
c= LD
Fair enough, 8 possible things to keep looking beats 9! ! Digressing player 2 will never win at tic-tac-toe if the first player plays right by placing that X in the center. There are more combinations as i represents. It's one of those games where an extra letter on a limited space can help, giving the aggressor the edge. The chicken that never loses at Tic-Tac-Toe probably always goes first! Don't be a chicken brain and lose to it.
I have laid out the foundation for myself, and good luck to me to get this project finished. The theories seem pretty easy to grasp, and it's now the programming part that kills like 80% of the population.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Good stuff
I feel that I've been writing a lot because it makes it seem that I really haven't. I've written about 50 posts now and that makes about 250 paragraphs for me, and I still feel that I'm not sufficient enough to reach a goal that I've forgotten already. I think living a life of feeling-based moments is not the proper way to do it for a dude. I don't quite know how women manage to live with all these emotions stuck in their brain all the time. I think they need someone to take care of them very well, and I'm willing to bet that someone who doesn't act stupid or lies all the time is going to get their needs from the almighty.
I recall hearing a statement of how a Christian woman thinks she is going to marry a buck-tooth hill billy from the state of Kansas. Let's pause and close our eyes for the moment to laugh this one out. The attitude is very important, and I think skill is also required. We all have different skills, and I think by having pride it's not going to make our lives any easier. By having pride, I think if you truly want to reach after something, it's going to get a little harder down the road especially if you haven't reached it already. It's pretty stupid to have pride right before you obtain a goal. It means you are going to stop and have some fun eloping or doing whatever drugs that will kill your brain cells. I'm just joking crudely of course. I'm not really the type to judge people, but when I come face to face with them in some point of life with a particular action then I will not hesitate to judge them.
I'm a little different for some reason when I get angry. I don't know what it is about me that doesn't want me to kill someone or strangle them. The bad stuff like that. I think it's more like I think it's a bigger punishment for them to be living at the moment. I think if they live a really long time, then they will hate being victimized by an angry person routinely. I have victimized a fellow professor when I became angry at him. I'm sure he got the point, but in a largely inappropriate way because I lost my cool at him. It's more like I lost it but I've been trained to not to use the common F-S-B-D-M words because I'm not cool with saying those types of things around people. Even in my writing, I don't like to see it personally so when I do write stuff like that I'll eventually go around to deleting it or just censoring it. That's what I like about myself, and I think when I get mad for a long period, I can really develop into a more bigger hunter of something.
What I like when for me to become angry is that when I truly think it is the opposition's fault and not entirely mine. I guess it takes me awhile to see it's my fault. I still think to this day that it was the professor's fault for acting like a kid who wants to destroy a student's future and dreams. This professor has been acting rather nasty off the mark as way because I have largely affected him of his view of students. He's been accustomed to people who have argued with him and have possibly threatened him. I have not known this type of experience because it feels ridiculous for a professor to even care about these type of things.
I'm not too good with expressing constructive criticisms, and I think it's mostly not in my intentions to do that. Maybe I'm inventing stuff that people have used already when I start trying to victimize someone with my anger. My anger has really made me more blatant at times than unusual. I think it can show very well with my writing. I will have stopped here but I think I'll extend my writing period to a little longer because I'm actually getting a point, now.
My anger makes me feel good and righteous sometimes. I'm not too sure if this is a right way of feeling or not. I think I've been advised to not to be angry as possible. I'm not too sure about myself and what I'm aiming at is that I do know myself enough to say that comparatively with others, I think I can keep my cool with situations that revolve around doing whatever. I have been thinking about it and comparing with my sister. My sister is so wierd sometimes, and I think I have gotten to know her a lot better these days. She acts really nice, and I have used to think her voice was really cute. It has made feel a little jealous. Now, it sounds very funny and her laughter is very funny too. It's her same voice still.
My close high school friend feels the same way, and he still likes her or doesn't. There is a very sad event that I recall with my sister. I have been a part of her life, and I could have at one point been blamed for all of her relationships or mishaps that involves me and has made her feel unhappy. I have pretty much been a scapegoat in a literary sense. I don't really care about it because I have long forgotten on caring about this issue. I don't know how my sister is going to be like in the near distant future. I can only hope for the best that she will tempt me in envying her in some fashion. I'm not too big on money, I think as compared to someone who wants to make a million dollars as soon as possible.
It's really trippy with the things of this world of how I'm not supposed to desire anything of it. Sciences are something that has been putting me to some interest. It's like reading the Bible. I'm pretty much trying to read two Bibles. Make that a supplement to the actual Bible. I think I've been spending so much time on reading supplemental material, rather than the Bible. I don't really know what's making me tick. It must be an inner driven though to do things motivationally. Everyone gets worn out, and it's during that time frame that we either continue or quit at something. I think those moments are what really shape a person to be someone they are supposed to be. Actually, more like what they want to be.
It's crazy how I have faults that I can relate to with other people. I then feel like not being that forgiving about it with others. I think I can't lighten up all the time. I'm not too sure what's making me go to classes in shaping up to be something that I'm supposed to be. I want to be a better individual who can undertstand better substances. It's funny to think that an English major thinks very subjectively sometimes and only to waste their time on reading insolently boring books!
I guess I've grown up being an outcast and wanting to study people in a way that I would find a missing link. Caring is pretty tough to forget about when one doesn't try to distract himself with other things. It's like the material is all there and having to go search it somewhere else is very stupid. I guess I suck sometimes. I don't mind being a very poor individual at something I'm trying to accomplish for some period. There's a girl with dark-skin who has been eyeing me for some time in all the classes I've had with her. I remember feeling like crying when I was thinking about approaching a girl to ask them out or something. It's an inner emotion that I've locked up now. I'm now not really feeling anything, and I don't know if I'm supposed to do something when I see something.
This is a very sick topic, called masturbation. It's a little funny underneath but outside it's inappropriate. It all depends on the situation that one is at. That is how I see it when someone says he is going to go jump off a high building, land in a pool, end up hurting himself, and actually that's not funny. I think masturbation is a funny word, and I don't like to bring it up in real-live conversations because that's pretty much all I've really been affiliated with as the highlight of my life. It's wierd to make the penis an idol over Jesus Christ, and it's perverted absoultely. That's been my sin all this time. It's just a worthless piece of matter that's larger than someone elses. Okay, that's a little prideful but I'm glad because I don't have to want to make it larger. It's pointless to be prideful about the penis or not. In some cases, it is because it can make one go out and be more sexually illicit and then, that's not very good to think about.
I will have liked to obey God from the beginning, just as Adam and Eve has had their chances. The apple of good and evil has spread through humanity. I will have preferred to go back, but there isn't any. God has totally designed us to be free-willed machines that can surpass anything on Earth because of our creative minds. As a Psalms says, God has inscribed in the hearts of men, the Law of the Lord. Looks like I'm a man now. The question is if I decide to make that leap towards God and from what angle should it be? I've been wanting to do it but there is no doing if it's just wanting. This reminds me that I think a guy is pretty dumb. I'm thinking he's like an idiot because he doesn't want to study textbooks. He has acted a little prideful by saying that everything stays in his head once he learns and then he starts cursing at his small restuarant that seems to be hanging on the edges because of even more stupid customers.
I don't think I'd like to feel that I'm a stupid customer. I'm not too good with details and that's like my complaint. I think that's what makes me feel demotivated by thinking negatively. I think there a lot of other factors to use when learning. Learning is very complicated, and I know that no one has came up with a perfect model yet to show how it is done. I'm sure you can describe states just as many researchers do. Science does not seem like a big thing and sometimes it could be by blending it in with art. I think science and art are two combinations that work really well together when it is used properly. Take for instance, Da Vinci. This guy has drawn a lot of scientific paintings and probably has enjoyed looking at some cadavers of some sort. I have wanted to use a curse word in that sentence by replacing sort, but I think I'll refrain from doing that.
I think I feel like I'm wasting my time right now but I still have inner drive to keep going. It's like Newton's Laws. Anything that stays in motion tends to stay in motion. I think it's bad to stop at somethings at a particular moment of time. For the Bible, one shouldn't have to give up at it at some period just after finding one discouragement or not feeling like it. It's like quitting classes when you don't feel like it. It's pretty wierd to think this way because it doesn't seem to be funner in a sense. I think I've been brought up a lot into thinking about the consensus. Of what the majority believes I right and so it makes it seem a lot better when I see a lot of Chrisitans gathered together, including me at a convention. It feels a lot better and makes life seem a lot easier to go about it for sharing what there needs to be done.
I don't know if this is an obsession or not with my writing, but I'm so limited with my vocabulary. I haven't used any words that requiring a lot of double-checking with a dictionary. I have used a thesaurus before and made people go "huh" to my papers. I think I have not understood how to write very darn clear papers and to actually like for a long period of time. I'm not that great at writing either. I'm not going to be able to bring in some fun elements that people can use to enjoy their life with. I'm just not the very best at everything, and I think my main weakness is showing pride when I'm not supposed to.
I recall hearing a statement of how a Christian woman thinks she is going to marry a buck-tooth hill billy from the state of Kansas. Let's pause and close our eyes for the moment to laugh this one out. The attitude is very important, and I think skill is also required. We all have different skills, and I think by having pride it's not going to make our lives any easier. By having pride, I think if you truly want to reach after something, it's going to get a little harder down the road especially if you haven't reached it already. It's pretty stupid to have pride right before you obtain a goal. It means you are going to stop and have some fun eloping or doing whatever drugs that will kill your brain cells. I'm just joking crudely of course. I'm not really the type to judge people, but when I come face to face with them in some point of life with a particular action then I will not hesitate to judge them.
I'm a little different for some reason when I get angry. I don't know what it is about me that doesn't want me to kill someone or strangle them. The bad stuff like that. I think it's more like I think it's a bigger punishment for them to be living at the moment. I think if they live a really long time, then they will hate being victimized by an angry person routinely. I have victimized a fellow professor when I became angry at him. I'm sure he got the point, but in a largely inappropriate way because I lost my cool at him. It's more like I lost it but I've been trained to not to use the common F-S-B-D-M words because I'm not cool with saying those types of things around people. Even in my writing, I don't like to see it personally so when I do write stuff like that I'll eventually go around to deleting it or just censoring it. That's what I like about myself, and I think when I get mad for a long period, I can really develop into a more bigger hunter of something.
What I like when for me to become angry is that when I truly think it is the opposition's fault and not entirely mine. I guess it takes me awhile to see it's my fault. I still think to this day that it was the professor's fault for acting like a kid who wants to destroy a student's future and dreams. This professor has been acting rather nasty off the mark as way because I have largely affected him of his view of students. He's been accustomed to people who have argued with him and have possibly threatened him. I have not known this type of experience because it feels ridiculous for a professor to even care about these type of things.
I'm not too good with expressing constructive criticisms, and I think it's mostly not in my intentions to do that. Maybe I'm inventing stuff that people have used already when I start trying to victimize someone with my anger. My anger has really made me more blatant at times than unusual. I think it can show very well with my writing. I will have stopped here but I think I'll extend my writing period to a little longer because I'm actually getting a point, now.
My anger makes me feel good and righteous sometimes. I'm not too sure if this is a right way of feeling or not. I think I've been advised to not to be angry as possible. I'm not too sure about myself and what I'm aiming at is that I do know myself enough to say that comparatively with others, I think I can keep my cool with situations that revolve around doing whatever. I have been thinking about it and comparing with my sister. My sister is so wierd sometimes, and I think I have gotten to know her a lot better these days. She acts really nice, and I have used to think her voice was really cute. It has made feel a little jealous. Now, it sounds very funny and her laughter is very funny too. It's her same voice still.
My close high school friend feels the same way, and he still likes her or doesn't. There is a very sad event that I recall with my sister. I have been a part of her life, and I could have at one point been blamed for all of her relationships or mishaps that involves me and has made her feel unhappy. I have pretty much been a scapegoat in a literary sense. I don't really care about it because I have long forgotten on caring about this issue. I don't know how my sister is going to be like in the near distant future. I can only hope for the best that she will tempt me in envying her in some fashion. I'm not too big on money, I think as compared to someone who wants to make a million dollars as soon as possible.
It's really trippy with the things of this world of how I'm not supposed to desire anything of it. Sciences are something that has been putting me to some interest. It's like reading the Bible. I'm pretty much trying to read two Bibles. Make that a supplement to the actual Bible. I think I've been spending so much time on reading supplemental material, rather than the Bible. I don't really know what's making me tick. It must be an inner driven though to do things motivationally. Everyone gets worn out, and it's during that time frame that we either continue or quit at something. I think those moments are what really shape a person to be someone they are supposed to be. Actually, more like what they want to be.
It's crazy how I have faults that I can relate to with other people. I then feel like not being that forgiving about it with others. I think I can't lighten up all the time. I'm not too sure what's making me go to classes in shaping up to be something that I'm supposed to be. I want to be a better individual who can undertstand better substances. It's funny to think that an English major thinks very subjectively sometimes and only to waste their time on reading insolently boring books!
I guess I've grown up being an outcast and wanting to study people in a way that I would find a missing link. Caring is pretty tough to forget about when one doesn't try to distract himself with other things. It's like the material is all there and having to go search it somewhere else is very stupid. I guess I suck sometimes. I don't mind being a very poor individual at something I'm trying to accomplish for some period. There's a girl with dark-skin who has been eyeing me for some time in all the classes I've had with her. I remember feeling like crying when I was thinking about approaching a girl to ask them out or something. It's an inner emotion that I've locked up now. I'm now not really feeling anything, and I don't know if I'm supposed to do something when I see something.
This is a very sick topic, called masturbation. It's a little funny underneath but outside it's inappropriate. It all depends on the situation that one is at. That is how I see it when someone says he is going to go jump off a high building, land in a pool, end up hurting himself, and actually that's not funny. I think masturbation is a funny word, and I don't like to bring it up in real-live conversations because that's pretty much all I've really been affiliated with as the highlight of my life. It's wierd to make the penis an idol over Jesus Christ, and it's perverted absoultely. That's been my sin all this time. It's just a worthless piece of matter that's larger than someone elses. Okay, that's a little prideful but I'm glad because I don't have to want to make it larger. It's pointless to be prideful about the penis or not. In some cases, it is because it can make one go out and be more sexually illicit and then, that's not very good to think about.
I will have liked to obey God from the beginning, just as Adam and Eve has had their chances. The apple of good and evil has spread through humanity. I will have preferred to go back, but there isn't any. God has totally designed us to be free-willed machines that can surpass anything on Earth because of our creative minds. As a Psalms says, God has inscribed in the hearts of men, the Law of the Lord. Looks like I'm a man now. The question is if I decide to make that leap towards God and from what angle should it be? I've been wanting to do it but there is no doing if it's just wanting. This reminds me that I think a guy is pretty dumb. I'm thinking he's like an idiot because he doesn't want to study textbooks. He has acted a little prideful by saying that everything stays in his head once he learns and then he starts cursing at his small restuarant that seems to be hanging on the edges because of even more stupid customers.
I don't think I'd like to feel that I'm a stupid customer. I'm not too good with details and that's like my complaint. I think that's what makes me feel demotivated by thinking negatively. I think there a lot of other factors to use when learning. Learning is very complicated, and I know that no one has came up with a perfect model yet to show how it is done. I'm sure you can describe states just as many researchers do. Science does not seem like a big thing and sometimes it could be by blending it in with art. I think science and art are two combinations that work really well together when it is used properly. Take for instance, Da Vinci. This guy has drawn a lot of scientific paintings and probably has enjoyed looking at some cadavers of some sort. I have wanted to use a curse word in that sentence by replacing sort, but I think I'll refrain from doing that.
I think I feel like I'm wasting my time right now but I still have inner drive to keep going. It's like Newton's Laws. Anything that stays in motion tends to stay in motion. I think it's bad to stop at somethings at a particular moment of time. For the Bible, one shouldn't have to give up at it at some period just after finding one discouragement or not feeling like it. It's like quitting classes when you don't feel like it. It's pretty wierd to think this way because it doesn't seem to be funner in a sense. I think I've been brought up a lot into thinking about the consensus. Of what the majority believes I right and so it makes it seem a lot better when I see a lot of Chrisitans gathered together, including me at a convention. It feels a lot better and makes life seem a lot easier to go about it for sharing what there needs to be done.
I don't know if this is an obsession or not with my writing, but I'm so limited with my vocabulary. I haven't used any words that requiring a lot of double-checking with a dictionary. I have used a thesaurus before and made people go "huh" to my papers. I think I have not understood how to write very darn clear papers and to actually like for a long period of time. I'm not that great at writing either. I'm not going to be able to bring in some fun elements that people can use to enjoy their life with. I'm just not the very best at everything, and I think my main weakness is showing pride when I'm not supposed to.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Greatest Club Revival in my life

It may seem not that big of a deal, but I have ran a club where no one has showed up in some week. I know that it has happened because the day has been just too bad to attend to. For example, people are doing projects on Tuesday or Thursday. What I have done instead is that I moved it to Mondays. It has become a success, largely because of a popular club advisor, who hasn't been around from last year. I think a lot of people were pretty reluctant or skeptical about this club, at first. It became a more better transition, finally.
Best of all, since I'm like the one who knew what was happening the whole time because I have been sometimes my own president, secretary, representative, and treasurer for a club, I became dethroned from the presidential position this year. This is amazing because I didn't lose by much! I think we have managed to break the attendance record of maximum show-up. What is funny is that the majority of people don't care about going to a silly club. I'm not too sure what it is, but I think it's mainly because of a calling to go socialize and also be recognized as a cool group.
Things seem to be going really well because I can finally see a club move into better transition. We can do some fundraising and propose budgets as a club. What is really awesome is that it all has happened without any expectations, largely. I have learned to not to care about the quantity but rather have more concern over the quality of a club.
It's pretty interesting to note that readers have been looking at my blog posts, recently. I'm not too sure why someone would really be interested in this write-up because I'm largely doing it so that I can become more eloquent with myself and others. The club is really nice, and even though it was a "small-time" club, it's more like "show-time" now! I really need to support the new president now, and I will do this with honor. I'm actually the vice president now.
Everything seems to work out so well, if you try to do positive things that can benefit everyone and of course, with some faith. I've joined a couple Chrisitan clubs so that I can fellowship with this group, and so far, it's made my life less miserable because it feels so common these days for people to be a believer. I think we all get a proper calling when the time is right, and we all are going to get a chance to get to know our personal savior of mankind sins. I'm leaning more to Jesus Christ as of this moment, and I don't think any other religion can emphasize or fill this gap of satisfaction of having a huge hope of reaching heaven.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Starting all over again
If you have been acquainted with me, then you may recall all the stupid little things I've done. The past is something we all need to forget sometimes. I know that this is something that's been very hard for me to do because I feel a lot of guilt, pain, remorse, and regrets; mostly regrets for all the bad things I've done. I don't think my sins are entirely at the worst as it can get, but it still has brought me separation from the Lord. It's very difficult sometimes to live a good life, and we all should vy for it at least. It doesn't make sense to me sometimes on why criminials do things as they shouldn't be. It's painful to see people dying on the streets, and it's now more greater than every with all the media centering on the hurricane disasters for a bit.
It's been hard for me to want to donate money to Louisiana or the Red Cross. I have wanted to be affiliated with friends or family because it makes it easy to donate money than. I think it's wonderful to have people who love each other as their own neighbors. There's another flip-side to my ethics because I have always wanted to prolong life in people as a doctor for quite some time. I think I have gave up on the adventure because my motivation level has dropped with seeing people living out recklessly. At a part of my life, I became consumed in the sexually perverted world and I have recently left it to attempt on walking with Jesus Christ!
I remember how it was all about satisfying a woman and gaining a love of my life. I have missed out, absolutely because I have never gained the confidence to talk more engagingly with someone. Nowadays, it's not the same anymore because the fire is gone from being a little uncomfortable of my physiology. It's not me that I'm worried about anymore, but the woman herself. I think I'm afraid of being ridiculed as a short guy. Thinking about it here, I don't think it makes sense at all. It feels like I'm making logical contradictions with myself, and all I really need to do is try amp up my conversations with female companions. I'm not really looking into dating or being tempted by particular women right now.
I prefer just talking and being someone who can learn to unharness his own emotions. It's buried deep within me and as of this moment, I don't care how people think about me or have the slightest idea of going for a marriage. I keep telling my closest family members how I'm thinking about getting married and the "what-if" scenarios. The closest members to me are my mom and sister. They've had moments of yelling at me and calling me stupid or trying to find ways to get me to shape up. I have found ways of getting them to evade those terms. It's been largely because of my anger from hearing what I don't hink is the truth. I can be really stubborn if I'm not understanding facts.
A large downfall for quite some time has been how I've never really accepted anything as it is without trying to understand it. I can't understand physics fully and don't have the brains to do it, I think. I don't understand God and Jesus either, but it's been from having some level of faith that's kept me in shape. It's hard to put everything on the line when one has zero faith in anything. Therefore, it can very well be the meaning to the end of life for someone who can't shed it.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
New Beginning

Over at Cal Poly, they have a student residential area called the University Village. It's a bit nicer than the dorms because you can customize a phase as getting your own room. You still have to get roommates though. I'm guessing that some will like being at a dorm, no matter what other options are. It really doesn't matter what everyone considers as good for them. There are a little good and bad to many areas. The bads at this apartment is that it can get noisy with the train making its trips. I think if you aren't really a people's person then you might be better off living at the dorms because we get to be around only one roommate, whereas you have get along with three here.
The spacing is a little inefficient here, too as my architect roommate has explained to me. I figure that the noise level is also going to be a little bad here, too. Where my friend lives, it's sort of a priority for them just that they have to worry about where their clothes go and stuff. My friend lives at a peaceful dorm area at the research facility in Cal Poly, upwards and next to the school farm store.
I'm sitting right here with the lights turned off right now because I think the view is a little better, but it's not really helping too much. This is something I will really need to get used to eventually. The assimilation stages with another roommate is going to be one of those discomforts, but as time goes on I think I may or not reap some benefits.
Living a life here can be boring, but can also be made fun with some work. I think confidence is a key factor and even though sometimes it's hard to cooperate together. There are some contradictory reasons for living sometimes because you might feel that you didn't have enough time of getting something you were enjoying. It's like the mind can wander off to do meaningless things, and it can make you feel depressed because it brought you joy, but at the same time isn't going to make you absolutely happy. It's like being addicted to cocaine.
We need to limit our obsessions that make us feel we're getting no luck. We need to face more risks that are ahead of us. I'm not saying that we should put ourselves in danger, but rather keep an eye out for good opportunities. The best way that I can explain this is to know what you desire and than to have faith that you will receive it someday. It has to be something reasonable, and I don't think life gives you rewards for being selfish. God is a just being who humbles us, when He needs us to be.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Cal Poly begins soon

I have had a lot of fun, just before school begins! Yesturday, I have managed to get back from a camping trip with my two friends, who are a guy and girl, and my sister. I have gone to a Santa Barbara campsite, which is three hours from where I live. I have went without too many difficulties, except that I had this feeling of insignificance when my sister was setting up the lantern and became smart enough to pull out a very stuck stack from a tent.
From going on this trip, I have managed to learn some more people skills and gained more appreciation about people's intuitions. A negative point on this trip has dealt with a close childhood friend, who became angry about my sister and her friend alienating him. This is how he has felt because of an odd reason that I do not understand. The way that he has grown up is quite a complex matter because his best friend is his twin brother. He has grown up to accept cooperation as a very key tool of doing things. It also does not hurt the details to know that Brian has a liking for both my sister and her friend. I don't really care who likes my sister, but I do care for her well-being. Sometimes, I think it is insignificant to take into a matter that my sister starts whining about.
With my guesses, I think the bonding of people from different backgrounds happens at different rates and this term of measurement is called cohesion. The more amount of common things that are found with one another, the better the likelihood of a stable relationship with work, school, or private life. My sister is a really big toughy to get along with to my childhood friends. She's very different and a big bully outwardly because she's a girl who has been introduced to a boy's world. It's great to know that she has personally believed in Jesus Christ, by herself too. From doing some natural things to Jean, she has at one point been frustrated at me about how I don't try enough to date some female friends.
In a way, I think dating is also an art but I want to lean towards more of a friendly courtship, rather than date. I've been searching for the wrong details in my life and has caused me to screw up. I've basically taken into account about assumptions, which I have used a lot and never really changed. These have been my major details as I have grown up. My assumptions are pretty much confusing to me and don't really form until I experience it in life. People have asked not to be judged, and I have also thought this way too. I just have distracted myself by playing computer games and losing at them the whole time. This makes me feel ridiculous because I have stayed up countless hours just to try to show that I can unliterally kill everyone at those games. I've cared for the wrong things about myself, and frankly I feel happy for having been silly this whole time.
My worst sins are after all, not the worst to God because it is the same to Him. Separating oneself from God may result in destruction of self, which is dreaded naturally with himself. Discipline is always useful to the point of finding one's way and sometimes, the individual can't see the consequences and is too distracted with the past and the future to figure where they are going. Wrong judgements and assumptions don't happen uncommonly, after all. Teenagers who come on television shows to say that they are sexually active and disobeying their parents are put into boot camps where many of them break down and start trying to change themselves spiritually.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Successful people

I recently have felt that I am an insignificant being because my relatives are now growing up to find a living that they want to do. I have not been able to figure out what I truly want to do yet. I am finding that designing a website is exciting and a lot of fun. I have this feeling of how I want to do more than just be a website designer. I also like the idea of grasping an idea really well and then coaching an individual to gain that idea with my help, included. This is my definition of tutoring someone, in my best opinion.
I have firstly, asked my sister a question that has driven me to write this blog at the first place. The ketchup bottle Heinz says something like (can't remember too well) "Being good at a common thing ensures success." In a way it's true. There are common things like eating and talking. The ones who are really good at these have their own TV show. The question I have asked my sister is, "If you could be good at only one common thing and you like it a lot, what would it be?"
I recently have managed to find this site,, which talks about successful traits in creative people. To summarize it, there are six traits that all successful people carry. There are those creative minds in artists, but they may not have one trait which limits them to being better off. Firstly, (I'm trying to do this by memory), they're objective, inner-motivated, dedicated to their personal aestheticism, very focused, aware of what they want, and carry it out (the last three are my guesses). I have ended up rewording one of the successful traits because all these three equate to mental mobility.
Life doesn't seem so problematic when one is so aimed and faithful to his goal. It's like he can taste what he wants already. The upbringing on anyone doesn't matter because it depends on whether he is content or not. It isn't necessarily a good thought to brainwash yourself into thinking that you are truly happy, even though you are not. I have had a level of euphoria for quite some time because when I started believing in God by accident, it changed me into a completely different philosopher.
According to the Bible, it advises to think on purely good and lovely things. We should also not wrestle with the flesh, which means that our spiritual tasks should be kept separate from the other two different entities: mind and body. Our thinking sometimes gets in our way with our intentions and may result in tiring out our spiritual lives. We are doing enough already by placing our faith on the most high name of this earth, Jesus Christ. Spirituality is an interesting topic and my guess about it is that it means its where the heart of our lives is at.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Fun in website designing

What I really like about designing the club website is that it is giving me a preview of the web technologies that one has to work with. I've been trying to study some cgi scripts for making a message board, picture slide show, and calendar. I have already managed to get an e-mail and add-a-link script working. A friend has mentioned that I should also look into scripts created by c.
The difficult aspects of getting a cgi-script working is that many files sometimes have to be placed together to make the big picture. The school server has an inconvenience in that the scripts have to be called unnaturally for some undivulged reasons. The club advisor is the architect of the school server though, and I don't really want to bug him so I will have to find a different means to circumvent this discouragement.
I have thought about using php scripts, instead. I'm guessing that since it's very highly related to html, it should be more simple to work with. I think it's important to use scripts because they automate tedious tasks and make complex tasks much more feasible to obtain. Everyone has aspirations and mine is to see a nice club site up and working marvelously for years. I'm basically giving in to people who have never had a lot of motivation for doing group efforts. I'm very grateful for the server maintaining old files on the club site. I've decided to regorganize it and make it much more simpler to analyze. I've designed in Visio a conceptual website design. My friends seem to think what I have done is cool!
The only concerns I have is the temptations to become lazy and anxious about getting people to do things they don't want to. I have read about strategies for manipulating people, which is done by TV commercials. I plan to use the majority of these things, and even though I naturally hate it, I'm still going to use it. I'm starting off with glittering generalizations and transfer. I'm going to lay off of name calling because I'm assuming that we live in a holistic community of other club goers with their special interests. We should not be competitive in nature, and the president has to obviously be good at staying focused. If the club becomes successful, then I will use plain folk, band wagon, and testimonial tactics. The previous post jokes about these manipulatory things.
Utilizing a website is pretty much something you have to born with, it doesn't matter who you are of course but I think you have to have this natural tendency of desiring it beyond your motivations. It's too bad that ideas are very tough to develop in computer science and its software applications. One head is like zero heads, but two heads is a start. The more heads, the more merrier the aim is. When heads start losing productivity, then it's good to lay them off until the core heads distinguish themselves.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
I finally get it!

It is really neat that the reasons for my photos taking awhile to upload is because, they are just too plain big! My 7.1 MP camera is a rare commodity, but technology is not good enough yet to upload the 1 MB file! What I will have to try right now is a compression utility, such as Microsoft Photo Editor. I could also use Adobe Photoshop, but I'm not quite sure which is better at the moment. I am going to check it out right now and then upload a decent looking photo. I have decided to use Adobe Photoshop over Microsoft's Photo Editor because I enjoy the "Save for web" feature, which lets you preview the image before you decide to save it. You still get to retain the original photo and save your compressed image at another directory if you want. It's really convenient if you are trying to place a lot of compressed images into the same directory. This amped up version of Paint keeps track of where you previously stored a saved image.
It's quite odd that people like me have the potential to do things and don't usually come around to know what that is. It's like life needs to have some suggestions of what that good life is. Advertisements try to manipulate people into doing things, such as drinking Budweiser or Miller Lite, by using a persausive maneuver called transfer. Transfer is an example of associating a product with something that is considered as high value. Like when the commercial features beer with beautiful women surrounding it. Have you seen that Axe commercial?
Now that half of the audience here, make one-half to be exact, is against getting manipulated, I am going to manipulate people to come to a club meeting. There are six aspects when it comes to persauding someone. These are glittering generalizations, name calling, transfer, testimonials, plain folk, and band wagons. You already know what transfer is. Glittering generalization is using words or phrases to arouse, yes arousalment, a good response to a product, policy, or person. Politicians can run for office by claiming a "drug-free society". Name calling is what a lot of people to each other when they especially hate each other. The purpose is to say associative things that create an unfavorable label about anything. Humpert Hubert ran for president, and his opponents successfully used the phrase, "Dump the Hump." Testimonials are what people do all the time when they make suggestions, if it's opinion based. Plain folk is seeing the president wear sports clothes while jogging on TV. He's not normal, obviously especially if he has to meet his mistresses. Band wagons are using the phrases like "Everybody is doing it." Young men, like me, have the potential to defame myself by getting women more sexually intimate by using these phrases.
Life is pretty much as good as it gets! It's wierd to hear an instructor tell you that he is a sexual addict. People expect their jobs to cause them to be well-liked by other coworkers. You can't be well-liked that much to your husband or wife if you make naughty videos with them and this catchy word, "Others." The best way to get along with your coworkers is to show an interest for them. It is nice to also mind your own business and not criticize them. Everybody expects themselves to be well-liked by others when they work.
Some people I don't know have horsed around with dangerous machines and caused damages. Employers want their workers to be on time, reliable, and expressing interest with their job. The best way to advance with your job is to basically do more. Obsequious people become more depended on and not really in the rise of advancement. If you want to stay at your own position, then start umm... butt kissing your boss and supervisors.
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- 4AverageLife
- I'm just sharing my thoughts and don't expect much out of it with everybody. It's really fun for me to just write about anything that's on my mind. I know some people will know who I am in person because I've had my real name up so long.