It is really neat that the reasons for my photos taking awhile to upload is because, they are just too plain big! My 7.1 MP camera is a rare commodity, but technology is not good enough yet to upload the 1 MB file! What I will have to try right now is a compression utility, such as Microsoft Photo Editor. I could also use Adobe Photoshop, but I'm not quite sure which is better at the moment. I am going to check it out right now and then upload a decent looking photo. I have decided to use Adobe Photoshop over Microsoft's Photo Editor because I enjoy the "Save for web" feature, which lets you preview the image before you decide to save it. You still get to retain the original photo and save your compressed image at another directory if you want. It's really convenient if you are trying to place a lot of compressed images into the same directory. This amped up version of Paint keeps track of where you previously stored a saved image.
It's quite odd that people like me have the potential to do things and don't usually come around to know what that is. It's like life needs to have some suggestions of what that good life is. Advertisements try to manipulate people into doing things, such as drinking Budweiser or Miller Lite, by using a persausive maneuver called transfer. Transfer is an example of associating a product with something that is considered as high value. Like when the commercial features beer with beautiful women surrounding it. Have you seen that Axe commercial?
Now that half of the audience here, make one-half to be exact, is against getting manipulated, I am going to manipulate people to come to a club meeting. There are six aspects when it comes to persauding someone. These are glittering generalizations, name calling, transfer, testimonials, plain folk, and band wagons. You already know what transfer is. Glittering generalization is using words or phrases to arouse, yes arousalment, a good response to a product, policy, or person. Politicians can run for office by claiming a "drug-free society". Name calling is what a lot of people to each other when they especially hate each other. The purpose is to say associative things that create an unfavorable label about anything. Humpert Hubert ran for president, and his opponents successfully used the phrase, "Dump the Hump." Testimonials are what people do all the time when they make suggestions, if it's opinion based. Plain folk is seeing the president wear sports clothes while jogging on TV. He's not normal, obviously especially if he has to meet his mistresses. Band wagons are using the phrases like "Everybody is doing it." Young men, like me, have the potential to defame myself by getting women more sexually intimate by using these phrases.
Life is pretty much as good as it gets! It's wierd to hear an instructor tell you that he is a sexual addict. People expect their jobs to cause them to be well-liked by other coworkers. You can't be well-liked that much to your husband or wife if you make naughty videos with them and this catchy word, "Others." The best way to get along with your coworkers is to show an interest for them. It is nice to also mind your own business and not criticize them. Everybody expects themselves to be well-liked by others when they work.
Some people I don't know have horsed around with dangerous machines and caused damages. Employers want their workers to be on time, reliable, and expressing interest with their job. The best way to advance with your job is to basically do more. Obsequious people become more depended on and not really in the rise of advancement. If you want to stay at your own position, then start umm... butt kissing your boss and supervisors.
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