Monday, September 26, 2005
Starting all over again
If you have been acquainted with me, then you may recall all the stupid little things I've done. The past is something we all need to forget sometimes. I know that this is something that's been very hard for me to do because I feel a lot of guilt, pain, remorse, and regrets; mostly regrets for all the bad things I've done. I don't think my sins are entirely at the worst as it can get, but it still has brought me separation from the Lord. It's very difficult sometimes to live a good life, and we all should vy for it at least. It doesn't make sense to me sometimes on why criminials do things as they shouldn't be. It's painful to see people dying on the streets, and it's now more greater than every with all the media centering on the hurricane disasters for a bit.
It's been hard for me to want to donate money to Louisiana or the Red Cross. I have wanted to be affiliated with friends or family because it makes it easy to donate money than. I think it's wonderful to have people who love each other as their own neighbors. There's another flip-side to my ethics because I have always wanted to prolong life in people as a doctor for quite some time. I think I have gave up on the adventure because my motivation level has dropped with seeing people living out recklessly. At a part of my life, I became consumed in the sexually perverted world and I have recently left it to attempt on walking with Jesus Christ!
I remember how it was all about satisfying a woman and gaining a love of my life. I have missed out, absolutely because I have never gained the confidence to talk more engagingly with someone. Nowadays, it's not the same anymore because the fire is gone from being a little uncomfortable of my physiology. It's not me that I'm worried about anymore, but the woman herself. I think I'm afraid of being ridiculed as a short guy. Thinking about it here, I don't think it makes sense at all. It feels like I'm making logical contradictions with myself, and all I really need to do is try amp up my conversations with female companions. I'm not really looking into dating or being tempted by particular women right now.
I prefer just talking and being someone who can learn to unharness his own emotions. It's buried deep within me and as of this moment, I don't care how people think about me or have the slightest idea of going for a marriage. I keep telling my closest family members how I'm thinking about getting married and the "what-if" scenarios. The closest members to me are my mom and sister. They've had moments of yelling at me and calling me stupid or trying to find ways to get me to shape up. I have found ways of getting them to evade those terms. It's been largely because of my anger from hearing what I don't hink is the truth. I can be really stubborn if I'm not understanding facts.
A large downfall for quite some time has been how I've never really accepted anything as it is without trying to understand it. I can't understand physics fully and don't have the brains to do it, I think. I don't understand God and Jesus either, but it's been from having some level of faith that's kept me in shape. It's hard to put everything on the line when one has zero faith in anything. Therefore, it can very well be the meaning to the end of life for someone who can't shed it.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
New Beginning

Over at Cal Poly, they have a student residential area called the University Village. It's a bit nicer than the dorms because you can customize a phase as getting your own room. You still have to get roommates though. I'm guessing that some will like being at a dorm, no matter what other options are. It really doesn't matter what everyone considers as good for them. There are a little good and bad to many areas. The bads at this apartment is that it can get noisy with the train making its trips. I think if you aren't really a people's person then you might be better off living at the dorms because we get to be around only one roommate, whereas you have get along with three here.
The spacing is a little inefficient here, too as my architect roommate has explained to me. I figure that the noise level is also going to be a little bad here, too. Where my friend lives, it's sort of a priority for them just that they have to worry about where their clothes go and stuff. My friend lives at a peaceful dorm area at the research facility in Cal Poly, upwards and next to the school farm store.
I'm sitting right here with the lights turned off right now because I think the view is a little better, but it's not really helping too much. This is something I will really need to get used to eventually. The assimilation stages with another roommate is going to be one of those discomforts, but as time goes on I think I may or not reap some benefits.
Living a life here can be boring, but can also be made fun with some work. I think confidence is a key factor and even though sometimes it's hard to cooperate together. There are some contradictory reasons for living sometimes because you might feel that you didn't have enough time of getting something you were enjoying. It's like the mind can wander off to do meaningless things, and it can make you feel depressed because it brought you joy, but at the same time isn't going to make you absolutely happy. It's like being addicted to cocaine.
We need to limit our obsessions that make us feel we're getting no luck. We need to face more risks that are ahead of us. I'm not saying that we should put ourselves in danger, but rather keep an eye out for good opportunities. The best way that I can explain this is to know what you desire and than to have faith that you will receive it someday. It has to be something reasonable, and I don't think life gives you rewards for being selfish. God is a just being who humbles us, when He needs us to be.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Cal Poly begins soon

I have had a lot of fun, just before school begins! Yesturday, I have managed to get back from a camping trip with my two friends, who are a guy and girl, and my sister. I have gone to a Santa Barbara campsite, which is three hours from where I live. I have went without too many difficulties, except that I had this feeling of insignificance when my sister was setting up the lantern and became smart enough to pull out a very stuck stack from a tent.
From going on this trip, I have managed to learn some more people skills and gained more appreciation about people's intuitions. A negative point on this trip has dealt with a close childhood friend, who became angry about my sister and her friend alienating him. This is how he has felt because of an odd reason that I do not understand. The way that he has grown up is quite a complex matter because his best friend is his twin brother. He has grown up to accept cooperation as a very key tool of doing things. It also does not hurt the details to know that Brian has a liking for both my sister and her friend. I don't really care who likes my sister, but I do care for her well-being. Sometimes, I think it is insignificant to take into a matter that my sister starts whining about.
With my guesses, I think the bonding of people from different backgrounds happens at different rates and this term of measurement is called cohesion. The more amount of common things that are found with one another, the better the likelihood of a stable relationship with work, school, or private life. My sister is a really big toughy to get along with to my childhood friends. She's very different and a big bully outwardly because she's a girl who has been introduced to a boy's world. It's great to know that she has personally believed in Jesus Christ, by herself too. From doing some natural things to Jean, she has at one point been frustrated at me about how I don't try enough to date some female friends.
In a way, I think dating is also an art but I want to lean towards more of a friendly courtship, rather than date. I've been searching for the wrong details in my life and has caused me to screw up. I've basically taken into account about assumptions, which I have used a lot and never really changed. These have been my major details as I have grown up. My assumptions are pretty much confusing to me and don't really form until I experience it in life. People have asked not to be judged, and I have also thought this way too. I just have distracted myself by playing computer games and losing at them the whole time. This makes me feel ridiculous because I have stayed up countless hours just to try to show that I can unliterally kill everyone at those games. I've cared for the wrong things about myself, and frankly I feel happy for having been silly this whole time.
My worst sins are after all, not the worst to God because it is the same to Him. Separating oneself from God may result in destruction of self, which is dreaded naturally with himself. Discipline is always useful to the point of finding one's way and sometimes, the individual can't see the consequences and is too distracted with the past and the future to figure where they are going. Wrong judgements and assumptions don't happen uncommonly, after all. Teenagers who come on television shows to say that they are sexually active and disobeying their parents are put into boot camps where many of them break down and start trying to change themselves spiritually.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Successful people

I recently have felt that I am an insignificant being because my relatives are now growing up to find a living that they want to do. I have not been able to figure out what I truly want to do yet. I am finding that designing a website is exciting and a lot of fun. I have this feeling of how I want to do more than just be a website designer. I also like the idea of grasping an idea really well and then coaching an individual to gain that idea with my help, included. This is my definition of tutoring someone, in my best opinion.
I have firstly, asked my sister a question that has driven me to write this blog at the first place. The ketchup bottle Heinz says something like (can't remember too well) "Being good at a common thing ensures success." In a way it's true. There are common things like eating and talking. The ones who are really good at these have their own TV show. The question I have asked my sister is, "If you could be good at only one common thing and you like it a lot, what would it be?"
I recently have managed to find this site,, which talks about successful traits in creative people. To summarize it, there are six traits that all successful people carry. There are those creative minds in artists, but they may not have one trait which limits them to being better off. Firstly, (I'm trying to do this by memory), they're objective, inner-motivated, dedicated to their personal aestheticism, very focused, aware of what they want, and carry it out (the last three are my guesses). I have ended up rewording one of the successful traits because all these three equate to mental mobility.
Life doesn't seem so problematic when one is so aimed and faithful to his goal. It's like he can taste what he wants already. The upbringing on anyone doesn't matter because it depends on whether he is content or not. It isn't necessarily a good thought to brainwash yourself into thinking that you are truly happy, even though you are not. I have had a level of euphoria for quite some time because when I started believing in God by accident, it changed me into a completely different philosopher.
According to the Bible, it advises to think on purely good and lovely things. We should also not wrestle with the flesh, which means that our spiritual tasks should be kept separate from the other two different entities: mind and body. Our thinking sometimes gets in our way with our intentions and may result in tiring out our spiritual lives. We are doing enough already by placing our faith on the most high name of this earth, Jesus Christ. Spirituality is an interesting topic and my guess about it is that it means its where the heart of our lives is at.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Fun in website designing

What I really like about designing the club website is that it is giving me a preview of the web technologies that one has to work with. I've been trying to study some cgi scripts for making a message board, picture slide show, and calendar. I have already managed to get an e-mail and add-a-link script working. A friend has mentioned that I should also look into scripts created by c.
The difficult aspects of getting a cgi-script working is that many files sometimes have to be placed together to make the big picture. The school server has an inconvenience in that the scripts have to be called unnaturally for some undivulged reasons. The club advisor is the architect of the school server though, and I don't really want to bug him so I will have to find a different means to circumvent this discouragement.
I have thought about using php scripts, instead. I'm guessing that since it's very highly related to html, it should be more simple to work with. I think it's important to use scripts because they automate tedious tasks and make complex tasks much more feasible to obtain. Everyone has aspirations and mine is to see a nice club site up and working marvelously for years. I'm basically giving in to people who have never had a lot of motivation for doing group efforts. I'm very grateful for the server maintaining old files on the club site. I've decided to regorganize it and make it much more simpler to analyze. I've designed in Visio a conceptual website design. My friends seem to think what I have done is cool!
The only concerns I have is the temptations to become lazy and anxious about getting people to do things they don't want to. I have read about strategies for manipulating people, which is done by TV commercials. I plan to use the majority of these things, and even though I naturally hate it, I'm still going to use it. I'm starting off with glittering generalizations and transfer. I'm going to lay off of name calling because I'm assuming that we live in a holistic community of other club goers with their special interests. We should not be competitive in nature, and the president has to obviously be good at staying focused. If the club becomes successful, then I will use plain folk, band wagon, and testimonial tactics. The previous post jokes about these manipulatory things.
Utilizing a website is pretty much something you have to born with, it doesn't matter who you are of course but I think you have to have this natural tendency of desiring it beyond your motivations. It's too bad that ideas are very tough to develop in computer science and its software applications. One head is like zero heads, but two heads is a start. The more heads, the more merrier the aim is. When heads start losing productivity, then it's good to lay them off until the core heads distinguish themselves.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
I finally get it!

It is really neat that the reasons for my photos taking awhile to upload is because, they are just too plain big! My 7.1 MP camera is a rare commodity, but technology is not good enough yet to upload the 1 MB file! What I will have to try right now is a compression utility, such as Microsoft Photo Editor. I could also use Adobe Photoshop, but I'm not quite sure which is better at the moment. I am going to check it out right now and then upload a decent looking photo. I have decided to use Adobe Photoshop over Microsoft's Photo Editor because I enjoy the "Save for web" feature, which lets you preview the image before you decide to save it. You still get to retain the original photo and save your compressed image at another directory if you want. It's really convenient if you are trying to place a lot of compressed images into the same directory. This amped up version of Paint keeps track of where you previously stored a saved image.
It's quite odd that people like me have the potential to do things and don't usually come around to know what that is. It's like life needs to have some suggestions of what that good life is. Advertisements try to manipulate people into doing things, such as drinking Budweiser or Miller Lite, by using a persausive maneuver called transfer. Transfer is an example of associating a product with something that is considered as high value. Like when the commercial features beer with beautiful women surrounding it. Have you seen that Axe commercial?
Now that half of the audience here, make one-half to be exact, is against getting manipulated, I am going to manipulate people to come to a club meeting. There are six aspects when it comes to persauding someone. These are glittering generalizations, name calling, transfer, testimonials, plain folk, and band wagons. You already know what transfer is. Glittering generalization is using words or phrases to arouse, yes arousalment, a good response to a product, policy, or person. Politicians can run for office by claiming a "drug-free society". Name calling is what a lot of people to each other when they especially hate each other. The purpose is to say associative things that create an unfavorable label about anything. Humpert Hubert ran for president, and his opponents successfully used the phrase, "Dump the Hump." Testimonials are what people do all the time when they make suggestions, if it's opinion based. Plain folk is seeing the president wear sports clothes while jogging on TV. He's not normal, obviously especially if he has to meet his mistresses. Band wagons are using the phrases like "Everybody is doing it." Young men, like me, have the potential to defame myself by getting women more sexually intimate by using these phrases.
Life is pretty much as good as it gets! It's wierd to hear an instructor tell you that he is a sexual addict. People expect their jobs to cause them to be well-liked by other coworkers. You can't be well-liked that much to your husband or wife if you make naughty videos with them and this catchy word, "Others." The best way to get along with your coworkers is to show an interest for them. It is nice to also mind your own business and not criticize them. Everybody expects themselves to be well-liked by others when they work.
Some people I don't know have horsed around with dangerous machines and caused damages. Employers want their workers to be on time, reliable, and expressing interest with their job. The best way to advance with your job is to basically do more. Obsequious people become more depended on and not really in the rise of advancement. If you want to stay at your own position, then start umm... butt kissing your boss and supervisors.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Sitting here and having nothing to do, I think it's a good time for me to check up on other things. I do need to fill in some more sentences right now. I strictly feel that I have zero motivation and have this worn out effect with my psyche. My mom keeps on trying to butt in with my college efforts by asking me a lot of questions related to it. I don't really like answering a lot of my mom's questions because it gets a little too excessive. Just while I have been doing this blog, my mom has come up to me and asked me when my school begins. My mom wants to know what books I'm getting and a lot of these things about my school!
It's really odd because I have told my mom that I'm possibly not going to get married. She became upset and is trying to convince otherwise to actually get married. She has told me that I have not met the right girl, yet and that everyone has pains to deal with in this world. I feel that my upbringing results in a single life because I have had the opportunity of trying to learn about showing affection to several people but I have ended up, blowing it off.
I feel there is something to do but things related to school. I am starting to realize that my pride for has made me fail extremely with courses. I have felt it is okay to procrastinate and do things at the last minute. I have also struggled with my readings because I have never done it before class sessions. I now understand that school is all about reinforcing what we already know. Therefore, we all should learn the material before a class session.
The successful people I know are extremely focused on other things, such as their jobs and family. They still do well in their courses because they make an effort to learn something before class everyday. It is pretty much a good study habit that we all should strive for.
My sister has been acting up at me and has called me selfish. She becomes like a baby at me sometimes and nags her wishes upon me most of the time. She has always wanted a dog, for example. The reason why I bring this up is because I want to mention that my sister is an example of a failure! She doesn't really try hard enough sometimes and gets mad for her own demise. She then starts venting it to her friends and talks about how bad her life is and the mess she's been through. I don't think she's going to get married anytime soon.
It's really odd because I have told my mom that I'm possibly not going to get married. She became upset and is trying to convince otherwise to actually get married. She has told me that I have not met the right girl, yet and that everyone has pains to deal with in this world. I feel that my upbringing results in a single life because I have had the opportunity of trying to learn about showing affection to several people but I have ended up, blowing it off.
I feel there is something to do but things related to school. I am starting to realize that my pride for has made me fail extremely with courses. I have felt it is okay to procrastinate and do things at the last minute. I have also struggled with my readings because I have never done it before class sessions. I now understand that school is all about reinforcing what we already know. Therefore, we all should learn the material before a class session.
The successful people I know are extremely focused on other things, such as their jobs and family. They still do well in their courses because they make an effort to learn something before class everyday. It is pretty much a good study habit that we all should strive for.
My sister has been acting up at me and has called me selfish. She becomes like a baby at me sometimes and nags her wishes upon me most of the time. She has always wanted a dog, for example. The reason why I bring this up is because I want to mention that my sister is an example of a failure! She doesn't really try hard enough sometimes and gets mad for her own demise. She then starts venting it to her friends and talks about how bad her life is and the mess she's been through. I don't think she's going to get married anytime soon.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Summer Break
Everyone has to have some time away from hard work because it is sometimes a big mind cruncher to read up on what everyone is doing and has been done. It is very interesting in that to succeed at school, one needs to learn the topic before it is addressed by the instructor. The instructor is only there to aid in toning the student's knowledge. Some instructors are so good at teaching the topic that they can cover everything.
The accepted ways of how to learn are not really discussable because people have lives and sometimes opinions make one discouraged about debating with them. Reading is the way to the truth, in my opinion! Listening is wonderful too, and it can be used to gather basic ideas about a topic. Reading pretty much is the source to comprehending everything, and I think if one does not make an effort to learn then he is not actually reading anything!
I have been enjoying my spring break because it has been a lot of fun. I've been hanging out with some good friends. Recently, we have talked about killer robots and time travel while drinking a can of beer. I don't believe in drunk driving but if a friend drinks beer then I see why not take one and enjoy it with him. It feels very customary to drink some draft beer with guy friends. My sister is against drinking beer, and I truly understand. I recall how Dr. Rich has made money by selling draft beer to people at the rose bowl. This is pretty funny incidents.
Two of my friends have felt that we scored with the opportunity of getting to know girls. Over at a Starbucks, I have thought it would be a good demonstration of talking to some girls for a discouraged friend. I have went over and asked if they were Korean. They have told me about how they are Christian, and I became happy to hear this. My friends and I became driven to follow them to their Friday night service at 10 PM!
The message became a very good one by the preacher, who is a Korean missionary. He has some good points and makes absolutely a lot of sense with the matters of prayer. I have had the opportunity of asking a girl her phone number, but have decided to drop the idea because my purpose of going to a service was to fellowship with other Korean Christians. My other friends have asked these girls, who they thought were pretty. One became happy, and the other became sad from striking out! My happy friend calls himself the Love Doctor, online!
The accepted ways of how to learn are not really discussable because people have lives and sometimes opinions make one discouraged about debating with them. Reading is the way to the truth, in my opinion! Listening is wonderful too, and it can be used to gather basic ideas about a topic. Reading pretty much is the source to comprehending everything, and I think if one does not make an effort to learn then he is not actually reading anything!
I have been enjoying my spring break because it has been a lot of fun. I've been hanging out with some good friends. Recently, we have talked about killer robots and time travel while drinking a can of beer. I don't believe in drunk driving but if a friend drinks beer then I see why not take one and enjoy it with him. It feels very customary to drink some draft beer with guy friends. My sister is against drinking beer, and I truly understand. I recall how Dr. Rich has made money by selling draft beer to people at the rose bowl. This is pretty funny incidents.
Two of my friends have felt that we scored with the opportunity of getting to know girls. Over at a Starbucks, I have thought it would be a good demonstration of talking to some girls for a discouraged friend. I have went over and asked if they were Korean. They have told me about how they are Christian, and I became happy to hear this. My friends and I became driven to follow them to their Friday night service at 10 PM!
The message became a very good one by the preacher, who is a Korean missionary. He has some good points and makes absolutely a lot of sense with the matters of prayer. I have had the opportunity of asking a girl her phone number, but have decided to drop the idea because my purpose of going to a service was to fellowship with other Korean Christians. My other friends have asked these girls, who they thought were pretty. One became happy, and the other became sad from striking out! My happy friend calls himself the Love Doctor, online!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Club Revival
Let's all assume something in that this club will find its way out of a hole. The purpose of doing something is to basically stay active and benefit almost everyone who is interested in being part of a club. We can't cover everything in a year, so the best way is to make progressions. There comes a period in time where someone starts figuring that the best path in life is not selfish and hormonal desires. It becomes very useful to be acquainted with creating something out of nothing. Becoming wealthy, which means living a full life with all of the desires of one obtained, happens by doing the right things. Is it true that cause creates an effect? Most likely it can just be the case.
If I am to look at myself and get a clear visual of what I want in life, then I am to believe that this visual which is advancing others is possible with a lot of faith and effort. Our minds are equipped to create a substance out of nothing because the idea is coming from nothing. We should have faith and effort in obtaining something that we desire. There is no need for one to covet after another's possessions. We do not have to hurry and be competitive. We simply need to do the right things to succeed in life.
To desire wealth is not a bad thing because it is a natural thing to make advancements in life. Wealth is not all about having the most money because the richest man can be miserable. It is a state that causes satisfaction in self and others. This wealth can be used to promote others, and this is how it should be. One should always associate with what he desires.
If one associates with failure, then he will inevitably fail. To constantly keep in mind with faith on something that one desires will cause this person to receive something he wants eventually. We are all capable of achieving wealth and no competition can keep us from gaining it. There is no need to fight others and to maintain selfishness for the greater good of self. Some excel well in competition because it is their skill. Being competitive means being hasteful. We should be completing things as fast as possible but not doing it with haste.
We should all desire wealth and promote others. The will begins by associating with wealth and getting a clear visual of this desire in your mind. We have mind, body, and soul. We must have desire in some sense for each aspect in order to maintain a higher quality of life. It is not the way for one to keep in regard with animal desires. This is not life. From what I know, the true life is to know that a deity doesn't want us to live in poverty. We all have prayers and want to assist a person we love. Without wealth, we cannot spread love. The true essence of this wealth is found by creativity of a substance from nothing.
If I am to look at myself and get a clear visual of what I want in life, then I am to believe that this visual which is advancing others is possible with a lot of faith and effort. Our minds are equipped to create a substance out of nothing because the idea is coming from nothing. We should have faith and effort in obtaining something that we desire. There is no need for one to covet after another's possessions. We do not have to hurry and be competitive. We simply need to do the right things to succeed in life.
To desire wealth is not a bad thing because it is a natural thing to make advancements in life. Wealth is not all about having the most money because the richest man can be miserable. It is a state that causes satisfaction in self and others. This wealth can be used to promote others, and this is how it should be. One should always associate with what he desires.
If one associates with failure, then he will inevitably fail. To constantly keep in mind with faith on something that one desires will cause this person to receive something he wants eventually. We are all capable of achieving wealth and no competition can keep us from gaining it. There is no need to fight others and to maintain selfishness for the greater good of self. Some excel well in competition because it is their skill. Being competitive means being hasteful. We should be completing things as fast as possible but not doing it with haste.
We should all desire wealth and promote others. The will begins by associating with wealth and getting a clear visual of this desire in your mind. We have mind, body, and soul. We must have desire in some sense for each aspect in order to maintain a higher quality of life. It is not the way for one to keep in regard with animal desires. This is not life. From what I know, the true life is to know that a deity doesn't want us to live in poverty. We all have prayers and want to assist a person we love. Without wealth, we cannot spread love. The true essence of this wealth is found by creativity of a substance from nothing.
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About Me
- 4AverageLife
- I'm just sharing my thoughts and don't expect much out of it with everybody. It's really fun for me to just write about anything that's on my mind. I know some people will know who I am in person because I've had my real name up so long.