Sunday, December 10, 2006

Corny life

Computer games, my addiction.
Dumb as it sounds, a gamer on the run.
Piano music that pains every living soul.
Horrific banging noises to life's most delicate pieces.
Just one game per day, not five-hundred cigarettes in a day.
To be the very best at time-management.

Results that are worth knowing,
Hackers that ruin deceptively good-looking software.
No payment by regulars but dumb merchants.
City of this great place for strikers.
Movement of medicinal dosages with stupid games.

Computers, technologies, what's the use?
Only to bring more misery in this God-forsaken world.
Its number-crunching brings in more harder problems to solve.
Ignorance that was once valued, but not anymore because of machines.
Hail to the machine king!

Liver swapping, heart doners, machine givers!
Side-effects and protections of complaints.
River-dancing til noontime, hazing the new Sundance kid.
Reaping rewards of nothing but bittersweet treats.
My sobbing lives on forever.
Places of refuge-that old friend's treehouse.

Ding, ding, ding.
My doorbell just rang.
Click, click, click on the mouse.
Drive yourself away, change your pace.
Freedom at last from my laments.

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About Me

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I'm just sharing my thoughts and don't expect much out of it with everybody. It's really fun for me to just write about anything that's on my mind. I know some people will know who I am in person because I've had my real name up so long.