Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The mind of meish

Meish is not a very new concept for me. He's very selfish by the way and thinks of himself very highly, at times even more stronger than God. His heart is so small and can't even contain a baby fist's amount of love for others. He's such a bad person, who can't get around life. He needs to always feel like he's dominating over others in every occupation. He's such a poor sport and can't live without pleasing himself and only him. He finds it joyful to play by himself and to be around no one.

He enjoys making others feel like they're fools. He gets angry for all the wrong reasons and judges contexts with the wrong meaning, especially if it's positive feedback from nice people. He puts no proper effort into everything and expects to be blessed like a genius. He's too greedy for life and doesn't want others to experience the golden times ahead of him.

Nothing pleases him, everything comes and goes for him. Not one thing can take away his lusts for power and domination. To him, getting along with people is a compromise. Meish has not a good thing left in his soul.

He thinks he is the most wonderful person in the world. There is no one like him, he's like God's one-of -a-kind. He thinks that he has all the power in the world and thinks that he'll go anywhere or do anything like God can.

Whenever these feelings go away, he goes about brainwashing himself to feel these delusional thoughts again. The world is supposed to be centered all around him. His parents can't figure him out because they are too perplexed by his moodiness. He's the tamed untamable. He's like let loose into the wild where no one can ever come into contact with him. His world is all about making himself feel pumped up.

There's really no one for him to please except himself. Nobody can really live up to his expectations, like he does in his mind. His pride level is way off the mark and because of it, no one can really attribute to where his happiness lies from.

Friday, May 25, 2007


I guess I'm reaching allergy season for the summer. Like this is big news for some people! I plan to pop in one Clariton tablet daily to help give me balanced living again. In addition, I'm also experiencing a little headache. I'm just wondering how it would feel like to be an adolescent girl going through a few agonizing mood swings, along with my tantrum-making allergies!

My eyes feel pretty dry, so I think I will try to get some eye drops and get a little more shut eye. It's pretty strange how things are for me. I feel really physically weakened by having this allergy attack. Perhaps, I just need to relax today because it's probably a cold. Or maybe, it's just another coincedence. Ah ha, I'm so out of it that my mind is getting really incoherent!

I think it's really stupid if a guy relies on his emotions and then starts attributing details with it. This is just a random thought from feeling moody, right now.

Hmm, let's get random and funky again! This is where I tell the world to shut off their monitor so that I can type my most intimate thoughts (yeah right!) No one is really reading this post right now. Gosh, my posts are really dumb to look at. I shouldn't even be guaranteed any room in the Cy-berrr whooorld (try to say it with an echo-like voice in your head).

There are just too many things happening for me, yeah uh huh! Let's bring on the desensitized but sensitive people to read this post and laugh out loud at my stupidity.

Dee daum daw dwee dul dee dum. Okay, I'm going really far-fetched. I'm like traveling to a new universe without smelling pig's feet. Whoo, I'm off of work now. Enough messing around with myself forrrr nowww (imagine a voice-like echo in the back of your head saying this).

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I'm really feeling something down below here. I can't really pinpoint it to any generalizations. Nor do I know what the end result will be like. What I do feel is a positive expectation that will leave me becoming a better person. I'm really trying to hone in these days with the small things in life- all those little details that I'm used to brushing off.

There's been a little trouble with my mood swings. I'm not sure if it happens when an allergic reaction is about to make me go ballistic! The source is somehow really difficult to circumscribe into understanding pretenses. Figuratively, I am binded with a consistent bias that atrophies at times but enumerates again into a bigger shield.

I'm around a lot of tough breaks. It's very difficult to follow suit with the right course of action for me. I really want to be righteous before the Lord. I know God's love is unconditional no matter what we do. It's pretty much up to ourselves to fully commit our hearts with any spiritual investments.

Living in a world where sin dominates us, I really feel that many miss out on opportunities to become more intimate with God. More or less, our limited wisdom becomes a snare to us as we harden our hearts even more to unsightly premises.

I think that the Lord will work on my heart. Sooner or later, possibly in about two years or more (!), I will have a satisfying answer unconditionally.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

What should I complain about today?

That's a pretty good question. Why don't you just tell me. I'm finding it a little hard (this is my complaint) to recognize people's problems. I'm just not gifted enough to settle down and really reason through all these transitions that occur in life. What I think we happen to do is really try to get others to settle with our biases by trying to use evidence. That makes things very interesting and a lot of fun to want to go out and read other people's work.

I think that I'm not really a full time loser.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Earlbabilla-Language of Babbling Earl

Blah blah, blah!
Oh, boo bah, mumbah. Bloober blooba, gumpa, grumpa, amepa.

Ump, mump, funk, loonk, grook, afruck, groogy.
Liva, lover, limpa, lifa, loorka, moo poo, fa sah.

Aww, another two minutes of randomness. I'm getting pretty good at recognizing transitions. I need to use this to my advantage when reading. I think it's kinda nice to be a dude studying physics.

There are so many advantages to having a smart head. It's so much fun to open your eyes and see a entirely different perspective. I know that I'm not that smart, and I know that I'm not worthy of a good wife.

In general, I don't think I deserve to live in accordance to God's standards. I think loosening up has been a key focus for me. Learning to communicate my misjudable ideas has been leading me somewhere.

I guess when I really filled with the Holy Spirit, I really see something that's different. I can't believe that my body can really produce a work that I'm having a hard time to construct. Gee, I do have some really funny posts. I think having this style is really nice.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Wanderer

This man has payed a heavy price for his servitude.
He labored and became promoted with more bondage. Everyday did not seem to be a happy day because his reward was not what he expected. Day in and day out, barely making end's meet. He would pay off his tenant and barely have enough to support his own shoulders.

Disaster struck him, a highly irresponsible girlfriend wouldn't walk out on his life. He just wanted some space and then the unthinkable happened to him. She broke up with him and not the other way around. It's his world and not anyone elses. No one is supposed to invade on his personal territory. It's all about his happiness and nobody else.

This man has a weakness and that's a soft spot. He can't seem to do anything right sometimes. He feels that his best friends will shield these personal portrayals of what is really inside of him. It's true that he's a very sensitive man, who indulges in promoting his opinons about the most banal details of life. It's a talent that offsets some women, and they try to draw near him for comfort. These women are slightly insecure with themselves and share a style of scorn that enlivens their days with this man.

He is now a wanderer. A nomad. A man with no family and home at work. A person on a quest to find a higher wage at the same company. He has no desk! He is now a subset worker to a vacant desk. He's a chameleon.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Earl's World- No Way- B.S. Land

Baloney sandwiches anyone? I don't really care any more about this site. Nobody cares to read my stupid posts. I'm just going to type whatever the heck I feel like typing, without cursing. I don't believe in cursing because it makes me feel bad inside. It's like you would be mad, if someone started laughing at you if you said the S. or the F. word, after something major bad thing happened. I know that I made a close friend of mine mad for doing that.

Alright, it's keep away from my personal life. If you look deeper into these blogs, you will notice the unnecessary details about my life. How I just mess around and type whatever depressing thoughts that fills up my head. Boy, I totally wish I listened a whole heck of a lot more. Something really stubborn inside of my small head wasn't functioning right. I guess there you have it, the candid me. Always trying to be a good sport, even with no one around.

I'm really rolling around these thoughts that are taking me nowhere. That's a really bad habit for me. I think I need to learn to just think outside the box and accept the way things are! I can't fully control how others are going to be like, even though I meant the purest intentions. My heart is still capable of dealing evil 24-7. I admit it that I've fallen from the glory of God. I'm just another dummy vagabonding God's turf. It's amazing how much freedom exists, during the creation of the New Testament.

I'm a lost creature without being in God's presence. Where I see myself in comparison to Jesus is that I'm a complete nobody worthy of having my insignificant life cut-off by the Lord. I'm such a faulty person, who is still gullible to the reasons that make me give in to my temptations. But then again, God has gifted me with the ability to laugh at my own sorrows. I can seriously feel for other's pains, sometimes.

To be able to withhold enough content in my head and analyze it, gives me an advantage that most guys have. I think women will get caught up emotionally and therefore, stay mainly with details. Gosh, I remember how stupid I was and looked smart outwardly.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Right Side Of My Face

A lot of settling ideas are finally flowing through my mind. It's frankly odd how everything fits together at once, how what you didn't see under your nose is actually pestering you like a repercussion. Staring through the mirror, I found a flawed self-perception of me. I ended up praying to the Lord, while turning my head over to reflect the ugly side.

I'm really grateful for my life and content with the different skin patches that are over my body. It's amazing to see how even the smallest details of myself are comprehended by my creator. Reflecting on this event, it does feel wasteful to have been standing around just giving awe to my shiny pimple scars. It's also been quite a struggle from not feeling accepted for my outside appearance. Trying to think outside the box, I realized that my life had scars from not being content with my body. I recall my art teacher assigned a writing assignment to describe our face, and I think, if it were now, I would have really submitted something like this one I'm posting.

I thought something that might have been immoral; I attributed my looks by feeling my parents weren't very good-looking. I went on to allude from this event that I'm the son of a fool and that my mother hasn't made the best decisions in life, too-so as a result, here I am! I can partially back up my beliefs about my dad, who constantly went way, over-board arrogant about his looks and abilities. My dad reminded me of a big talker who had nothing to show for his wife. Painfully, the Bible says that God will punish parents' offspring up to the fourth generation. I wonder if I've been cursed with my appearance.

I really have this loose feeling of how insecure individuals will want to strive for plastic surgery. I think having differences as a whole in facial features is beautiful! To minimize on what nature intended only conveys to humanity the shallowness in our hearts. I also think struggling is a part of life; I still toss out feelings of inferiority when I mindlessly compare myself to other's appearances. To really come to terms with myself and enjoy my facial features has been a true blessing. Knowing that if I were in the time of Moses, I would have been pronounced unceremoniously clean and unfit to be a handsome priest.

It's totally fine, and there's nothing better than being able to laugh it off. I feel that too many have a journey in life and simple goals to achieve. We're living in a different society now, where looks hardly talk. There are very few gorgeous people out there, who will never reach into your neighborhood. This makes me really appreciate a person with striking personality, regardless of prettiness not your taste, a whole lot more.

From looking at my face in the mirror and capitalizing the moment, I see that there's a lot more to life than just staring and complaining to self how you want to change your looks. I'm sure a few people will say "Case closed, I'm not good-looking (-hint: you are more uglier than me)". Gosh, many people are so business-minded up in Wall Street; they aren't focusing on their flaws but only keeping themselves feeling good and making the big bucks! Many guys want to get into the big leagues by buying a pretty girlfriend. Well, news flash- she won't be so pretty, if you get worn out with her.

Life doesn't have to be so complicated. It's about being in good health and loving those who care for you. That's how I think most people see life as. Here's a thought, Jesus loves you and forgave you for your sins! Yes, he's our Savior. Every one of us have sinned and turned away from God at one point of our life. We are all guilty of capital punishment- death! God denounced all of our sins and judged us to be unworthy of existing, but God sent His only Son to die on the cross to take away our burden. You can accept Christ into your life, by saying a simple prayer:
"Jesus, I confess to you that I'm a sinner. I accept you as my Savior, please come into my heart and help me become what you want me be. Amen." Congratulations! Next, pick up the Bible and start reading away note: you should be going to attending a fine, Bible teaching church. May God be with all of you!

About Me

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I'm just sharing my thoughts and don't expect much out of it with everybody. It's really fun for me to just write about anything that's on my mind. I know some people will know who I am in person because I've had my real name up so long.