Friday, November 10, 2006

Poetic Junk

Ah geez, haven't written in this site for a very long time.
Marking people in my dreams, faking reality by escaping it through healthy means.
Video games are lots of fun, but there seems to be no way out.
Temperments take me to a new level of ease.
Finding justice over my personal anguish has brought me lower.
Having fears of increasing circumstances, of doing so much.

Not a perfect creature by all means and well people are just plain better than me.
I know what drives me is my desire to express myself.
Being alone with no help really burdens me.
Uncomfortable talks are perferably not to be reckoned with.
Messy rooms and irreversible entropy, the universe will someday change with a boom.
Movies that depict the idealism, which people want in life and so many choices.

Interesting people who seem to never change for the better, knowing self-criticism.
Friends who express a major and stable emotion, which is very predictable.
Enjoyable details and yet through desire of short healthy fun, I revert to easy fun.
Challenges make me personally uneasy with talented people.
How talent is visible in others through interacting with them in an observant manner.
To live peacably whatsoever feel no envy and pride of respectively others and self.

My tongue initiates a bunch of acts, some that are more regrettable.
It is like expressing one's desires fill the individual with dedication.
Paradoxically, it is foolish to chatter these desires with strangers.
To tell them to a stranger would cause you to be envied, or even worse to envy them.
The things that matter are what I would like to experience the most.
Communication means nervousness, tension, anxiety attacks, and unimaginable work- worry.
Relationships are like formed through personal experiences and a developed model of attending to people.

Brain crunching, being physically active, and increasing reading are not much with little background.
Gee, it really hurts to blame it on those closest to you.
Expressing a repressed dissatisfaction by making positive associations with the norm.
Defending the personal view of a norm to the highest sense possible.
Too normal of a everything to find a support group.
Family background, personal attitude, compatibility with others, and experience equate to conclusion.

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About Me

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I'm just sharing my thoughts and don't expect much out of it with everybody. It's really fun for me to just write about anything that's on my mind. I know some people will know who I am in person because I've had my real name up so long.