Monday, August 28, 2006

I finally have this bloggerbot from picasa again. It works really well in that I don't need to log on to the website. I don't really like space bar because it's really hard to press. My mom left me a message that the car needs to pulled up into the driveway or else the street sweeper is going to ticket me. I realize that I'm going to need to write very consistently about any thoughts that I have, so that I can be pretty comfortable with writing when the MCAT comes up. For me, I think that it's really hard for me to study other people's textbooks. In a way, it's just time-consuming but at the same time it's a lot of fun to learn something new. By examining what people write about, I can get a sense of what their personality is like. The English language is such a rich and beautifully composed language because of all those expressive words that have come together. It gives off historically meaning.

I think that my writing style is not going to be viewed by anyone. I believe it's best for no one to really care about the things I write about. This is just for my own benefit. I'm just saving up space with having to keep a journal. It's the technology that allows me to store this. I think that whatever I end up writing about will not be viewed or understood, so it's just going to cause people big headaches or eye strains. It's a lot of inside humor for me and so if you are reading this, then I would appreciate you not continuing to read this site and let me go on with my business of practicing writing. I'm using a very flawed design, which doesn't look very safe for publishing whatever I feel like writing. I think this thing is best for publishing any photos I have, but I haven't even posted any of those photos yet. I guess for me, I'm very different from the world because I don't follow them. My dad feels that I have an inability to learn off of people. I disagree because if I put a lot of concentration into it, then I will be able to. My stupid life is basically composed of nothing to write about. It's just a million thoughts coming to my fingertips at the blink of an eye. I think poetry might be a better thing for me to try. It's very allusive and yet clandestine. It could be deceptive but yet there's an acceptance for duality. I guess that's what I'm going to do for now on. So pretty much I'm not going to be maintaining a journal anymore. It's just going to be whatever the heck I feel like writing. This way, it will be a sort of code that only I will be able to decipher. No one else on this planet will be able to construe what I am writing about. I guess this is the best way to publish my daily life and not feel like a fool later.

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About Me

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I'm just sharing my thoughts and don't expect much out of it with everybody. It's really fun for me to just write about anything that's on my mind. I know some people will know who I am in person because I've had my real name up so long.