Monday, August 15, 2005

Club Shout-out

It's great to know that two people who never really have showed up for the club meeting, last year, have asked me about the club. I'm dedicating this post for people who are interested but haven't been able to reach me. The club has been formed in the past by a group of people, formerly known as the Bits N' Chips. They have been a legacy to the CS Department because of their shrewd ways of forming a large clique. From reading about their few posts online, I have noticed that they did a lot of website designing, which has dealt with javascript, perl/CGI, and other stuff. The club has faded away since because all the diligent originals and moguls left the campus!

It seems as though we are currently passing the phase of a humble beginning. What I mean is, I have found a few guys who are willing to work on fun stuff we think up. No routine has been set from last year because it has always been about people showing up. From having this experience of a large negative one, it's always been about the content that's been judged by everyone as important or not. True, I have slacked off a lot by introducing an infinite feeling of stuff to do at the last weeks of the spring quarter. For a starter, it can be nice if I specify the introduction and requirements of everything we will be doing to keep on pace.

I am honored to have been endorsed by everybody whose been involved with my campaigns. There is a successor I have in mind of, and he's Top Genius. A background has fed his brain to dedicate to open sourcing, 24-7. It's been relatively cool, but not the best to have Evil Mac Genius as our new advisor. He really has missed out on stuff by being discouraged by me! Not to mention, Srinivas has felt the same way by advocating a professor to kick me out of a CS course. What has happened about it? Oh, nothing, I just got into a huge talk-fight fest with an infamous CS teacher. I have beaten him because he's never replied once to my interesting e-mails that appeal even to me, to this day. Anyway, the name calling has been a well-labeling factor; I have just called him a jerk, and he has taken it up the alley which is a very good sign for everyone. I am mentioning this; I hope he's going to be a more socially engaging professor and mentor to good students. It's time to let go of the past and hold back on the satisfactions I have found from arguing with Dr. HK Liu. He's most likely not going to.

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I'm just sharing my thoughts and don't expect much out of it with everybody. It's really fun for me to just write about anything that's on my mind. I know some people will know who I am in person because I've had my real name up so long.