Monday, August 08, 2005

My slip up

I feel that I have greatly done a disobedient act for Jesus the Messiah, this time. This post is going to be offensive for some people because I am going to be outspoken about my immoral act. Here goes:

I have become in a sinful mood with the ladies today. I have gone online and have done some searching for lustful material that is inferior to pornography. My old habits have taken over me and have caused me to forget about all the regrets that I will accumulate. I have found things dealing with movies that contain lustful footage. It has made me waste time and now I don't know if I'm constipated! The reason that I reflect on this poor image of myself is so that I'll rely on a better source than myself to keep me at a repentant stage for the rest of my life.

I have condoned the fornications that are found with movies, which has weakened me. I still have yet to get married and attempt at raising a family. It is like all eyes are glued on me to make great expectations occur. I have no help in the matter in fixing my bad interests. All I can really do is stop slipping up, at the start. A little dose for me can immediately become a new compulsive behavior, after doing so well.

Time is precious, like money. It means that our decisions will cause scarcity with doing something wickedly pleasurable. Nothing is going to happen, if one just thinks about creating results. If changes are thought upon, then results will occur. I am never going to have the power to change people into the good godly figure that I see as fit. This means that I will constantly have to face dummies, who lust after the worst things and actually be getting temptations to sin, influentially.

A good club this year will mean that I am a good student ready to take on the bad sides of the world. If it stays bad, then it is pretty much a statement from God telling me that something is wrong! I need to become more persistent now and let my developing ethic take over my evil and wicked desires.

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I'm just sharing my thoughts and don't expect much out of it with everybody. It's really fun for me to just write about anything that's on my mind. I know some people will know who I am in person because I've had my real name up so long.