Thursday, August 11, 2005

Writing is powerful

A former bad-boy roomate has told me that e-mails stick with professors. I have not been able to notice this because when I write, I do it without the curse words. It is interesting enough that a reader can be offended when the text is written in such a way that emits derogatory meanings. It becomes a clash with his or pride on the line; some try to exact revenge and play the logical game of figuring out whose meant to do well in life and not. I did write an e-mail to a professor, who I will not name. He has been an ugly complicated figure to a lot of my friends, who has taken him with me. The women seem to not have any trouble with this guy though; it could very well be that a female professor has decided to defend this poor fellow who never writes back!

What I have done is very unheard of because I have done something that could very well be done briefly in television or on the movie. I have done the act of talk-fighting with this doctorate, who has decided to be a personal show-off of his small invested powers. This professor is someone I do not recommend taking because of his style of giving minimum effort to his students. He does enjoy throwing curve balls, instead of the traditional fast balls to teach his students. It's like he goes against the student's expectations and sometimes feels that he isn't a good person to hang around with. The man is a Chinese wierdo who won't get in your way if you don't. It's much the way that I am, too. If someone has made me mad without any previous history of experience, then I can be a bad person to hang with too.

There is a comparison with both of us, in how we act. The difference is how he has decided to make retreats more often to spend time with his boy. I am a winner of this stupid event, but I have the ugly mind that I have described to this fellow as well. I still can't apologize because of the bad experiences that he gave me, physically. Spiritually, I love the man and want to wish him the best of luck; no hard feelings. I forgive him of everything that he's done to me, but I can't apologize. He is supposed to be my mentor, at this point!

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I'm just sharing my thoughts and don't expect much out of it with everybody. It's really fun for me to just write about anything that's on my mind. I know some people will know who I am in person because I've had my real name up so long.