Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I'm really feeling something down below here. I can't really pinpoint it to any generalizations. Nor do I know what the end result will be like. What I do feel is a positive expectation that will leave me becoming a better person. I'm really trying to hone in these days with the small things in life- all those little details that I'm used to brushing off.

There's been a little trouble with my mood swings. I'm not sure if it happens when an allergic reaction is about to make me go ballistic! The source is somehow really difficult to circumscribe into understanding pretenses. Figuratively, I am binded with a consistent bias that atrophies at times but enumerates again into a bigger shield.

I'm around a lot of tough breaks. It's very difficult to follow suit with the right course of action for me. I really want to be righteous before the Lord. I know God's love is unconditional no matter what we do. It's pretty much up to ourselves to fully commit our hearts with any spiritual investments.

Living in a world where sin dominates us, I really feel that many miss out on opportunities to become more intimate with God. More or less, our limited wisdom becomes a snare to us as we harden our hearts even more to unsightly premises.

I think that the Lord will work on my heart. Sooner or later, possibly in about two years or more (!), I will have a satisfying answer unconditionally.

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I'm just sharing my thoughts and don't expect much out of it with everybody. It's really fun for me to just write about anything that's on my mind. I know some people will know who I am in person because I've had my real name up so long.