Friday, July 15, 2005

Car Accident Posts

I have been lately unhealthy with my socializing ability because I won't break out of my shell at clubs. Just joking. I've been unusually tempted at becoming vulnerable of being unhappy and envious to people who share a good life already. What I'm aiming at is, the parked car I hit is owned by a young married couple. They have children and assume a nice home because their kids play sports. I don't know what account I had of when I whacked their fender by moving in forward! I did this at the parking lot. I felt devastated and thought I did a really horrible thing because it's like hitting someone's prized possession, a baby of some sort, a suburban. Those are somehow cars I've grown to understand as something positive to a man's love of cars.

Okay, I've been very sensitive to this issue. I can't seem to make up my mind in how to go about this. Furthermore, this is really funny is that they haven't pursued after my money in about a year now. I have prayed about this incident once, and I don't know if that had a good effect. I can't simply come barging into their hospitality because I would be tempted to lust after something I don't have and that's a married wife. I have to stay out of this lookout. The husband seems to be a really nice man, but the wife is a very independent-like woman who is very expressive of herself. I don't want to feel extremely bad after coming out of this house. I prefer a more professional setting now because I've grown up into a singled man. I don't like the idea of the man's wife being the moderator to this whole incident.

I like to think of myself with my new image as confident and pursuant of the chosen woman for me to marry. I am starting to feel a lot of passion of wanting to feel good by having an intimate relationship with the aftermath of a healthy marriage. I don't think I will single in a lot of beautiful girls for now. I have yet to absolve my nasty past of looking at porn and start being able to move into a more positive direction for myself. The regrets are wholy unsubtle and so I want to rely on God as much as Paul the Apostle did. Make that, more than the Apostle because my faith corresponds with this burning passion. I am getting at not living a life of regrets from doing evil acts, but instead sowing in good acts to reap better rewards in life.

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I'm just sharing my thoughts and don't expect much out of it with everybody. It's really fun for me to just write about anything that's on my mind. I know some people will know who I am in person because I've had my real name up so long.