Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Wierd Thought

I know everyone has their own talents, and preferably knows what to do with their lives. Take for instance, Top Genius, my friend and the Vice President of this club who I want to take over this club after I'm gone. He enjoys browsing the internet for software and updates related to computers in general. When one uses Linux, it requires a lot of dedication to figuring out what computer concepts are. There's another fellow by the name of Evil Mac Genius, who is the club advisor and a really good CS teacher. He prefers keeping it simple and enjoying the cool designs Appleware comes up with. If you factor me in, I'm really a life that seems to go beserk sometimes because things go off and on around here. After being totally clueless to how the people function for a very long time, I am phasing back in, and it has been long for me to accept Christ into my life again, again, and again.

I feel slightly saddened for messing up all the time. I have never really been good at first time trials. The value I have learned is patience, off of my life's mistakes. It's like playing basketball and just shooting over and over until your shots go in, finally! I never really had a talent for reading and studying, but I have kept on going at it without giving up. Sometimes, the feeling became so dramatic I could not continue any longer. There came a period in all my twenty unit friends, where we all felt empty in pursuing after an academic mission. I do not know to what degree, but for me, I became absolutely sickened for awhile in having to stay awake all the time, falling asleep in classes, and not getting the grades I felt I deserved. It is a period of mischievousness when one develops a sarcastic attitude. It sure can be funny to observants, but to me I felt anger at a lot of people.

It does not matter what I thought these people did because everyone has their pet peeves. By learning about the truth, which is so difficult if you can't talk to the person directly, I became more confident about fishing for more members in this club. It is obvious no one is perfect. I thought to myself, I used to be a person who could do everything on his own. In fact, I have but not to a degree that pleases people. I know that without the truth of all things, people will feel that others are vicious to them. For example, people don't show up to a meeting and a conceived thought goes around in how everyone is making fun of a club. This is not a healthy image to feel.

One of the most difficult things that an independent leader can't do is ask for answers. It is so hard for them to open themselves up to controversial matters because they already have the sight set on a conceived simple model. Not many can rise to the occasion for breaking the ice. Being an ice breaker can also have its rewards because you find new things, but sometimes it is for the worst. A friend of mine used to always travel to the full usage of his brain to get advantages for himself. It would be a habit and very difficult to pass up. I in fact have felt the pain all the time of people making any excuse for not showing up to the meetings I have tried to host on my own. It truly isn't easy being the chairman of a club that doesn't have lackluster.

There's an answer to an inside question for why I keep trying to progress with the development of this club. There are new things to try out and new principles to learn about making a successful business. It becomes a passion to figure out how much one should not care about the opposition. Instead of trying to just force people to come, it's a good time to figure out what qualified people need in their lives. I have not been able to figure out why people might think of me as a jerk, or why I have been sinking below the average. I have unusally been cautious about approaching women, but maybe staying away from a few might be in fact a bad thing, both ways! A good school is wonderful to attend to. You have diversity, challenging instructors, smart and beautiful women, great developing friendships, and many trials to figure out what you absolutely stand for in life. What's your take in life especially besides an occasional pizza with beer? What about things to do with your friends?

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I'm just sharing my thoughts and don't expect much out of it with everybody. It's really fun for me to just write about anything that's on my mind. I know some people will know who I am in person because I've had my real name up so long.