Thursday, July 07, 2005

The show must go on

I made several mistakes yesturday, and I cannot hold a quiet audience accountable for my regrets. The first thing I did was play Texas Hold Em' for about six hours straight. Actually, make that eight hours. I was having so much fun making fake money and figuring out what people's hands were without seeing them. I should not have done this because I am a student and have a priority. My priority is to serve Christ and I cannot cheat this opportunity by doing something else I shouldn't be doing.

A second mistake I made was not making deposit of $800, which I have in my wallet. I owe a family $700 because I slammed into their fender on a parking lot. I can't believe I did this stupid act! I was so tired that day and did not know what I was doing simply because I couldn't read or visualize anything complex that day.

I forgot to update my pictures and disappointed one of you, which is me. Me! Me! Me! I disappointed me! When I have time, I will place photos on this blog site. I am going to pay the family $700 next week. I am also going to stop playing Texas Hold Em' for now, even though I am very good at it. I could just play a little bit when my priorities are like super slow. That's the only time I will do it.

Writing is a natural thing for me now because I can type whatever I feel like. I could grab some more ideas by majoring as a writier, but I don't really have the time for doing that because I don't really want to. The thing that does not make me want to become a writer is that I need to please an audience I am so unsure of. If I could know this, then I would have been a writer. I could start by socializing more and joining a group that is pretty out of this world. I prefer being a job holder at a church. Despite all the beliefs people have against me, I want to be a Computer Scientist. I feel it is God's calling. Somehow, I am developing a lot stronger from being a computer science major because I am finding a greater detail of my learning disorders and life disorders.

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About Me

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I'm just sharing my thoughts and don't expect much out of it with everybody. It's really fun for me to just write about anything that's on my mind. I know some people will know who I am in person because I've had my real name up so long.