Saturday, June 04, 2005

Timing Values

Life is all about timing. The choices we make especially if we get to a high venerable position with our friends affect a lot of people. Placing a club vote can mean life and death with a policy. Responsibilities come by becoming a club officer, and it is very important to give these types of people the chance to let go of their positions and develop in the path they want to choose.

I have made many shortcomings with this club from last year. I wanted to see people come and when I did see a number of like five people show up, I did not take advantage of that time to ask for their individual experiences or expertise. I was too caught up with the future. I was unable to focus my attention on the present enough to be able to progress into it. I had a lot of thoughts accumulated, and they were probably very simple and off-centered.

There comes a moment in time where everything one places an ambition should also be seen in practical matters. The frequency of this ambitious activity will largely effect the timing of anyone's life. The summer is filled with thinkers, writers, and doers. The hardships of a tough major such as Comp Sci cause many disruptances for anyone who tries to cope with it. Noone really talks about the specific usage of Comp Sci anymore. It becomes hard to become noticable figures in the world. Other concentrations and desires cause the person to shift their focus onto other activities. The basic things in life deal with faith, love, and hope. Faith in a sense with the belief of how the world is working daily. Love in terms of respect with self and others. Hope in engagement of living daily and waking up to see you are your own individual, like seeing your hidden self without a mirror.

Honesty is not easy to come by because one falter of detail can mean the end of an organization. An organization who gets dishonest people to deal with money is not going to last very long. In generality, life is tough sometimes for people. The personal feelings become a way of life for trying to cope with it. Abnormally, happiness is envied by people. What makes life very difficult is exhaustion of doing anything, the stress level becomes a lot greater when the body does not have a lot of time to recuperate. Many have different ambitions and so when this time of exhaustion hits them, it causes them to temporarily change their way of living by talking.

Sleeping at least eight hours a night is a necessity for most of us. Without those hours, we will fall asleep in class or show up very late. We won't be able to learn and push forward with our education without sleep. Reading textbooks and on other interesting topics also become a very big issue because that period is our time of development- a moment to reflect on life. What I discovered from going on with the search 'how do i read faster?' was that the brain is able to read automatically any word by looking at the first and last letter of each word. Perahps, it is because I am a good speller and pronouncer which causes me to fare very well. Others will have different ways of reading text by skimming it or reading word for word on every text.

Writing becomes a very powerful tool indeed. The confidence of a writer and his image is very important to the reader. By getting to the point in a confident way, he will attract attention. It is much like talking but in a different sense. Talking takes a lot of work and people enjoy playing jokes on each other by not exactly doing what they said they would be doing. I think people get jealous at me. It's like they squint their eyes at me and show a resentful face to me. They really abhor people who have undergone a lot of adversity and come out stronger. They see how life doesn't work for them, but it does for someone else. I actually have someone I envy and that is the vice president because of the background he has pursued. By reading up on a lot of computing for years, he is able to recall answers to a lot of basic computing questions. I wish I did that myself when I was in high school. In conclusion, all I can really say is if qualified people decide not to pursue a good cause then it is pretty much their own faulty decision.

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I'm just sharing my thoughts and don't expect much out of it with everybody. It's really fun for me to just write about anything that's on my mind. I know some people will know who I am in person because I've had my real name up so long.