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Sunday, January 29, 2006

I recall something that made me a little mad. This black worker at CBS TV Taping place made this soft-hearted lady sing a cliche "I love you" over and over again. He advertised it as a very funny thing that would make the audience laugh. I didn't really like it at all because I very well respected her singing that phrase over and over again. Looks like I'm actually sometimes emotional driven which makes me pretty human internally. It's pretty true that we can't be always perfect by like seeing an athlete hit a homerun all the time or a basketballer make shots all the time. It's really great how this economy makes these foolish looking atheletes lead on with lucrative careers. It's pretty much all in an economic strategy which causes all these interesting phenomenons to happen. I'm very well blessed to be called a legal adult now and to have an education that will allow to lead over a baby-boomer generation which does not have a lot of dilligent diploma recepients. It is a privilege to be this generation and to have come from a freakish family because it has strategically been the best part for me. I came out short and fat and totally diffident, possibly one of the worst candidates for getting an early girlfriend or trying bad things at a younger age. I didn't really deal with any peer pressure either because I always kept my mouth shut. I had no clue what the school was about and even though I wanted to fit in, I really didn't care because my passion used to be to get straight A's at every cost. I lost hours of sleep and had many days of fretting over having procrastinated. I was upset and had no satisfactions whatsoever. I became a maniac-depressed person after losing my video games, doing bad in school, and liking so many girls but not doing anything about it! I was thinking committing suicide over these stupid hormonal drives that made no plain sense to me at all. I took pills too but got off of them after a month. I believe that I let my animal desires take over my tormented soul which allowed for an evil spirit to dwell in me. It got really bad because I ended up hearing voices that came from my head and was auditorial. I just submitted myself to the authority I was called to and sure enough it became a success. I remember asking a million questions and receiving shrugs from this one dude who didn't want to answer my questions. I became so depressed because I wanted to talk to someone. He was like right next to me and I was so lonely. No, I never had the idea of being a homosexual because I was addicted to porn at the time of high school. I totally regret having looked at it and recall the moments that I actually cried out for those sins. They got to me eventually and something made me get really mad because I was feeling deceived. I then went on this message board and starting duking out with those porn lovers by debating with them and saying that they are dumb in a formal way

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I'm just sharing my thoughts and don't expect much out of it with everybody. It's really fun for me to just write about anything that's on my mind. I know some people will know who I am in person because I've had my real name up so long.