Saturday, May 07, 2005

Club Cliques

This is the end of Week 6 and it looks like not a lot of CS majors are going to be a part of this club. The best things to do is to just keep creating flyers and getting the ideas done. Regardless of the number of people who show up, it is about the quality and not the quantity. Being a club president to a young club is a very stressful business because others generally do not have the demand to give their efforts to what they believe will stay a small cause. This brings me some anger because I know I can make this club a big thing.

The vice president and I are the only ones who have done the most work. I have not received any good responses from others because they have their sights on some other things. It is true I have been sleeping mentally on all the club things, but I cannot give up and believe the show is over. No matter what happens, the show must go in for this club.

The honor's president started crying in his own shoulder because no one showed up for the Friday's meeting. The emotions create a rough ride because the experiences are not easy to comprehend or deal with. CS majors generally do not care but the few in my club are wonderful supporters to whatever cause I have been trying to do. Rationality tells me to quit but my habits are to never quit no matter what until it is the end.

Life does not just end and a strong will does not just go away. Hard work combined with consistency ensures a strong club. The hardest things take us out into going after the easiest things which seem to be good. CS Club is trying with all its might because the will of the president exists. The president is no figure head because he is trying to make everything happen. Last year's president has given up the sights of this club.

The head chair does not believe this club will be a strong one. The majority of CS majors will never be a part of something so good and wonderful as the CS Club. It is a shame to know people cannot sense the best things in life because they prefer being in a socializing mood among others. Some prefer to show off more than others. Some lead themselves straight to a sinful stage in life.

Not many cannot see the awesome light of believing in Jesus Christ, nor will they ever will. It is not a sense of pessimism but mourning truth. A lot of people will die and be thrown into the lake of fire. I must not become frustrated and win at this game of succeeding a club. The dirty work has stayed rotten for CSS, now CS Club, because programmers formed it and all I remember being told was not much from last year's president.

It's like the cold cycle will repeat itself. We elect a new president and vice president and only to have it been done with the consent of the president and small group of people meeting. Nothing was ever done because the meetings were only composed of speakers who said stuff that I don't remember.

We all must act and knock out other clubs who try to harm our status. It's only a game of captialism and no physical lives are at stake here. This is very ethical in a sense because America was designed to be voiced with opinions. Opinions formed in truth are the best to consider because they have formed this country all along. Despite all the negative views of politicians, the Americans who say them do not get anything done and eventually compromise with it. They are the dumb folks.

It is time for me to do everything that is good and in my power to serve the almighty God. I owe everything to Him for all good things I have accomplished. Without the sense of stability and stronger vocabulary build, I will never become a gem of communication. This is my first year where I take everything which I have written into consideration. For the Lord God, I offer my services without any compromise.

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I'm just sharing my thoughts and don't expect much out of it with everybody. It's really fun for me to just write about anything that's on my mind. I know some people will know who I am in person because I've had my real name up so long.