Sunday, May 22, 2005

Something to let off my chest

I really have too many concerns about my image. Seems like I judge my image off of the amount of support I obtain. I think I am going to have to let my personal opinions not really reflect on how people feel about me. It's like we are all entitled to personal opinions. Business or academic wise, we should be judged based upon our past experiences. Other professionals can predict a model of feasibility based upon the personal interview, resume, and possibly GPA.

I can't really over emphasize the GPA value because some say it doesn't really show you what kind of stuff you've done in the real world. All those projects could be explained to the employer in my opinion. If you communicate well about what your program does, then I guess it will flow well. I'm thinking about programming a logically unbreakable calculator and number speller. It's basically a normal calculator with a spell button. I'm going to put it on a GUI and let the user put in a regular expression or whatever compiler concepts I can get my hands on. I believe this will give me a challenge in all sorts of disciplines.

If someone tries to break my code, then I can also work on security as well. I can care about a lot about what businesses are partially concerned about because I am proposing on copy righting this program and possibly distributing it freely to everyone interested in breaking my pending spelling calculator. I have the simple algorithm already to spell up to an infinite amount of numbers without the commas included. I think I will be doing more error handling to make people think I rigged this program so that I can coin it the unbreakable calculator.

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I'm just sharing my thoughts and don't expect much out of it with everybody. It's really fun for me to just write about anything that's on my mind. I know some people will know who I am in person because I've had my real name up so long.